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  • CRT is trivial. Those who claim it isn't, haven't read it. There is no 'indoctrination of children' with CRT. It has been widely debunked when portrayed as scientific research but can be used as a tool to spark legitimate and sometimes uncomfortable conversation. It serves a purpose to discuss inequality, that's it. It currently is used by both black and white racists to feed red meat to their ideological brethren. Otherwise it remains theoretical banter, easily debunked. You might find .0001% of the population trying to use it as fact, and .0001% clutching their skirts about it.

    Its origins started in the 60s and 70s. In the late 80s, it entered many law schools as an academic discussion in the application of laws and how law effects society as a whole. It wasn't until the 21st century that some special interest groups of color started promoting it as truthful doctrine that other special interest groups of non-color started screeching indoctrination of not special interest groups but as of the political opposition. We see that type of tribal bullshit in full swing today.

    So what is CRT? Its first and foundational premise is that 'race' is not a matter of physiological, genetic, and cultural makeup that defines the stark characteristics of geologically oriented human variations. It says that 'race' is a social construct used to continue a process of maintaining a society that favors some over others. I have yet to see anything that proves this.

    Let's use 'institutional racism' as an example. CRT argues that merit and neutrality is an illusion of opportunity, not an example of equality. Let's say Person A lives in the shittiest area of Detroit and attends a local high school there. Person A graduates with a 4.0 GPA and a top SAT score. Person B lives in the burbs and attends the International Academy and also gets a 4.0 and a top SAT score. Both A and B have put in the time and effort, both 4.0'd, and both aced the SAT. On the surface it seems both have performed exceeding well and both deserve entry into UM. But there are limited seats at UM and Person B gets the nod. Why? Because its only the 1st level of examination that seems fair, GPA and SAT scores. International Academy is considered a top school where Denby has anti-personnel wire strung around it to keep bad guys, worse than the student body, out. That becomes the deciding factor. There is no methodology in place that can show Person A would not have performed just as well at International Academy. They are simply a victim of where they lived and the given illusion of equal opportunity. That's how the charge of 'institutional racism' gets leveled. It's a pretty broad brush to be painting with. The real question is, how far to you drill down to ensure equal access?

    CRT gets taken to extreme levels. I think by bigots on one side to get a rise out of bigots on the other side. A derivative of CRT is that CRT extends back to the beginning of time. Europeans came to NA with the express purpose of establishing a slave based economy. The Industrial Revolution was to make slaves more productive. Etc, etc, etc. All you can do is roll your eyes when you read it. Its blindingly obvious that it is only a theory to open sensitive issues up for meaningful discussion, discussions that rarely take place today. The rightwing-o-sphere uses it to scream "Hide the white women!!! THEY are coming!!!!", rather than maybe there's unaddressed issues that should be looked at. But why look if you are the beneficiary?

    CRT is dull and boring as it uses suppositions as fact. Its overly simplistic like a high school debate topic. Once you actually read CRT, it opens your eyes to the real problems in America: tribal thinking at it's worst and illusionary equality felt by some segments of society. Its misused as an opportunity to screech, not to discuss.

    If the right wants to hammer this as a political issue, they'll get pounded in the election as illiterate dufuses making much ado over nothing. The same people thinking CRT is a threat are the same people who think the KKK are heroes after watching A Birth of a Nation. Proponents of CRT are people looking for a cause celeb to devote themselves to, regardless of facts. Neither group does society much good.

    And yes, the 1619 Project is pretty stupid.
    I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


    • You're pretty stupid.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

        Well, it dovetails nicely when you realize that the man Hawley pointed out who was convicted of having a huge amount of prepubescent pornography. She gave him 3 months and apologized to him for what the sentence would do to his life and that of his family. That is the essence of CRT. This guy was not a victim, but she treated him as one.

        What she has made clear is that she supports the 1619 project and its objectives. She also supports CRT in schools, and she says it is not taught in schools.

        She will vote to the left of Sotomayer.
        At least she’s not flipping a seat so the makeup stays the same.


