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Honestly, I don't think anything that The Chairman has said, or done, had any positive effect on the elections. Dems decided they wanted to stay with their own, for the most part. Only a few in the House flipped.
Joe is still an empty shirt, and Giggles is still a clown. That has not changed at all.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
Yes I'm so relieved that Chairman Poopypants has saved the democracy...if he's not calling out dead people as living...or falling off bikes...or eating ice cream...he is performing miracles...so persuasive to the American people...that almost every single Dem candidate told him to stay the fuck away...
DSL...being fucking stupid on these boards...since 1996...
I know im blocked by everyone so it doesn't really matter but from what I see the reptards really didn't want to win. Shit is too fucked up to really fix. Bad times coming this next year...Stock up on essentials.
Great read on the voting in Michigan. Pay special attention to section of the article describing the hard working students of U of M, some waited at least 6 hours to vote.
Almost another 100,000 ballots dropped in Maricopa tonight. Lake gained about 9k on Hobbs. Hobbs still 26k ahead. Still votes in other counties left, including Dem friendly Pima
Theres less than 100k left in Maricopa. Unless Lake wins the next batch by much more she’s probably done and the race could get called tomorrow night.
Edit: I posted this in the wrong thread and moved it.........I'm sure you'll all read it now.
Obviously, good news in Ukraine. Kherson city has been liberated from Russian occupation that began on March 3rd, 2022. Putin chose a grandiose war, doomed to failure from the start, that has killed 100s of thousands of people, destroyed cities and created untold horror and hardship on innocents. The war in Ukraine isn't close to being over but Russia and Putin have taken a huge hit. It looks like a hit that it's architect may not survive. Interesting note from Alexander Dugan that he made public yesterday:
An autocrat has a responsibility to save his nation all by himself or face the fate of “king of the rains." That's a clear reference to Sir James Frazer’s The Golden Bough in which a king was killed because he was unable to deliver rain amidst a drought.
The Economist in article today states:
Cheer the fact that the Russians have fled from Kherson, the only regional capital they’d managed to capture during the war. Ukrainian forces are steadily retaking their country. Vladimir Putin’s needless, utterly reckless invasion of Ukraine in February has been a disaster all round for Russia and now he watches his army in retreat. May he pay a heavy price.
Here's the bad news being discovered in Kherson:
The city has been heavily mined and booby trapped. Local Ukrainian administration is returning to their posts while Ukrainian special forces sweep the buildings they are returning to for booby traps and clear mine fields in adjacent streets and roadways. A curfew has been imposed from 7pm to 7am. It is believed to be too dangerous to walk or drive the city until an all-clear has been issued. Residents who fled or were forced to evacuate at gun point were told not to try to return yet.
Multiple Russian collaborators of Ukrainian citizenship along with evidence that a number of Russian soldiers, trained as saboteurs, are in Kherson city and wearing civilian clothes mingling with the crowds to hide their identity while forming terror cells to act at some time in the future. Russian spokespersons have already made it clear that the 4 Oblasts, including Kherson, that Putin declared as part of Russian territory will remain so and soon to be "liberated" from Ukraine.
Kherson airport was shelled Saturday, as predicted, from the left bank of the Dnipro where the Russians fled.
Stories of looting are all around. The most egregious involve museums and libraries where, as part of Putin's plans to eliminate Ukrainian history and culture, the removal of objects started months ago - most of it went to Crimea. All the animals in the Kherson zoo have either been slaughtered for food or sent to Crimea.
It is estimated that 40,000 children were forcibly removed (under the guise of educational camps or vacations) from the Kherson, Mykoliv and Donetsk Oblasts, a large number from Kherson alone.
Not yet fully revealed but analysts who follow war crimes are certain that mass graves, torture chambers and the like will be discovered.
I get that many Americans and Europeans don't consider what is going on in Ukraine as their business and that Ukraine is corrupt and not worth fighting for their sovereignty. But if you look closely at the lawlessness, the utter disregard of any kind of rules that bind civilization and work to keep the world at peace and free of dictatorial aggressors like Vladimir Putin, look no further than the wreckage that is Ukraine what a world ruled by Xi, Putin, Kim and the Ayatollahs would be like.
To me, that's some scary shit. Putin is a thug. So is Xi (in sheep's clothing). The religious, Islamist extremists in the ME, principly in Afghanistan and Iran are threats to liberty. Putin, like the others, exists only because he has accumulated the power to force himself on Russian citizens who have been more or less duped into believing the shit he's pedling. Putin follows no rules except those that elevate and please him. Xi, Kim and the Ayatollahs are no different. They all need to be restrained diplomatically and by force if necessary.....Ukraine is the battlefield where the western allies are rightfully engaged in forcing Putin to stand down. I don't much care for the countries like India and some in SEA that have sat on their hands to avoid disturbing fragile relationships with Russia that benefit themselves but that's not new. There are always bystanders in major conflicts where freedom, liberty and human rights are at stake where those bystanders either don't cherish those values or do but don't want to stand-up and fight for them. Fuck 'em. USA, USA, USA!
Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
Almost another 100,000 ballots dropped in Maricopa tonight. Lake gained about 9k on Hobbs. Hobbs still 26k ahead. Still votes in other counties left, including Dem friendly Pima
Theres less than 100k left in Maricopa. Unless Lake wins the next batch by much more she’s probably done and the race could get called tomorrow night.
Fuck that elections denying piece of shit.
I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on
If she DOES end up losing she's always been the one to be the most Trump-like in defeat. Would expect a lawsuit for sure.
Congressional Republicans, including the moderate David Schweikert, did much better than Lake did in that batch last night. So much so the online gurus don't think there's much chance the Dems can win either of the two AZ congressional seats still in limbo. And with AZ-1 out of reach the odds of Dems keeping the House become effectively zero.