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  • Seconded.
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • This is what I can't really understand. This is a market. If your message or your actions or whatever is failing with "center right" voters than answer isn't to chastise center-right voters -- or consumers -- for not liking what you're selling. Well, that may be the answer if you want to continue to lose. The answer is to figure out what they want to buy.

      And right now the center right has no interest in buying stolen election shit or anything associated with DJT. Now, perhaps the answer to that is -- to tell them to fuck off and to buy our shit anyway. Or maybe you nix the shit that's a giant turnoff and focus ont he shit that they are buying -- that we know they want to buy. Georgia is a pretty good example of both approaches. One wins. One loses.

      I don't think this is particularly complicated.

      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Bad senate candidates for the Republicans are a problem that predates Trump. Trump exacerbates the problem, but it's much harder to get a normie Republican through the primary process than for the Democrats. The Democrats probably missed in Wisconsin with Barnes, but finding the mythical candidate is easier said than done. If you erased Trump from this day forward, you will still have the primary problem.


        • DJT doesn't give two fucks about America...or the R party...he cares about DJT. He needs to GTFO and let RD take over...
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

            Yeah, the character flaw of embracing DJT. Until you admit that the driving reason for candidate quality issues was the embrace of DJT you're going to continue to get the wrong answers or no answers at all.
            And yet voters didn't mind Democrats like Fetterman who were fully backed by Joe Biden, a man with an approval rating lower than Trump's at the time of the 2018 midterms.

            Tell me -- why did the Republicans' anti-Trump candidates underperform just as badly as the pro-Trump ones? The anti-Trump Colorado Republicuck underperformed Trump. Mayra Flores (aka "Latina John McCain") lost her election. Just a short time after everyone declared that the Republicans were going to take over the Hispanic vote.. Where is the evidence that being a Mitt Romney clone is what gets you elected in any purple state?

            Do you think that maybe spending matters? Look who had more money to spend in each of the close elections that the Rs lost. Walker and Masters were both massively outspent by their Democrat opponents. That speaks to egregious mismanagement and malpractice by Republican leadership, who made the defeat of Kelly Tshibaka a higher priority than the defeat of any Democrats. Mitch McConnell purposely sabotaged and undercut any candidates that he didn't like. Republican leadership deserves a ton of blame for the midterms fiasco. As does the mindset of center right voters who cast politically suicidal votes because they are woefully ignorant about the positions of the Democrat or they have messed up priorities. Both of these issues are addressable with messaging and leadership, something that the Rs have lacked badly for a long time.
            Last edited by Hannibal; December 7, 2022, 12:27 PM.


            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
              Bad senate candidates for the Republicans are a problem that predates Trump. Trump exacerbates the problem, but it's much harder to get a normie Republican through the primary process than for the Democrats..


              • Did you ever think that maybe the problem isn't Mitch but the candidates inability to raise money? If you have a bunch of candidates that need Mitch's help you have a slate of bad candidates. Direct your ire at Rick Scott more than Mitch, Scott was the chairman of the NRSC and raised a shit ton of money and Mitch had to save the day because Scott spent it all by August.


                • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                  Todd Akin, Sharon Angle, Richard Murdock

                  All predate Trump.


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    This is what I can't really understand. This is a market. If your message or your actions or whatever is failing with "center right" voters than answer isn't to chastise center-right voters -- or consumers
                    The only ones doing the chastising are the establishment Republicans like Bitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and LIz Cheney, who are constantly wagging their fingers at Trump voters and insisting that they way forward is to find the next John McCain. If you think that trying to sway a center right 5% to vote for flawed candidates is a losing strategy, then I'd love to hear your take on the wisdom of trying to convince the Republican base to embrace another generation of RINOs.


                    • To Talent's point.

                      The Repubs cleaned up in GA, a predominantly red state, in almost all of the down ballot races,

                      Kemp distanced himself from Walker because he knew a bat-shit crazy, election denying, Trumpster was poison. He never campaigned for Walker during the general election and only campaigned, and half-heartedly, I might add, for Walker after he was safely reelected.

                      Had the Repubs run an even somewhat sane candidate (are there any?) The election would not have been close.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                        Todd Akin, Sharon Angle, Richard Murdock

                        All predate Trump.
                        And all of whom have political positions that are far more mainstream than any of the Democrats' official positions right now. The Democrats haven't fielded a legitimately mainstream candidate since Bill Clinton. Their strategy since then has revolved 100% around concealing who they actually are. If you think that being anti-abortion is an extremist position, take an inventory of what percentage of the population wants open borders, child drag queens, an end to cash bail, and race riots.
                        Last edited by Hannibal; December 7, 2022, 12:41 PM.


                        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                          Did you ever think that maybe the problem isn't Mitch but the candidates inability to raise money? If you have a bunch of candidates that need Mitch's help you have a slate of bad candidates. Direct your ire at Rick Scott more than Mitch, Scott was the chairman of the NRSC and raised a shit ton of money and Mitch had to save the day because Scott spent it all by August.
                          Raising money doesn't occur in a vacuum. If your fellow Republicans are constantly badmouthing and trashing you, then you probably aren't going to raise much money, regardless of whether you are charismatic enough to sell ice cubes at the North Pole.


                          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                            Did you ever think that maybe the problem isn't Mitch but the candidates inability to raise money? If you have a bunch of candidates that need Mitch's help you have a slate of bad candidates. Direct your ire at Rick Scott more than Mitch, Scott was the chairman of the NRSC and raised a shit ton of money and Mitch had to save the day because Scott spent it all by August.
                            Look, Trump's job is to choose the candidates. Rick Scott's job is to raise money and spend it on consultants to do polls. Ronna McDaniel's job is to....uh... order the victory party booze. Herschel's job is to stand there and look beautiful

                            Mitch is the one responsible for making sure he's got all the resources he needs and gives good speeches and has as much cash as he needs to win. .


                            • HW was a terrible speaker...the GA Dems thought they could put forth a GA sports icon and get him elected...didn't work. Warnock is a piece of shit but apparently people hate DJT even more than that asshat...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • In Georgia, Abrams outspent Kemp. By a lot. Didn't seem to matter. I think Crist even outspent DeSanctimonious

                                Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                                The only ones doing the chastising are the establishment Republicans like Bitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and LIz Cheney, who are constantly wagging their fingers at Trump voters and insisting that they way forward is to find the next John McCain. If you think that trying to sway a center right 5% to vote for flawed candidates is a losing strategy, then I'd love to hear your take on the wisdom of trying to convince the Republican base to embrace another generation of RINOs.
                                I noted, earlier, that the R party has two wings that would BOTH rather see the Ds win than vote for the other, and it's hugely problematic. It's hugely problematic that anyone thinks McConnell is some sort of D. I mean, LMAO. It's hugely problematic to dismiss DJT voters. But, at the same time, you'll never win embracing DJT's most rampant idioicy.

                                But, the conversation was fundamentallly about "bad" R candidates. And, I think the evidence is fairly clear that "Bad" isn't so much a moral failing but rather embracing the stolen election shit. That's a choice. That's a messaging choice. It's been rejected.

                                Now, you're the one with the "hope you like it" and "voted for it" shit, and that's fine. That suggests to me that you actually care about winning elections. Well, if that's the case then maybe you should look at R campaigns that won bigly and learn from them instead of bitching about election-deniers not winning and wondering how on earth the world could just be so fucking unfair.

                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

