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  • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post

    amazing 75% of this country thinks we are going going in the wrong direction --another 50% think inlation is the number one issue--so how in the hell did the red wave peter out. Has to be a wiz thing --or all those kids between 18-25 were afraid of losing tik tock or government student debt erasure
    Shitty Trump-picked candidates.

    I spoke of MI-3 up thread and how it went from R+6 in 2020 to D+13 in 2022. Same D candidate but the Trumpers primaried Meijer and nominated Gibbs who got his ass kicked. That scenario played out all over the country. Hell, Arizona hasn't had a D win a gubernatorial election since 2006. Ducey won the 2018 election by 14.2%. Enter Trumpy election denier in 2022: LOSS. How about Washington-3? The R had won 6 elections in a row including by 13% in 2020. Got primaried by a Trumpy candidate and the Ds flipped the seat.



    • You should run for office sound just like Hillary, Obama and BIDEN BOOM!!!!

      Nevermind that all of what you posted was pure sells!!!
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
        repubs dont stand much of a chance if there race isnt called by election night

        just google maricopa county recorder stephen richer to see if he is as fair and impartrial as katie hobbs is at running the election

        google where those 70 voting locations precincts and what box 3 is

        but if 81 mil can vote for biden and ms fetterman can win a senate seat with the campaigns from the basement--katie hobbs should be able to also

        amazing 75% of this country thinks we are going going in the wrong direction --another 50% think inlation is the number one issue--so how in the hell did the red wave peter out. Has to be a wiz thing --or all those kids between 18-25 were afraid of losing tik tock or government student debt erasure

        What those kids are afraid of -- moreso the women, is losing their consequence-free orgasms and their right to have unprotected sex without birth control. Those 900,000 women who get an abortion every year vote.


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

          What those kids are afraid of -- moreso the women, is losing their consequence-free orgasms and their right to have unprotected sex without birth control. Those 900,000 women who get an abortion every year vote.
          Your fucking candidates want to take away birth control as well.

          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
            I think there was a lot of kids who actually thought they were getting their student loans paid off...and of course The Chairman knew all along it wasn't going to happen...but he knew the idiot kids would believe him...just like idiot seniors thought their SS and Medicare was in jeopardy. The Dems had nothing to offer but fear...fear of "Democracy in Peril!!!"..."SS and Medicare are going to be taken away!!!"..."free shit for you!!!"...

            It's all they have...and the R's didn't have a clear enough I said the D's are much better d there are far more ignorant, stupid voters than not...
            Well it's really not a lie that Republicans would love to slash medicaire and social security, along with ALL entitlements. Go back to the Rick Scott/McConnell feud earlier this year. Scott basically admitted that cuts to SS and Medicare were part of Republican long-term plans, which pissed off McConnell who thought that best strategy was to have no platform and let the Dems destroy themselves.

            There's blame to be spread around but first of all, blame Trump for your party's ineptitude, but save a spot for Rick Scott next because he's the one who gave Dems the SS talking point AND he was the one in charge of spending the Senate's money on candidates. BY JULY he had reportedly burned through almost $200M and for what? Some consultants made some serious bank, I can tell you that.


            • The D's managed to demagogue the abortion issue by scaring women into thinking abortion was being banned nationwide. This was a SCOTUS decision...not a legislative decision...and is now in the hands of the individual states...yes some states will put in restrictive measures...but most will leave abortion as an option as always...but the D's lied out there asses and made it a national thing. They made people believe that a constitutional right was taken away. It wasn't as abortion was never guaranteed by the Constitution of the US...Roe v Wade was the law of the land it was overturned...and the R's paid the price.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • You know who votes for Republicans?

                Geriatric fuckers that think women should be be barefoot and pregnant and want to turn the clock back to the good old days when "those" people knew their place and nut job conspiracy believers.

                Ya'll take a good look in the mirror
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                  Shitty Trump-picked candidates.

                  I spoke of MI-3 up thread and how it went from R+6 in 2020 to D+13 in 2022. Same D candidate but the Trumpers primaried Meijer and nominated Gibbs who got his ass kicked. That scenario played out all over the country. Hell, Arizona hasn't had a D win a gubernatorial election since 2006. Ducey won the 2018 election by 14.2%. Enter Trumpy election denier in 2022: LOSS. How about Washington-3? The R had won 6 elections in a row including by 13% in 2020. Got primaried by a Trumpy candidate and the Ds flipped the seat.

                  The district of which you speak was redrawn. Anyhow, good fucking riddance to Meijer. And he would have lost too.

