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  • Nope, fuck that. I refuse to go along with your "you're either with George W Bush or Osama Bin Laden" reasoning. Both can be lying at the same time.

    Oh and Russia isn't fucking Communist. Give me a break. Not that long since you claimed he was another Hitler. He's both Hitler and Stalin, got it.

    I can be against what Putin is doing and still not support sacrificing a single American life in order to preserve the independence of Kharkiv city. And I sure as hell am not going to just take the word of the military or intelligence agencies on this shit just because they and you demand I do so. How many times have they lied or been wrong over the past 50 years? A whole fucking bunch.

    You want to send them a bunch of weapons and move troops into actual NATO countries. Sure, don't have a problem. Convince Putin the price ain't worth it, if he really does intend to invade.

    But I also cant help but point out that when Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, he just went ahead and did it. He didn't telegraph troop movements for an entire year before doing so. He caught everyone by surprise. This doesn't feel like the exact same thing to me and I'm getting increasingly skeptical, especially with Zelensky opening bashing the US and saying that we're massively exaggerating the threat.


    • I wonder if this thing will have cup holders.

      The Dutch port city of Rotterdam will dismantle a historic bridge to allow room for Jeff Bezos' superyacht. Local residents aren't happy.
      I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


      • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post
        I wonder if this thing will have cup holders.

        Guests are still expected to pay for their own drinks. Tacky


        • Speaker of the Arizona House effectively kills an insane "election reform" bill by assigning it to all 12 House Committees.

          The Bill would:

          * Allow the State Legislature to easily overrule the results if they choose
          * End nearly all absentee/mail-in ballots. Arizona has had mail-in ballots for decades and only recently did this suddenly become controversial. I saw a stat that 85% of Donald Trump's votes in the state were either early or by absentee.
          * End all in-person early voting. Election Day itself only.
          * Paper ballots only. No voting machines
          * All ballots must be hand counted and completely finished within 24 hours. An insane demand when you won't let them use machines to speed things up. A human hand count under an extreme deadline is NOT going to produce more reliable & accurate results

          A Republican bill that would have overhauled elections in Arizona – including giving the state legislature the power to reject election results – proved to be too much even for state GOP leaders this week.


          • Jobs report was significantly better than most everyone was thinking. Many predictions out there were that we had a negative number last month for the first time since 2020. Instead it turned out to be +467,000. On top of that December was revised upwards from 199K to a whopping 510K. November was revised upwards from 249K to 647K. Labor force participation also rose from 61.9% to 62.2%. It was between 63-64% before covid.

            The reason the market isn't responding with delight is that such a positive report means the Fed has absolutely no reason to back away from rate hikes. They may even go big and hike rates by 0.5% in March. The report showed wages rose by 0.7% so inflation isn't going away on its own.



            • DSL, that's a reasonable response. As I wrote my post last night, "yellow Cake," Colin Powel and the UN kept creeping into my mind. So, yeah, I get your skepticism.

              What I find interesting is how effective both sides seem to be in this new disinformation warfare business that is being waged on the various social and mainstream media platforms. I'm sure there is a bit of that going on with what was put out there yesterday by the Biden administration.

              I'm also sensitive to getting swept up in what amounts to a modern day Nixonian "Domino Theory" in SEA but this time in Eastern Europe and the Bush Doctrine that ultimately led to the shit-storm in Afghanistan. Of course, this particular "crisis" is considerably different in it's character and implications.

              I think it best that we let US FP errors of the past 50y inform but not prevent recognition of the threat that Putin poses in Eastern Europe - a threat that has sustained a legitimate NATO strategy since 1945. Back then Stalin was an expansionist that threatened the liberation of Europe from Nazi authoritarianism that WWII obtained. FDR and Churchill made it pretty clear to Stalin that he needed to back-the-fuck off. He did and ultimately, although it involved his predecessors, East Berlin was unified with the rest of free Germany and Eastern European countries formerly under Soviet rule are now free and independent countries.

              Putin poses a similar expansionist threat of authoritarianism creeping back in to Eastern Europe and threatening Western European security. He needs to back-the-fuck off and the US and NATO allies need to back that threat up with political and military pressure. JMO, YMMV.

              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                Oh and Russia isn't fucking Communist. Give me a break. Not that long since you claimed he was another Hitler. He's both Hitler and Stalin, got it.

                Russia isn't communist ?? I'd be happy to instruct you on the difference between Fascism and Communism IF you would read it. Unbelievable ignorance.


                • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                  Russia isn't communist ?? I'd be happy to instruct you on the difference between Fascism and Communism IF you would read it. Unbelievable ignorance.
                  No, Russia isn't communist. The current Communist Party is a fucking opposition party to Putin for crying out loud. The country is better described as a Kleptocracy or an Oligarchy.


                  • The commies barely get 13% of the vote in Russian elections.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • umm, It's also pretty clear that the Democrats aren't really interested in "Democracy" anymore.


                      • Movie Trailer '2000 Mules' Reveals Systematic Stuffing Of 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Caught On Camera - VINnews


                        • dnesh d'souza has facts figures film names and locations.

                          and heres the reason rusty bowers is blocking this from going forward in arizona--at least a small part anyway--there are auditors speaking up all over the place saying they would see hundreds of ballot that needed adjudicated that were let through with markings in different ink or marked outside the ballot circle by 3-4 mm. Not bad except it would haven in runs hundred ballots in a row identicly favoring one person.

                          THERE’S MORE: Arizona Witness Testified on “Baskets of Faxed Ballots” With No Chain of Custody Were Also Counted as Military Ballots in Pima County | SGT Report

                          UOCAVA voters in just the one county he audited multiplied by 10 from 2016 all in favor of one candidate
                          Last edited by crashcourse; February 4, 2022, 03:00 PM.


                          • What a bunch of bullshit.


                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                              dnesh d'souza has facts figures film names and locations.

                              and heres the reason rusty bowers is blocking this from going forward in arizona--at least a small part anyway--there are auditors speaking up all over the place saying they would see hundreds of ballot that needed adjudicated that were let through with markings in different ink or marked outside the ballot circle by 3-4 mm. Not bad except it would haven in runs hundred ballots in a row identicly favoring one person.

                              THERE’S MORE: Arizona Witness Testified on “Baskets of Faxed Ballots” With No Chain of Custody Were Also Counted as Military Ballots in Pima County | SGT Report

                              UOCAVA voters in just the one county he audited multiplied by 10 from 2016 all in favor of one candidate
                              Not commenting on the substance of what you're saying just yet, but I just got to laugh that to bolster your claims you provide a link to a a Gateway Pundit article on a website that proudly announces it's been banned from YouTube and Patreon and I'm immediately greeted by ads to BUY SILVER and Quack Medicines.

                              That is so adorably on brand for you


                              • I was going to make snide comments about VINnews and Gateway Pundit. But its not nice to treat mental illness as a form of entertainment.
                                I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.

