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  • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post

    The Georgia election integrity law modified existing statute.
    Isn't that what every new law does?


    • The Georgia law modified voting laws to codify or otherwise address the temporary Covid provisions.

      The Ds and The Chairman labeled this as "Jim Crow" in various different forms and forced MLB to move the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver -- to a state with MORE restrictive voting laws. I'm sure that outpouring of lies was merely the product of a few nutjob folks and MLB was accordingly bullied. Or it was the work of the entire D party apparatus and its Media allies.

      The Ds then used Georgia and other states enacting "JIM CROW ON STERIODS" laws to try to push for a massive Federal takeover of elections.

      To any person with a fucking mind these efforts undermine election integrity with totally bogus, unfounded and unproven claims of "voter suppression." And not just voter suppression, but racially-based voter suppression.

      Everyone can see the Ds piss on elections with "voter suppression" bullshit and the Rs piss on elections with "voter fraud" nonsense. Well, everyone except partisans. And even most of them can see it except for the truly partisan Prog and truly partisan Trumpist.
      Last edited by iam416; September 20, 2022, 02:30 PM.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • well I see the stock market is down another 1%, S&P to 3850 with millions lost in IRAs and lending rate going up another 3/4

        Isn't it about time for another Biden victory lap photo op?


        • Either that or more Jan 6 hearings.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Al Gore never conceded anything, other than that he was giving up because he had no more legal options. He never acknowledged defeat. If Twitter had been around back then, #SELECTEDNOTELECTED would have been the Democrat hashtag. My fellow posters who date back to the Freep forum days can attest to this.

            Gore’s attempt to steal the Presidency was naked, shameless, and disgraceful. He had absolutely no legal basis whatsoever for doing so. He was just trying to infinitely iterate on recounts until some iteration came up in his favor. And to this day both he and Joe Lieberman insist that they were the rightful winners. He has never apologized for his disgraceful behavior. And not once was Al Gore denounced by his fellow Democrats for putting the country through a once-a-century Constitutional crisis because was too egobound to let go. He’s still seething about it.
            Last edited by Hannibal; September 20, 2022, 03:19 PM.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              It's Taco Tuesday at Wizzie's and that means one thing: FISH TACOS!

              Sourced fresh from the freezer aisle at Hy-Vee and caught by the good people at Gorton's, don't let this "catch of the day" be the one that gets away!!!
              Dumbass. Tonite is our Wing Nite. Get it right.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • I see Hannibal is back. Must have escaped from under the counter...

                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Don Lemon gets a brief history lesson on slavery while shilling for reparations.


                  • STFU
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • One more point about Al Gore — he came incredibly close — one Supreme Court vote — to stealing the Presidency. In case you needed more evidence that Liberal justices are simply activists for their side.


                      • The first recount in Florida was required by law. It wasn't requested by anybody. Bush originally won by a margin so small that a MANDATORY machine recount took place. 3 days later Bush's lead in Florida shrunk from 1700 to just 321.

                        After that Gore was allowed by law to request hand recounts in any counties he wanted. He picked 4 heavily Dem counties. Back then all counties were supposed to certify results by 7 days after the election so there was not much time to do a full hand recount in those counties. The court fights eventually became over how much time these counties would be allowed to manually recount before settling on the original results where Gore would lose.

                        Gore gave a concession speech on Dec 13. He quite literally said he accepted the results and conceded. Period. As Talent would say, FULL STOP.

                        Al Gore Concedes Presidential Election - HISTORY

                        Gore lost by about 500 votes in the end.

                        Donald J. Trump tried to get tens of thousands of votes if not hundreds of thousands of votes across multiple states tossed AND would have also had to get the state legislatures in any of those to go along with his plans and send new, official slates of electors to DC. Not one state went along with his little game. On January 6th Al Gore stood before Congress and declared Bush the President. On Jan 6th, Donald J. Trump the fatass coward, hid in the White House chuckling with glee over how his mob was showing Congress what it means to defy Trump.


                        • Thank God for hanging chads...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Hannibal in his truck

                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • He said that he accepted the legal result. That’s not exactly saying much. He was one Supreme Court vote away from winning it.

                              There were not one, but two recounts that year. And he wasn’t leading after any vote count. His only way to win would be to cherry pick counties to recount, and he had no statistical or legal basis for claiming that those counties were inaccurately counted versus the others.

                              I have said more than once BTW that Trump should have taken the Gore route and conceded legal defeat.


                              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                                Hannibal in his truck

                                You have now posted about the Black Little Mermaid more than I have.