        • Indiana Senator Mike Braun told local media today that he was in favor of the Supreme Court overturning Loving v. Virginia, the case that made interracial marriage legal everywhere in the United States. A couple hours later he walked it back, saying he "misunderstood" the question.

          The GOP senator later walked back his startling declaration of states’-rights absolutism, presumably after his staff freaked out.

          An interesting map below. If Loving WAS overturned, I wonder how many of the red states went on to enshrine interracial marriage into law AFTER thedecision?



          • And coincidental timing but the Governor of Utah vetoed a Bill today that would ban transgender high schoolers from participating in either men or women's sports

            Below is part of what he had to say

            "Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few"



            • Bari Weiss has an absolutely stunning essay on the state of Law Schools in the United States. Hint: it’s not good. I wish I time right now to paste some of the pertinent passages but I encourage everyone to read it. I don’t subscribe to her Substack but there is a “try it for free” button that should give you access.

              This is why all this wokeism/critical theory backlash is not based on tribal hysteria. We simply listen to what they say, believe them, and are rightfully appalled.

              Yale and Harvard are mentioned quite a bit. Important to note that 8 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices went to those two law schools.


              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                You're pretty stupid.
                Why thank you.
                I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  Bari Weiss has an absolutely stunning essay on the state of Law Schools in the United States. Hint: it’s not good. I wish I time right now to paste some of the pertinent passages but I encourage everyone to read it. I don’t subscribe to her Substack but there is a “try it for free” button that should give you access.

                  This is why all this wokeism/critical theory backlash is not based on tribal hysteria. We simply listen to what they say, believe them, and are rightfully appalled.

                  Yale and Harvard are mentioned quite a bit. Important to note that 8 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices went to those two law schools.

                  Yeah, those who think CRT is some right-wing bogeyman or dismiss CRT as meh honestly have zero clue what it is and how it’s worked it’s way through institutions. I hope to fucking god the 2022 election is a referendum on CRT. The Rs might win 275 seats in the House.

                  And, yes, I was taught critical theory in law school. That was 25 years ago. My prof, to her credit, taught it more as an alternative idea than indoctrination. That’s simply not the case today. Racial essentialism is what the Ds are primarily about. At least for the moment.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • I know Talent will join me in saying a prayer for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton in her battle against covid. Toughest politician of our times.


                    • And the Weiss blog is very good and very accurate. It gets at the larger shift in the electorate—the Ds are now full on elites and white professionals along with minority groups still blindly following the Ds. The Rs are shifting to a more populist, blue collar party. And the Buckleyites and Reaganites choose the lesser of two evils.

                      If the Ds were still the party of Clinton I’d still be on board. If they were still the party of equality not equity, I’d be on board. If they were still more blue collar than technocrat, I’d be on board.

                      As I’ve said, what I generally want is for my government to do no harm. The Ds very much want to nuke this country. The Rs are basically incoherent except for an issue or two. They’re far more likely to do no harm.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • In a 78-19 vote, the Oklahoma House just passed the most restrictive abortion ban in the country, surpassing even the one in Texas

                        The Texas Bill bans almost all abortion after six weeks. The Oklahoma one bans it, period, unless absolutely necessary to save the life of the mother. Like in Texas, citizens are incentivized to sue doctors they suspect of performing abortions.

                        Oklahoma took a step toward becoming the first state to ban most abortion — no matter how early in the pregnancy.


                        • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post

                          Why thank you.
                          Just trying to help you bro.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                            In a 78-19 vote, the Oklahoma House just passed the most restrictive abortion ban in the country, surpassing even the one in Texas

                            The Texas Bill bans almost all abortion after six weeks. The Oklahoma one bans it, period, unless absolutely necessary to save the life of the mother. Like in Texas, citizens are incentivized to sue doctors they suspect of performing abortions.

                            I wish you had been aborted.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

                              I wish you had been aborted.
                              I wish your daddy hadn't adopted


                              • I am your daddy.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

