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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
    The Chairman's Monmouth numbers are almost inconceivably bad. 59-36.
    And if you look at the cross-tabs his WORST approval numbers are one again with the youngest demographic. 18-34 year olds gave him a 28% approval rating. He's at 44% with folks over 55.


    • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

      It's prurient interests. Something news sources thrive on. Those prurient interests aren't new. They've been part of the news since written language was put to paper. It's also part of the more common enjoyment by American journalists in casting shade on the US. Many of them coming from schools where professors on the left imbue them with hatred for America. They leave the classroom, join news rooms where their reporting highlights American crime, mass shootings, murders, racial discord and the like . Nothing is good here in America. Believe it.

      In the meantime, there's plenty of good things going on in America but these don't get reported very often if at all. No wonder everyone is depressed while Prozac and counseling is in high demand.
      Agree completely on that. We need more people reading stuff like Grit!


      • Gawd, Grit? I haven't thought of that rag in ages. For people who find Reader's Digest too high-falutin'.

        Apparently at some point since I was a kid they stopped trying to appeal to any readership but farmers


        • STFU Commie.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

            It's prurient interests. Something news sources thrive on. Those prurient interests aren't new. They've been part of the news since written language was put to paper. It's also part of the more common enjoyment by American journalists in casting shade on the US. Many of them coming from schools where professors on the left imbue them with hatred for America. They leave the classroom, join news rooms where their reporting highlights American crime, mass shootings, murders, racial discord and the like . Nothing is good here in America. Believe it.

            In the meantime, there's plenty of good things going on in America but these don't get reported very often if at all. No wonder everyone is depressed while Prozac and counseling is in high demand.

            But to your last point, yes, there are a lot of those people.

            Anyway, I think a guy who lets his baby die in a car and then kills himself is probably a legit news story. And I’m fine as long as the story doesn’t proselytize for gun control or whatever as Tom alluded to.

            The feel good stories are only present on local morning news now.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Gawd, Grit? I haven't thought of that rag in ages. For people who find Reader's Digest too high-falutin'.

              Apparently at some point since I was a kid they stopped trying to appeal to any readership but farmers
              That's exactly what their market is at the present. You used to see ads for it all over the place- well at least in the magazines in Barber shops. I guess too many kids took them up on their offer to sell it and then stiffed them. It was like Columbia House for an era before music was listenable!


              • Yeah I remember seeing the ads for it in kid's magazines and comics all the time too, promising untold riches you could then spend on x-ray glasses and sea monkeys. But come to think of it, they were kind of doing a USA Today thing back before there was a USA Today.


                • Talk about prurient:

                  The University of Nebraska will host multiple drag shows, with the proceeds supporting a conference centered around “queer activism.”

                  SAY IT AIN'T SO WIZ.


                  • Wiz’ Ogallala Wing Stop and Tractor Emporium is a main sponsor.
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • Anyway, I think a guy who lets his baby die in a car and then kills himself is probably a legit news story. And I’m fine as long as the story doesn’t proselytize for gun control or whatever as Tom alluded to.

                      Prurient. A perfectly useful word with a lot of emotion to it. Kind-of like "fuck." Its a foul word but full of emotional expression. Surfeit, OTH, is a boring noun, or verb depending on how it's used. Anyway, it's always nice to elevate the vocabulary of posters here.

                      To your point, I don't disagree that it could be considered newsworthy except one blowing his brains out is a daily occurrence that we don't often hear reported given the numbers of these people who want to do such things. What makes the story rise to the level of being described as prurient is that a child was killed. From descriptions here (I didn't read it) the story itself was in sufficient detail to allow the reader to ask how in the fuck did this stupid father allow his child to be left in the car long enough to die from heat exposure? Was it murder ..... ooooohh.

                      No one would have cared if the father blew his brains out. What makes this a story worth splashing on the news is he did it after the likely murder of his child ....... macabre or, IMO, even more descriptive of this awful and sad event and peoples wish to read it, prurient.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • I’m not gonna quibble on your use of prurient.

                        Anyway, moving on, I honestly don’t think of this as a murder. Manslaughter, yeah. I think he truly forgot his child and chose to kill himself for killing his baby with his empty-headed negligence. JMO. And, honestly, I would probably have done the same.

                        And the father’s suicide was relevant to the story.

                        Years ago I worked a call where a mom put the car seat on the trunk to load the two other older children and forgot and drove off. Child tumbled down the street at about 20 mph after the mother negotiated a turn and saw the car seat go tumbling. Amazingly, the baby was fine. Witnessed the mom have a breakdown. She wasn’t charged as far as I know.

                        I think the reason 31 kids a year are dying like this is stupidity and it wouldn’t shock me if people’s phones exacerbate the issue. So many people put the car in park and then immediately get on the phone. So, stupidity + distraction + impairment (fatigue, ETOH, or other) = dead babies.

                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • Is this legit or something doctored?

                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • In 2019, just a couple months after the shooter was deemed a threat and had all his knives and a sword taken away from him, his dad sponsored him for a gun permit. Not clear if the dad has any liability because he was under 21 at the time of the permit, but isn't now.

                            Also a local rabbi remembered the shooter after seeing his picture. This past April he tried to get access to their synagogue during Passover but was considered so suspicious that he was asked to leave.

                            The suspect in the July 4th parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, had entered a synagogue earlier this year but "seemed out of place," a Rabbi said.


                            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                              Is this legit or something doctored?

                              It's real. From a few months ago. I think he was supposed to say "possibilities". It's a canned line he's used frequently over the years if you google it. But my hunch is he skipped a line or two while reading the speech and got all fucked up.


                              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                                Wiz’ Ogallala Wing Stop and Tractor Emporium is a main sponsor.
                                It's not Ogallala dumbass.


                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

