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  • Arthur Herman was subsequently committed to a madhouse, ranting and raving about how he was the reincarnation of Bonnie Prince Charlie and that the throne belonged to him and not some "damn German tart"


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      Woof, the idea that conservatives never ban great books is so profoundly untrue and a demonstrably false that I don't know where to begin. Unless you're making a "no true Scotsman" argument. Nothing banned by conservatives could've possibly been great because conservatives don't ban great books.

      Banned & Challenged Classics | Advocacy, Legislation & Issues (

      Do you think places like Scottsboro, AL, Salina, KS, and Knoxville, TN are profoundly liberal? I took just a few of the reasons and places people tried to get Of Mice and Men banned from libraries and classroom use (sometimes successfully). I don't think liberals were the ones bringing challenges like the ones below.
      • Banned from classroom use at the Scottsboro, AL Skyline High School (1983) due to "profanity." The Knoxville, TN School Board chairman vowed to have "filthy books" removed from Knoxville's public schools (1984) and picked Steinbeck's novel as the first target due to "its vulgar language."
      • Challenged, but retained in a Salina, KS (1990) tenth grade English class despite concerns that it contains "profanity" and "takes the Lord's name in vain."
      • Challenged at the Jacksboro, TN High School (1991) because the novel contains "blasphemous" language, excessive cursing, and sexual overtones.
      • Challenged in the Waterloo, IA schools (1992) and the Duval County, FL public school libraries (1992) because of profanity, lurid passages about sex, and statements defamatory to minorities, God, women, and the disabled.
      • Banned from the George County, MS schools (2002) because of profanity. Challenged in the Normal, IL Community High Schools (2003) because the books contains "racial slurs, profanity, violence, and does not represent traditional values."
      All that said, sure, liberals are into the book-banning racket now. Social Conservatives used to have a firm grip on that market but not so much anymore.
      I agree with the last sentence. The reason for the book bans you note from the 1980's and 1990's. was that the books contained bad language and some sexual content.

      Liberals NOW are indeed into the book banning business. I honestly don't care what Skyline High School did forty years ago. What I said in my post was that banning dirty books or banning books for using the term "nigger" or other vulgarities is just silliness. But the book banning going on now by the Progs is because some classics paint America in a favorable light. Your side's banning is about the message of the book in question, not the words. Have you ever heard a conservative call for banning Rules for Radicals or Das Capital? It would never happen because conservatives believe anyone granted the power to ban books would inevitably abuse that power. DSL, it is absolutely the left that believes in "experts" ruling the masses. This is what the term Progressive meant at the turn of the last century. Conservatives believe in granting as little power to any human as possible. Progs believe in a bureaucracy peopled by well-meaning folks who are experts in their field.

      It all comes down to your view of the nature of man. I view man as depraved. You view man as good or perfectible. Capitalism is based on atomized power and man's acquisitiveness. Socialism is based on the "right" person. having power enough to create a heaven on earth. History shows that your view produces Hitler or Venezuela or Cuba or the Soviet Union. My view created the freest and most productive society ever known.


      • The Supreme Court cases this morning were boring. But Florida's social media law just got ruled unconstitutional again, this time in front of the 11th Circuit.

        Or well, technically the Court said it's likely to be found unconstitutional so they are leaving an injunction (mostly) in place.

        Eleventh Circuit Strikes Down Main Provisions of Florida Social Media Law (


        • The world is turned on it's side...libs/dems banning shit...and being the war monger party...fascinating...
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • This dovetails with the Bill Maher monologue Talent referenced. 20.8% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQ+ which begs some obvious questions.

            State Farm Launches Program to Distribute LGBTQ Books to Kindergartners


            “The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support out communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children Age 5+,” the email from Jose Soto, State Farm’s Corporate Responsibility Analyst, to all Florida agents reads.

            The three-book bundle is part of the GenderCool Collection. In the book Non-Binary, a character named Gia is introduced to young readers as a transgender girl who uses she/her pronouns. “When you’re born, a doctor looks at you and says, ‘It’s a boy!’ or ‘It’s a girl!’ based on your body. But gender isn’t that simple. You see, when I was born, the doctor said, ‘It’s a boy!’ But…this wasn’t true,” Gia narrates.

            Fortunately, I live in a sane school district and if anyone tried this shit, they'd be run out of town on a rail. Oh, and I am a State Farm customer for home and auto who will be putting that business out to bid.


