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  • Begone TRUMPER
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      He personally intervened to bring chicken wing prices down in time for football season. The lack of gratitude around here was disappointing, but not surprising.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        I likea lot on here, have voted against DJT 3 times. Well, maybe only 2 for some. Having seen exactly what The Chairman and the Progs have in store for this country, the most I can do now is abstain if it's a 2020 rematch. DJT is not fit for office. Neither is The Chairman.

        Hopefully, if DJT has actually committed a crime, they'll prosecute and save me that choice.

        Otherwise, I get to watch The Chairman repeatedly say he has no authority to, e.g., enact eviction moratoriums, do it anyway and get bitch-slapped and then say he has no authority to cancel student debt, do it anyway and, well....

        So, I'd be delighted if DJT went to jail and I could actually vote against Party of Authoritarians that knows it can't do shit and ignores the law regardless. Fingers fucking crossed.

        Geezer's saying that there's an "evil party" and "stupid party" seems more on the money with each passing day. I won't cast a vote in the Michigan governor's race because Dixon is a moron. For this nonsense to end, all the Trumpy candidates need to lose.

        Trump already performed a historical trifecta by losing the Senate, House, and presidency in a single term. He, and by extension his devotees, will cost the Rs the Senate AGAIN in what should be a red wave year. To those who think the non-Trump types are just a bunch of RINOS so it doesn't matter anyway, I present the prog political appointees that will continue to flow freely through the Senate confirmation process. Who knows how many more wackos will be added to the federal bureaucracy and judiciary as a result of this foolishness.

        The abortion issue is going to bite them in the ass, too. Something like 12% of Americans favor a total ban, yet there's R's running on that stance (looking at you Dixon). They will be rightfully routed on November 8. Hopefully, after a massively disappointing showing the GOP will learn from their mistakes. But..... stupid party.


        • Very Scott Frostish...the R's seem to be great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
            Very Scott Frostish...the R's seem to be great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...
            Part of that is because about 35% of them think that anyone that isn't batshit crazy is a RINO or "closeted Democrat" If you keep running jackasses like Laura Loomer, even in areas heavily populated by idiot Trumpers, you are not going to win.

            Can you say OZ? Or Herschel? (although Herschel may win. Jesus)
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • Hannibal often says the Republicans lose when they have contempt for or ignore their base.

              But the opposite is often true and the abortion issue is a clear example of that. Republicans are listening TOO MUCH to their base on that issue and it's alienating them from swing voters, Never Trumpers, moderates, RINOs, socially liberal fiscally conservative types, whatever you want to label them. Where do the Dems do the same thing? Well, one example is probably standing behind teacher unions and their poor decisions even when that pisses off the same independent voters.


              • STFU
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  The abortion issue is going to bite them in the ass, too. Something like 12% of Americans favor a total ban, yet there's R's running on that stance (looking at you Dixon). They will be rightfully routed on November 8. Hopefully, after a massively disappointing showing the GOP will learn from their mistakes. But..... stupid party.
                  To be fair, it seems like the D's are the ones running with the abortion issue, and they've done a masterful job of convincing people that it's an all-or-nothing, government control issue that can be dictated by an executive's personal beliefs. If just watching Tigers games with my kid wasn't brutal enough, he has to hear "rape and incest" after every inning. Gee, thanks D's!

                  But, yeah, the R's played right into that. The pool of candidates that they presented was just plain stupid..


                  • So Chairman Poopypants is going to address the nation tomorrow on "The Soul of the Nation"

                    My questions are these...

                    What nation are you referring to Big Guy...China? Ukraine? Iran? Because your interest seems to be other nations...not the US...

                    Secondly...what souls are you referring to...illegal immigrants...corrupt FBI and DOJ fund white brat college students...Green Energy/Climate Change general unproductive people?

                    Weren't you claiming to be the great "unifier"?

                    Please clarify Joe...because your words are meaningless but your actions speak volumes.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • ...
                      Attached Files
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

                        To be fair, it seems like the D's are the ones running with the abortion issue, and they've done a masterful job of convincing people that it's an all-or-nothing, government control issue that can be dictated by an executive's personal beliefs. If just watching Tigers games with my kid wasn't brutal enough, he has to hear "rape and incest" after every inning. Gee, thanks D's!

                        But, yeah, the R's played right into that. The pool of candidates that they presented was just plain stupid..
                        You mean this ad that I saw every goddamn commercial break during the UNL-NW game?

                        How to lose an election in two words: No exceptions.


                        • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
                          …..But, yeah, the R's played right into that. The pool of candidates that they presented was just plain stupid…..
                          Exactly right. And a lot of that falls into not the lap of the pathologically lying, narcissistic, trying to be secret seller, grifter, but into the laps of his personality cult devotees held in his thrall. Something like 70 or 80% of those endorsed by The Messiah won their primary. And just look at that collection of delusional ass hats. It’s as if the GOP is terrified of actually being the majority party that can be held accountable. Much easier to snivel and point fingers than to actually have a plan going forward to tackle problems. Herschel Walker, Oz, Greene, etc are leadership material? Really? WTF? What should be a 35 seat margin in the House and a 6 seat margin in the Senate for the GOP is looking like a 3 seat margin in the House and a 2 seat deficit in the Senate. At best. And what will be the result? The GOP remains the rudderless party of “NO” and does not become the party of “Lets fix this shit”.

                          Sorry GOP, you should listen to Liz Cheney. You want to be great, effective, and in control, you need to rid the party of the stench of Trump. Crucifying a real conservative because she recognizes the danger of Il Duce Trump is not leadership. It’s tribalism and cult worship at the level of Sadam Hussein. There are millions of voters to be gained OVERNIGHT by emphatically ditching the MAGA cancer. But for some reason its more important to be a Trump scrotum sucker than to be a viable political party. It makes zero sense unless the party new mantra is ‘Tribe over Reason”.

                          The candidate pool is awful. A true self inflicted gunshot would. And the GOP does not want to take the bitter medicine to cure their ill, they’d rather let the gangrene fester.

                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • Comment

                            • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                              You mean this ad that I saw every goddamn commercial break during the UNL-NW game?

                              How to lose an election in two words: No exceptions.
                              When I lived in Vermont many years ago there was a Republican candidate for governor who was very anti abortion. The Dems ran an add that was nothing more than a black screen with a wire hanger with the hook straightened out and the candidates name in the middle. It stayed on the screen for thirty seconds and then faded out. It was chilling and very effective
                              Last edited by CGVT; August 31, 2022, 12:23 PM.
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                                You mean this ad that I saw every goddamn commercial break during the UNL-NW game?

                                How to lose an election in two words: No exceptions.
                                Yep, that's the ad. It'll be everywhere right up until November. All that advertising- mostly bought and paid for by people who won't have the pleasure of living in Whitmeristan for the next 4 years.