                  In Colorado the Rs ran a Liberal cuckold, anti-Trumper and he still underperformed Trump.

                  Trump is but the symptom of a larger problem. And that problem is that the Baby Boomer era of Republican leadership has been an unmitigated disaster. There was no national platform. There was no leadership. Bitch McConnell spent money helping Republicans beat other Republicans. Time for these assclowns to go. Bring in a new set of leaders who actually give a shit about serving their constituents.


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                    Well it's really not a lie that Republicans would love to slash medicaire and social security, along with ALL entitlements. Go back to the Rick Scott/McConnell feud earlier this year. Scott basically admitted that cuts to SS and Medicare were part of Republican long-term plans, which pissed off McConnell who thought that best strategy was to have no platform and let the Dems destroy themselves.

                    There's blame to be spread around but first of all, blame Trump for your party's ineptitude, but save a spot for Rick Scott next because he's the one who gave Dems the SS talking point AND he was the one in charge of spending the Senate's money on candidates. BY JULY he had reportedly burned through almost $200M and for what? Some consultants made some serious bank, I can tell you that.
                    Dems are great at telling the American people that a decrease in the increase of something is a cut. If SS and Medicare were due to get 5% increase and then it was voted to make it 4%...they call it a cut to peoples benefits...things are cut and added all the time in the budgetary process of lots of things in D.C....but the D's love word playing...and D's have voted for reductions in increases over the years plenty of times.

                    "We have nothing to offer...but fear itself..."

                    Heaven forbid if the government spends a little less than anticipated in the budgetary process. For fuck sake we just spent $4 Trillion on BBB...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                      You know who votes for Republicans?

                      Geriatric fuckers that think women should be be barefoot and pregnant and want to turn the clock back to the good old days when "those" people knew their place and nut job conspiracy believers.

                      Ya'll take a good look in the mirror
                      My God you are a dumbfuck.
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                        The D's managed to demagogue the abortion issue by scaring women into thinking abortion was being banned nationwide. This was a SCOTUS decision...not a legislative decision...and is now in the hands of the individual states...yes some states will put in restrictive measures...but most will leave abortion as an option as always...but the D's lied out there asses and made it a national thing. They made people believe that a constitutional right was taken away. It wasn't as abortion was never guaranteed by the Constitution of the US...Roe v Wade was the law of the land it was overturned...and the R's paid the price.
                        TBF enough Republicans have gone on the record as wanting to ban it outright that it’s a legitimate threat if the Rs get 55 or so seats in the Senate. Tudor Dixon wanted to ban it with no exceptions in Michigan. Meanwhile, Kentucky just shot down an abortion ban ballot proposal and Michigan approved proposal 3 by 13 points (I’m actually a bit surprised it was that close).


                        • I'm sure the repulican votes in aricopa county have already disappeared

                          Just like the tape of Mr pelosi's and his blind date

                          or Jeffrey epsteins night in jail

                          or seth riches laptop

                          or body cam evidence from mar-a lago

                          or Jan 6th the complete video library

                          and on and on

                          but repubs got the house and get to run against biden and harris in 2024

                          hopefully learn how to win the game in 2024

                          they're getting there

                          good thing about the youngsters--eventually they turn into old bastards

                          every generation has less of the former and more of the latter


                          • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

                            Your fucking candidates want to take away birth control as well.
                            OK sure 🙄


                            • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                              The D's managed to demagogue the abortion issue by scaring women into thinking abortion was being banned nationwide. This was a SCOTUS decision...not a legislative decision...and is now in the hands of the individual states...yes some states will put in restrictive measures...but most will leave abortion as an option as always...but the D's lied out there asses and made it a national thing. They made people believe that a constitutional right was taken away. It wasn't as abortion was never guaranteed by the Constitution of the US...Roe v Wade was the law of the land it was overturned...and the R's paid the price.
                              As they should have. Banning abortion IS their platform.

                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                                I'm sure the repulican votes in aricopa county have already disappeared

                                Just like the tape of Mr pelosi's and his blind date

                                or Jeffrey epsteins night in jail

                                or seth riches laptop

                                or body cam evidence from mar-a lago

                                or Jan 6th the complete video library

                                and on and on

                                but repubs got the house and get to run against biden and harris in 2024

                                hopefully learn how to win the game in 2024

                                they're getting there

                                good thing about the youngsters--eventually they turn into old bastards

                                every generation has less of the former and more of the latter

                                You sire a an insurrectionist Trumping Denier.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

