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  • The media is really going full throttle in Georgia trying to keep Warnock in there and blitzing with the Walker scandal stuff.

    TBH I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't true.


    • Oh, I don't think there's any doubt.


      • I'll believe Bolduc wins when I see it but working in his benefit is that there's no early in-person voting in NH and absentee voting requires an "acceptable" excuse.


        • If the Rs reach 53 seats, then that oughta put an end to Nate Silver as a credible elections analyst.


          • This is the poll that came out today showing Bolduc +1 in New Hampshire

            Page 41...the poll claims that Bolduc is winning 18-34 yr olds by 15 points. College grads by 6 points.

            Another one I'm not sure I'm buying.

            SACSC_NHLV_1022_Book (


            • Dem Platform: In order of occurance...

              1. JANUARY 6!!! MEGA MAGA!!! (fails)
              2. PUTIN PRICE HIKE!!!!! (fails)
              3. ABORTION!!!! (fails)
              4. R'S MAKE INFLATION WORSE!!! (fails)
              5. R'S WILL TAKE YOUR MEDICARE AND SS!!!! (fails)

              What will be next? They have less than a week now....
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • I think Hassan wins, but the election-denier Ds spent $3.5M on in the primary to help defeat the moderate R is definitely way closer than I thought he’d be.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • New Hampshire is a refuge of free speech and freedom. Not necessarily for the far right - which in today's political climate means conservative. There was a movement to secede from the country that got thousands to go along. A lot of non violent anarchist and free thinkers from New England move to New Hampshire.
                  Last edited by klondike; November 1, 2022, 05:33 PM.


                  • Originally posted by klondike View Post
                    New Hampshire is a refuge of free speech and freedom
                    I have heard this a hundred times but if that were really true, Democrats would poll in the state at about 25%.


                    • The betting markets are way more bullish on Rs than the polls. And even the betting markets still favor Hassan with some comfort.

                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • What’s the most you ever lost on a coin toss?
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • The races in MI and NH are both legitimately close. What a shame that Bitch McConnell and the RNC left so many — as it turns out, viable — candidates out on their own and spent money on making sure that RINo Lisa Murkowski stays in office


                          • LMAO. Good humor for the evening.

                            Edit -- embedding doesn't work for those shitty stupid youtube shorts, but Charlie Crist gets asked by some neurotic loser (who is clearly wearing a mask from the sound of his voice), if he will impose a mask mandate on the state, and he says that he's open to it. Then he goes on to proudly say that the next time that he's on a plane, he's going to make sure to wear a mask. All ten people in the room clap.
                            Last edited by Hannibal; November 1, 2022, 09:09 PM.


                            • BTW isn't it funny how third world Brazil didn't take a week to count their votes?


                              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                                The races in MI and NH are both legitimately close. What a shame that Bitch McConnell and the RNC left so many — as it turns out, viable — candidates out on their own and spent money on making sure that RINo Lisa Murkowski stays in office
                                This isn't McConnell's fault. This is the fault of your bronze god, Mr. Trump, who chose drooling nincompoops who would be "loyal" to him rather than any ideology.

