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  • Cornell has removed a bust of Abraham Lincoln from its library (who knew Cornell had a library?). Apparently a student complaned. It's a particularly proud day for Strangelove.

    The Kroch Library at Cornell University removed a bust of former President Abraham Lincoln and a bronzed Gettysburg Address plaque that were on display since 2013.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Yet another sterling example of my maxim: If one is a recent graduate or current student at an Ivy, they're probably a fucking moron.


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        Cornell has removed a bust of Abraham Lincoln from its library (who knew Cornell had a library?). Apparently a student complained. It's a particularly proud day for Strangelove.
        This government farm school sumbitch really gets up at 5AM and first thing he does is take a shot at me and a wonderful, world class institution.

        My dad sent me this story last night too. I'm somewhat skeptical. After years of sitting there they immediately remove it based on one complaint? The library claims it was only a temporary exhibit whose time was up. Anyone whose never been there wouldn't realize this but the Kroch Library where this was located is not remotely close to being a prominent spot on campus. It's basically underground in a bunker.

        But yeah it's dumb if it really happened because one student complained.

        And shut your piehole, Mike
        Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; June 30, 2022, 07:27 AM.


        • Nice little victory for Ukraine, driving the Russians off of Snake Island thanks to the longer-range weapons they've started to get. The Russians say they left voluntarily as a "good will gesture". Per the reporters I follow that explanation is being mocked even on very pro-Russian telegram channels.


          • We will get the EPA and "Stay and Mexico" decisions in about 90 minutes but one other thing the Court still hasn't announced is whether they will take up the "Independent State Legislature" case arising out of North Carolina. We should hear about that today too, before Breyer retires and Jackson is sworn in.


            • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
              Woody Williams, the last Medal of Honor winner from WWII has passed away.

              What a great American. Thanks for posting it. That particular article is paywalled for me so I went about reading various others. I particularly love this:

              The Japanese pillboxes — bunkers — that dotted the island also complicated progress because even bazooka fire couldn’t penetrate their thick walls. Flamethrowers were the only remaining option — but those required proximity to the enemy, and a number of the demolitions sergeants were picked off by the Japanese soldiers in the pillboxes before they could get close enough. By February 23, 1945, Williams was the only one left.

              He volunteered to continue the mission himself, with four riflemen providing as much cover fire as they could. And in just four hours, Williams was able to take out seven pillboxes.

              Asked on multiple occasions where he’d found the courage to get through that day, Williams said he’d never really been able to pin down the answer.

              “Everybody has some instinct of bravery. And, as long as they can control the fear, you can be brave. But if fear overtakes you and becomes the dominant instinct, you cannot operate. You cannot operate under fear. Your brain won’t let you,” he said. “I feel that our upbringing had some influence on our bravery because we were taught in the depression years, if you didn’t have it, you had to make it. And the only way you could make it was to work at it. Our upbringing gave us the confidence that developed into bravery.”

              “If we lose our freedom we lose America,” Williams said, adding that freedom and America were always worth fighting for.

              Hershel W. “Woody” Williams, who was the last living World War II Medal of Honor recipient, passed away on Wednesday — just a few months short of what would have been his 99th birthday. Williams was born on October 2, 1923, on a West Virginia dairy farm. When World War II began, he served his ...

              Woody was 5' 6" and initially denied entry into the Marines because he was too small. In just a couple generations we've gone from men like this to what we saw from the police in Uvalde. Not a good sign.


              • To sum up this morning's events: Both Cornell and Dr. Strangelove hate Abraham Lincoln.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • I believe you mean: "noted racist, Abraham Lincoln"...


                  • He's white. He's a male. He's a Republican. It was clearly implied.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • I'd also like to take this time to observe that Aviators and Ice Cream is probably not the optimum approach to inflation, immigration and other of the country's issues. HOWEVER, if the choice is between Aviators and Ice Cream OR The Chairman actually doing something, well...THEN it is the BEST choice.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Hey, has anyone heard that Cornell hates Lincoln, America, and puppies?

                        DSL, I hold you and the 1950’s East German architecture of Cornell accountable for this. The toxins from the polluted shores of Beebe Lake have obviously made their medulla oblongatas malfunction.
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • So should we add the letters DS&L to the end of LBGTQIA+?
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            I'd also like to take this time to observe that Aviators and Ice Cream is probably not the optimum approach to inflation, immigration and other of the country's issues. HOWEVER, if the choice is between Aviators and Ice Cream OR The Chairman actually doing something, well...THEN it is the BEST choice.
                            That's why I don't worry as much about the goofballs on the right as much as the ones on the left. MTG will likely never get anything of significance passed or spearhead a movement to do so. Her and her ilk are just rubber stamp votes in the House. OTOH, the "squad" types on the left hold an outsized influence on the D party and they'd love nothing more than a federal government program to oversee every aspect of American life. Hard pass for me.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              He's white. He's a male. He's a Republican. It was clearly implied.
                              He was also a statue.. There's this underlying paranoia (not unlike the fear of clowns) among the Prog sector that statues have some sort of paranormal effect on anyone that comes near them.


                              • Statue of George Floyd...good.
                                Statues of Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson...bad.

                                Prog goal is to erase our history completely. Period.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

