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  • I'd like to reinforce that I need you to STFU
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      The NY gun decision is out. I had a feeling we'd get that one before the Roe case.

      No surprises. The NY law is unconstitutional in a 6-3 vote. There's a lot to read (it's over 120 pages) and don't have time for it now so I don't know if it really goes beyond Heller or just reinforces it.
      Upon first glance it's only extension is that the Heller rationale applies outside the home as well. The NY regulation was, in Bill of Rights terms -- overbroad and/or vague.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Yeah, I just read Kav's 3 page concurrence (that Roberts signed on to) and it's pretty significant. Making pretty clear the decision is limited in scope.

        The issue here is that NY created a law where a bureaucrat would arbitrarily determine your "need" to carry a gun outside the home. That's going too far for Kav & Roberts but it's pretty obvious they are both comfortable with other measures like requiring a license and safety training for concealed carry.


        • Less politics...more tOSU sandbaggery...
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
            Less politics...more tOSU sandbaggery...
            I thank Zeus Nebraska is off the schedule this year. You can only get lucky so many times


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Yeah, I just read Kav's 3 page concurrence (that Roberts signed on to) and it's pretty significant. Making pretty clear the decision is limited in scope.

              The issue here is that NY created a law where a bureaucrat would arbitrarily determine your "need" to carry a gun outside the home. That's going too far for Kav & Roberts but it's pretty obvious they are both comfortable with other measures like requiring a license and safety training for concealed carry.
              Yeah, it's the "shall carry" vs "may carry" standard and the use of objective criteria vs subjective criteria.

              And, you know, if you think of it in a Bill of Rights framework, it makes sense. If, e.g., we had government censors abritrarily deciding who can say what and where, then that's a problem. If we have content-neutral, reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, that's a different story.

              It's really just a matter of whether you view the 2nd A as a "real" part of the Bill of Rights or you don't. 6 justices do and 3 justices do not. FWIW, I think the majority has the better of the argument. By a longshot.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • And you're right re Kav and Roberts. You really only need to read those 3 pages to know what the actual holding is. Thomas does a very good job of going through the basis for the holding and Alito does a nice job of taking Breyer to task, but otherwise, it's the Kav/Roberts concurrence that matters.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  I thank Zeus Nebraska is off the schedule this year. You can only get lucky so many times
                  ...and DSL makes it a trifecta sandbaggery circle jerk...
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • the continuing emasculation of America...Notre Dame announces it will include the verbage "daughters" in their almost 100 year old fight song...

                    One more fucking reason to hate those twatwaffles..
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • I think they aren't going far enough...they need to include "LBGTQIA+" into the song as well.

                      fuckin' bigots
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Jeffrey Clark's home was raided by the FBI yesterday. Hmmmmmm...

                        Federal Authorities Search Home of Jeffrey Clark, Trump Justice Dept. Official - The New York Times (


                        • My initial reaction is that the bigger decision was the 8-1 decision allowing the NC legislature to intervene to defend the a voting law it enacted. What the Ds (and some Rs) do to upend legislation is to collude with interest groups in a lawsuit against the objectionable law, offer now defense, get a district court ruling overturning the law and decline to appeal. It's all very shrewd.

                          In this particular case, the R legislature passed the legislation over the current Gov's veto. The current AG was in the legislature at the time and voted against it and worked with the NAACP to defeat it. Now, as AG, the NAACP sues to have the law tossed and it's the AG who is in charge of defending the bill and, well, does nothing. So, the legislature moves to intervene to defend its interests.

                          The question, then, is whether "the State", as it were, can have separate interests or does one State entity speak for all of them. In this particular case, the law permitted the legislature to intervene and the defense was such a brazen sham that even Kagan and Breyer had to agree that it was bullshit.

                          Anyway, it's a really interesting seperation-of-powers question on the state level that has a meaningful effect.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                            Im sure they got trump this time. This will be the one.

                            perfect world trump does give it up for desantos

                            trump is the only chance i think the dems have of holding the office if you want to know the truth. the outright hate half of america has for him to the point they would vote biden again is mind boggling


                            • The Biden administration is going to throw an additional $450 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including more long-range rocket systems, in a package due to be announced later today.

                              Here's what's going to happen in that hell-hole made such by fucking Putin: Putin will call for a ceasefire after his army "occupies" the contested key twin cities of Severdonetsk and Lysychansk and one south of Kharkiv, Sloviansk.This could happen as early as mid-July. The peace seeking group who, IMO, have a legitimate basis to seek it - I don't agree with them, will urge Zelenski to negotiate. The fuck Putin, never let him claim a victory group - led most loudly by Boris Johnson - will declare Ukraine needs to decide for itself on when to stand down or fight on. NATO countries on it's left flank, led by Poland, Estonia and Latvia will importantly support the fuck Putin group.

                              The fuck Putin group will prevail mainly because Zelenski is not a surrender monkey. Money and weapons will continue to pour into Ukraine while Russia will become less and less able to support the political objectives of Putin and the military objectives he's heavily involved in to the detriment of it's armed forces inside Ukraine. This particular position wrt to Russia exhausting it's conventional war fighting capabilities came straight out of the mouth of the UK MOD this morning. No surprise Boris authorized it's release. Is that assessment factual and not purely political?

                              The best outcome is that the Russian armed forces lack the strength, owing to multiple factors in country and at home, to go much further (Putin's pressure to do so notwithstanding). Also likely, is that control of the SW portions of Ukraine they claim to have "occupied and control" will become militarily and politically harder to control.

                              As that picture emerges in the coming months, the Ukrainian armed forces will be strengthened by western armaments and cash. With renewed strength, the Ukrainians liberate by force of arms most of the Russian occupied territory within the SW portions of the entire crescent of Ukraine that Russians claim they occupy. This includes territory immediately N of Crimea to include Kherson and then E to the black sea coast and W to include Melipitol and the port of Mariupol and might include Crimea itself.

                              This would certainly include most of the Ukrainian territory seized by Russia since February 24th, 2022 and potentially Crimea, seized, uncontested, by the Russians in 2017. The scope of the military operation the Ukrainians would have to mount to drive the Russian Army and Russian Separatists out of the entire Donbas (including the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts) likely exceeds their capacity to do without NATO involvement - an unlikely occurrence.

                              Some of you may be interested in visualizing on a map what I've described. This is one of the best maps I've found. It's current as of today - the map is in the right upper corner of the page at the link. Click on it and you can move around and enlarge it at will. The point of visualizing the extent of Russian claimed control is to (1) recognize the scope of the area I've described, (2) ID what I think is militarily doable from the Ukrainian side and (3) lend credence to what I think is a Russian mistake of biting off more of Ukraine than they can chew given what we've seen of the Russian Army's performance in the short term and the predictable continuing deterioration of the Russian armed forces' combat power over the mid-long term as sanctions start to bite and manpower and equipment can no longer be replaced.

                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                New poll out of New Hampshire shows why Trump may declare for reelection before the end of summer....DeSantis has completely closed the gap with him in 8 months and is now slightly preferred by NH Republicans.

                                Same poll shows DeSantis beating or tying Biden in a potential race but Trump losing to him by 7 points.

                                "DeSantis Tied With Trump for 2024 GOP Presidential Nomination in NH; R" by UNH Survey Center
                                I read that poll. The headline should have been Biden beating Trump head-to-head 50-43. DeSantis beats Biden narrowly.