            • Just a quick poll here...please choose one...

              Would you like me to kill DSL, froot and CGVT?

              A. Definitely
              B. Absolutely
              C. Certainly
              D. All of the above

              Thanks in advance for your participation.

              Yer pal,

              THE_WIZARD_ Esq.

              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Fortunately, I live in a sane school district and if anyone tried this shit, they'd be run out of town on a rail.
                I see this stuff about LGBTQ education being advanced by progressives as an attempt to promote the wide acceptance of this community by - and I'll call it indoctrinating because that is what it is - indoctrinating children from an age at which a values matrix is beginning to be formed. It starts with simple morality questions like what is right or wrong? At 2, these toddlers begin to learn what they can get away with and what they can't - assuming their are parents in place to build the box within which they can operate in the home including outside of it and that's in doubt. Another and separate issue.

                It takes much longer for issues involving gender - are there boys with male genitals at birth that think or feel they are a girl and visa versa? Whether or not you agree with this, Gender Dysphoria is the name for these gender identity questions and it is included in the DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. As far as MDs who are licensed Psychiatrists, Gender Dysphoria is a mental health condition ...... obviously, among some of religious persuasion, among others who are outside of those people, the gender of a human being is decided at birth based on his or her genitals (that excludes a new born that has a rare medical condition known as Ambiguous genitalia).

                The medical science is pretty clear here. The pollicization and judgement of children, teens or adults who claim LGBTQ status, the community of LGBTQ people and the progressive supporters of that community, who are attempting to indoctrinate kindergartners to develop tolerance for these people - supposedly later in life, takes the most formative years in child development out of the hands of parents where it should be and into the the hands of the state.

                Like Mike, I would resist this, and for me, on the sole basis that here in the US the state has no business in my life beyond that which is granted in the US and applicable state constitutions and laws. As far as I know, none of those say the state has the authority to indoctrinate kindergartners in moral and ethical matters that are left to parents of said kindergartners. That is not to say, liberals on the left are trying to do just that. It should be called out and resisted given a citizens right to do that.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • What the hell is compelling State Farm to participate in the indoctrination business? As a customer, it was bad enough when a fraction of my premium was getting siphoned to Aaron Rodgers.

                  I'd be looking to take my business elsewhere too, if my wife's 2019 Escape wasn't in the shop since March because of ":supply chain issues"- another Biden fuckup.


                  • A veteran Russian Diplomat in the UN has resigned saying a big, fuck you to Vladimir Putin on the way out.

                    Aside from the female newscaster at a Russian station who barged in on regular programming carrying a sign saying, "stop the War,: this is going to get a lot of press ,.... good for most of the world, bad for Russia and Putin. The broadcaster carrying the sign on live TV got fined, reflective of Putin's reluctance to make bad things worse - I have no doubt however, this person won't be able to live safely inside Russia and probably can't leave, so, she's otherwise fucked.

                    This guy is going to be treated the same way. If Putin remains in power, and it's a pretty sure thing he will after his Ukraine gambit is over and done with, his life will probably be unlivable in a normal sense of the word too.

                    The important thing is that this sort of stuff is going to become increasingly common over time, even if Putin finds some battlefield and political success in Ukraine. His strategic dumbfuckery in invading Ukraine has already eroded tolerance of Putin's bull-shit. He'll survive as Russia's president because he's become a fascist dictator with all the trappings of power and security that implies. But, NATO has been expanded and strengthened in an effort to prevent Putin's foregone expansion in E Europe. Moreover, the country he's ruled for the last 22 some years is getting flushed down the shitter by what that dumb fuck has created - essentially destroying a vibrant Russian society - by trying to bring about a return of Russia's Imperial greatness......

                    ....... and yes, I love this kind of thing and will post it because I'm biased as fuck.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • ....... more of my very biased news: the kind of heavy mortars Russia has recently deployed in the Donbas are big mo-fos: Picture below:

                      The good news as one of these mo-fos was destroyed by Ukrainian counter-battery fires.

                      Here's how good the Russians are at targeting - an essential battlefield skill that they suck at. The picture below shows a mortar landing a good 2 football fields away from the intended target - a bridge just behind the car in the foreground. Note all the cars stopped behind the bridge. You'll also note the counter battery radar on the Tyuplan (first photo). Not likely used for this target but could have been if the Ukrainians were dug in there and shooting, exposing how they suck at this too. Revealing about training levels of artillery-men. Private Molotov can't fire off precious rounds, miss a target like that and expect to be found at the mortar tube working it again.

