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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    Crash is going to be devastated
    No. It will just give him more conspiracy crap to post as she pulls her sure to come bullshit of fraud and cheating claims
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • You might be right Sailor, but it's a tough beat for Mr. NRO Rich Lowry.
      If the Arizona Republican is elected governor, she instantly becomes a top VP contender.


      • Comment

        • Hey Kaaaaaaaaaari...

          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

            Politicians and party chairpeople looking to dodge responsibility and accountability for their losses and fuck-ups would absolutely never make up bullshit claims about fraud.
            It's almost as if you should look at facts, evidence, and statistical data before coming to a conclusion, instead of blindly insisting that it could never happen here. Or believing that this axiom "elections in the US are perfectly airtight and secure" is so self-evident that anyone who disagrees should be banned from social media. .

            At any rate, my comments about the 2020 election are more aimed at people like Mike and Talent at this point, who dismissed it all outright without looking at the mountains of evidence and data to support the conclusion that the 2020 election was not a fair and secure one.


            • I like this one


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                It's almost as if you should look at facts, evidence, and statistical data before coming to a conclusion, instead of blindly insisting that it could never happen here. And this axiom "elections in the US are airtight and secure" is so self-evident that anyone who disagrees should be banned from social media. .

                At any rate, my comments about the 2020 election are more aimed at people like Mike and Talent at this point, who dismissed it all outright without looking at the mountains of evidence and data to support the conclusion that the 2020 election was not a fair and secure one.
                There is no “mountain of evidence” to support a view that the election was stolen from Trump but Democrats didn’t bother rigging any other down ballot races because…well there’s never been a good explanation put forward.


                • 315582126_10166767420885565_1947860292083127028_n.jpg
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Comedy has returned to Twitter! Now that anyone can get verified for $8, all kinds of parody and imposter accounts have popped up. Including -- ta da! Nick Fuentes ( @derangedaggot )

                    DSL - I know how much you love Fuentes. Check out this guy's tweets...


                    • You know... Arizona is now a blue state.

                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Trump lost fair and square, there is a mountain of evidence that he planned this shit in advance of that election. There is a mountain of evidence that all of the people who know better that advised him knew he lost fair and square and told him. All you have to do is check out the January 6th commission. They have depositions of the key players in the Trump administration saying as much.


                        • Are we sure that’s a parody Fuentes? Seems pretty legit


                          • Trump actually lost closer than expected. He’s a clown. His candidates are clowns. Celebrity TV clowns who have never governed have a low ceiling. None of this is new or surprising.

                            You want to see Rs who whooped ass this election? Governors who delivered for their states without all the bullshit. Abbot, Kemp, DeSantis….

                            Ducey won his two elections in Arizona by like 12-15%. Then Lake comes along and loses. It’s her. Just like Dixon. Candidate quality matters.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Are we sure that’s a parody Fuentes? Seems pretty legit
                              Nah, it's a parody He's trying really hard to defend himself against the "gay" stuff lately.


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                Trump actually lost closer than expected. He’s a clown. His candidates are clowns. Celebrity TV clowns who have never governed have a low ceiling. None of this is new or surprising.

                                You want to see Rs who whooped ass this election? Governors who delivered for their states without all the bullshit. Abbot, Kemp, DeSantis….

                                Ducey won his two elections in Arizona by like 12-15%. Then Lake comes along and loses. It’s her. Just like Dixon. Candidate quality matters.
                                Candidate quality matters, being able to raise money matters and the party organizations matter.

                                Lake actively told McCain supporters to pound sand, she lost a lot of voters to Hobbs because of that. Masters was just a brutal candidate.

                                You have a point on Dixon, but I will reiterate, I think she was the best candidate they could have put forward. There is no bench for the Michigan GOP to pull from and the Michigan GOP has become trash. Trumpism has infiltrated a lot of these state parties.

