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  • Here's random obscure trivia I stumbled across. Meet James Shields, the only person to serve as a Senator in three different states. Also almost fought a duel with Abraham Lincoln.

    James Shields (politician, born 1806) - Wikipedia


    • STFU
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
        Trump is gonna approach DeSantis to be the Veep.
        No......Desantis is too smart to fall for that neutering. As to "I don't know what I would do if I were Desantis" crap....... RD is a no bull-shit political hardball player at least he has been as Governor. Every time the Miami Herald would try to pin some shit on him related to COVID, he'd fight back with the facts and the facts supported everything he did in the state of FL to obliterate the completely wrong headed aspects of federal public health policy from HHS...... shutting the economy and schools down, pushing mandatory vaccinations and proof of vaccination bull-shit at the top of the dumb fuck list of federal mandates, those mandates setting US education and the US economy back a decade.

        FL has a budget surplus of $2.7b .... BILLION!!! It is true most states can't run deficits but comparatively speaking FL's budget surplus (they have no state taxes) is the envy of governors nationally. Talk about a conservative plank he can define and batter the D's with. The current D administration has spent America into the worst debt crisis in recent memory with inflation running at 30y highs mostly because of the D's profligate spending to hand out free shit (and buy votes).

        Desantis is reportedly going to slow-play his run. He'll wait until after FL completes it's legislative session in the spring, early summer '23 and after the Fl R dominated legislature passes a legislative package designed by Desantis that will be full of conservative red meat laws. He'll tout that as representing the legislative pathway at the federal level he'll follow if elected president. He will also ignore and not engage Trump. A wise move. Let that dumb-fuck burn himself out.

        What will RD do?" He's a proven fighter. He has an excellent chance of winning the GOP nomination. Strike while the iron is hot - meaning now is the time to run for President, not 2028. But let it come to him and it will. Right now, DJT is an R pariah and the party will likely isolate him and his boot licking, election denying supporters. Do you have any doubt the mid-terms sent that message loud and clear? They'll insulate Desantis as best they can from Trump's attempts to demean him and his family. Yes, that is going to happen. No, DJT will not succeed in tearing everything down. He'll try for sure. But the current political climate among reasonable conservatives will prevent him from being successful. The electorate knows Trump is bat shit crazy. The guy that has the up-hill battel for the GOP nomination isn't RD its DJT.
        Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 14, 2022, 02:42 PM.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow have been crucial in getting the new Soo Lock built. It's been a thankless job that has taken decades to move them to get it funding. It's a very important project for the US economy.


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post

            First time I hung out in GR was back in the late 90s and I liked it back then, too. The arena is great and has walkable hotels, bars and restaurants. Now with the addition of the Michigan beer industry, specifically in the west of the state, there's a lot of great brew pubs, too.


            • Originally posted by Mike View Post

              DeSantis will run and he will win the nomination. Trump will continue to be a whiny bitch loser and tear the whole thing down. Enjoy President Harris' term.
              I don’t think that it will be a Doomsday scenario like that. He’ll never openly accept defeat but I think that he’s too much of a lazy grifter to run third party if he loses the R nomination.


              • Now that the election is over...a federal judge strikes down Biden's bribe....errrr...student loan forgiveness action...and lib Jeff Bezos comes out and predicts a recession....and a big Dem donor's crypto scheme was brought to light...

                Things that make you go hmmmmm....
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I guess we need two more years of total suck for the electorate to get the message. A) don't nominate Trumpers, B) Kick the Ds to the curb.


                  • I'm just glad we saved our democracy...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                      Now that the election is over...a federal judge strikes down Biden's bribe....errrr...student loan forgiveness action...and lib Jeff Bezos comes out and predicts a recession....and a big Dem donor's crypto scheme was brought to light...

                      Things that make you go hmmmmm....
                      They call it "fortification" now.


                      • Whatever. Trumper. Insurrectionist. Semi-Fascist.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • 4742390.jpg
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Maybe take a time out from Fox News.


                            • Well lookie here...The Democracy Squad is here!
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • I'm just happy that my SS and Medicare are safe for two more years from those meanie R's...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