                      The Russians are having some successes in their attempts to surround Severodonetsk, not try to enter it and then start shelling it into oblivion - next they'll march in and plant the Russian flag on a pile of ruble. Several military sources have said today that even if the Russians are successful and will boast of another hollow victory achieved as in Mariupol, there is no way they are going to hold this city. Ukrainian Resistance will be fierce and costly to Putin. Give it another month or so, Vlad is going to be out of Schlitz.

                      Finally, the head of the DNR has announced that all of the "thousands" (not actually close to that number) who were led out of the Astoval Steel plant last week will be judged in a Tribunal to be held in Russian controlled territory in the Donetsk Oblast. I'm sure that will be fair.

                      Meanwhile, the Russian tank commander who was the first to be tried for a war crime (a video of this fucker in a car shamelessly killing a 65yo Ukrainian riding his bike down the street), was convicted and sentenced to life. Ukrainian prosecutors and the various organizations world wide that have assembled evidence of Russian war crimes in the prosecution of it's war in Ukraine have lined up 48 solid cases that will go to trial. There are over a thousand cases being investigated.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
                        What the hell is compelling State Farm to participate in the indoctrination business? As a customer, it was bad enough when a fraction of my premium was getting siphoned to Aaron Rodgers.

                        I'd be looking to take my business elsewhere too, if my wife's 2019 Escape wasn't in the shop since March because of ":supply chain issues"- another Biden fuckup.
                        First I have heard about this. We just went in last week for an assessment with my almost worthless agent. Increased some coverages- but now may have to get off our lazy asses and do some insurance shopping.


                        • Speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Venediktova said 48 more Russian soldiers would face war crimes trials. Venediktova said: We have already initiated close to 13,000 cases which are connected only to war crimes. In this category, suspicions were reported [about] 49 individuals, which we started to prosecute [for] war crimes.

                          Ukrainian officials have a list of about 600 suspects thought to have engaged in war crimes, she said, while two cases involving three individuals were already being held by courts. Venediktova said the scale of complaints against Russia suggested a systemic tolerance or encouragement of war crimes against Ukrainians, adding: All evidence indicates that the Russian military and political elite has unconditionally reverted to the brutal war tactics of violence. Civilian populations and civilian objects – including hospitals, educational facilities, and residential buildings – are internationally targeted in a widespread and systematic manner. She said violations by Russian forces that her team had documented amounted to “unspeakable deliberate cruelty and violence against civilians”, adding: This is particularly apparent in territories that were on the frontlines of war, which practically became a slaughterhouse. 4,600 civilians were known to have died as a result of the war, including 232 children, and the real number was likely to be higher.

                          Speaking of Davos, the fucking Russians aren't there. They were told not to come and their usual "Russia House" for this event has been renamed "Russian War Crimes House," manned by Ukrainians among other Ukraine supporters with photographs of the mindless killing of civilians and destruction of non-military infrastructure in a campaign of terror not seen since Nazi SS roamed Europe from 1937 - 45. Putin is responsible and voices are loud that he should be held accountable.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • "Finally," you will all gratefully say, this is my last post this evening: COVID ........

                            This is one of the most balanced and informative articles I've read recently on the pandemic. If you're interested in the details, the link is below.

                            What I admire about it is that it is balanced and not the typical fear monkey shit that has characterized reporting in the SARS2 Pandemic era (now we have Monkey Pox - a true fear monkey thing!..... NOT). It's neither Pollyannaish.

                            The main point is that SARS2 and it's rapidly evolving variants are likely going to be with us forever but it also remains possible for the virus to become biologically extinguished (the viral plateau theory). One more way it could end is through social construction - in this case, the tendency of humans to convince ourselves that a new, higher level of preventable death is acceptable, and turn our attention to something else.

                            What will help that theory along is the immense array of already in the field management tools, pharmaceuticals and new ones to come (e.g., among other tailored vaccines, the nasal spray type). Bottom line: move to normalcy expecting technological and human innovation to de-fang SARS2.

                            If Americans decide too soon that it is over, it could paradoxically drag on even longer.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • I wish DSL would get Monkeypox...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Two Republicans trying to unseat Gretchen turned in thousands of invalid signatures, including ex Detroit Police Chief James Craig. Unless the State Board of Canvassers overrules the Bureau, those two won't appear on the primary ballot.

