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  • The prospect of having to find a job and be a normie has Laura shaken up more than I realized.

    fwiw this district is so Republican that if even half her voters actually stayed home, the R would still win


    • STFU
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • She should simply concede and move on. She lost.


        • Long piece from Andy McCarthy worth reading if you can about the Mar a Lago raid and how Trump's public response may be increasing the chances he gets indicted, not reducing them

          Trump World’s Mar-a-Lago Offensive Backfires | National Review

          For those of us who remain skeptical about whether the drastic measure of a search warrant was really necessary (especially given the FBI and DOJ’s evident lack of urgency in the months after Trump’s surrender of the 15 boxes in January 2022), these revelations require grappling with a hard question:

          Given that the former president was not responsibly securing the government’s most closely held intelligence, that he was trying to prevent the FBI from examining what he’d returned, that his lawyers were either misinformed about or lying about the classified information still retained at Mar-a-Lago, and that even the issuance of a grand-jury subpoena (with potential criminal penalties for noncompliance) had not succeeded in getting Trump to hand over the remaining classified information, what option short of a search warrant would have sufficed?

          Meantime, some unsolicited advice to the former president and his apologists: If you are trying not to get indicted, the best defense is usually not a good offense. And it is never an offense that backfires.


          • Emerson had Oz w/in 4 of Fetterman. That seems wildly optimistic. They also had DJT beating The Chairman by 5 in PA, and that seems off, too.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Even the WaPo is calling The Chairman's sop to his coastal elite base a "regressive, expensive mistake." Nevermind that BOTH Pelosi AND The Chairman have previously said he lacks authority to do this shit. Tim Ryan ran away from this as quickly as possible.

              Progs, man.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I do find the kerfuffle over documents at MAL to be somewhat humorous, but it's something we are probably never going to find out whether it was small potatoes or an actual real issue because we aren't going to find out what these things were. He simply should have turned over the documents when requested.


                • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                  Emerson had Oz w/in 4 of Fetterman. That seems wildly optimistic. They also had DJT beating The Chairman by 5 in PA, and that seems off, too.
                  I am still struggling to see rural voters turn out at Trump-like levels for Oz. And rural voters generally need to turn out in droves to offset Philly and Pittsburgh


                  • I''m struggling to see anyone turning out for Oz.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • I don't think this student loan thing will survive the courts. If it did I'm pretty sure my kids wouldn't qualify because my name or my wife's name is on the loans.


                      • Oz can bribe the rurals with crudites.


                        • Philly: Check out this fuckin cheesesteak over hyah! bada-bing! Bee-YEW-tiful!

                          Pittsburgh: Yinz doin' it all wrong. Yinz needs ta put some fries on dat sammich, yinz does!

                          Oz: Eat more veggies, you fat fucks


                          • My daughter had a clown for a coach who was from Pittsburgh, the yinz shit is ridiculous.


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              I don't think this student loan thing will survive the courts. If it did I'm pretty sure my kids wouldn't qualify because my name or my wife's name is on the loans.
                              It certainly shouldn't survive the Courts, which sort of begs the question -- why virtue-signal such an obviously regressive middle-finger to the non-college voters in this country. Moderate Ds are almost uniform in their dislike for this. My wife, who will never vote R, hates as both a policy and political decision.

                              Whatever. It's where the D party is and is going.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • I'm not sure what the reason is other than a fulfillment on a campaign promise, the timing is peculiar because it doesn't seem to be a turnout booster.

