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  • Fuck those blockchain cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme speculators. (An original copy of) The US Constitution will be on public display and not be some tulip frenzy trophy. If you want to do something to get yourself publicity, buy the Skankies with your vaporcash.

    A rare first printing of the U.S. Constitution has sold at Sotheby’s in New York for $43.2 million, a record price for a document or book sold at auction.
    I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
      I've been busy. Did anything newsworthy happen today?
      No, "Oscar".

      Close the lid on your trash can, and go back to sleep.

      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • 4CE533F8-D678-4B77-93F2-E531375DD075.jpeg


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

          OK I'm exhausted. Spreading memes is hard work.
          You’re doing great work.


          • ZHpUL3id.jpg


            • Rocket scientist Steve Kerr, who moonlights as a 'basketball coach' in some league vaguely known as the "nba", made some interesting comments regarding the Rittenhouse verdict today.

              "The fact that we are seemingly OK with a teenager's right to take an AR-15 into an area where there is civil unrest, that's really scary and concerning," Kerr said. "This is where we are with gun laws. This is why we have to have safer gun laws in place to protect ourselves, to protect each other.

              "It wasn't a shocking verdict, but one that poses great risk going forward if we continue to go down this path of open carry and states determining that people that people can carry, even underage people, weapons of war. This is America. Treading down a dangerous path."

              So, Mr. Kerr is more upset about Rittenhouse carrying a lawful weapon, protecting private property in a riot zone, and defending his own life, than he was about the rioters setting fires, and destroying private property.

              Great job, 'coach'. Way to toddle along after political correctness. Maybe Curry and Draymond will let you coach them another year now.

              Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer and others around the NBA spoke to the need to push for change after Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two men and wounded another during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer, was acquitted of all charges Friday.
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • "Propaganda doesn't always win"


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                  • MSNBC is in another fucking universe.

                    I have never seen a company employ so many racists, AND THEN PUT THEM ON TV!!


                    • Rittenhouse, Sandmann Agree To Share Joint Custody Of CNN



                      • On the road yesterday driving from Fort Lauderdale to ATL...... leaving the 80s for the 50s, the news, as it happened, of the Rittenhouse acquittal and this great moment in American history.

                        I have never been one to embrace conspiracy theories. None of them have passed the rationality screen for me. Something never fits and that tends to undermine the credibility of the conspiracy being advanced. Carlson, in that Fox commentary piece above provides some context for the acquittal articulating that the non-stop attempts by the leftist liberal media to control the narrative trying to make the trial about race. In particular, he points out the left's screed that advances the line that the Rittenhouse Acquittal validates the right's white supremacist ideology, to wit, the right of self defense can be unlawfully used in the defense of killing blacks.

                        Carlson goes on to offer that the months of this pandering by the left broadcast and social media was rejected by the reasonable people that acquitted Rittenhouse becasue the facts didn't support the charges - hello, rational Americans are not buying the bull shit being advanced by the left namely racial justice and equality, an entirely noble goal for a civilized society strive for, being subverted in its intent (e.g., defund the police) and used as a tool to undermine core liberal democratic principals that define America and American's brand of democracy.

                        Let's look at that for a moment. Viewed as a whole, it is leftist propaganda designed to divide America, rewrite it's history as one of enslavement of blacks, racial inequality and a country that is fundamentally a white supremacist state structured to advance the interests of whites at the expense of blacks and to keep blacks "enslaved," metaphorically speaking. That is utter nonsense but still ...... The goal of the propaganda being advanced is to weaken, essentially "cancel" 245 years of the core cultural foundations of American life. The propaganda is succeeding and has produced some of the greatest political polarization and ensuing violence on the streets largely between the two sides in US history. The violence as in unlawful rioting and destruction of property is anathema to civil order that American democracy requires to sustain itself. "The Bad Guys are Winning.''

                        It is not beyond credulity to argue that there is a coordinated threat to democracy arising from authoritarianism and the collective efforts of global authoritarians to weaken the greatest threat to their survival, the United Sates of America. It is not beyond credulity to argue that agents of these authoritarians, in particular Chinese, Russian, Iranian and potentially a loose coalition of Islamist extremist groups over the last two decades have succeeded in infiltrating important and select American Institutions and organizations. The goal is to advance radical ill-liberal thought as a means of influencing various outcomes in American politics and civic life. The weapon is the propaganda of the ill-liberal left fashioned by progandists that are agents of our enemies - the Putin's Xi's, Maduros and others.

                        I'd argue that what you heard on Friday, the engagement of the media, both social and broadcast, in response to the Rittenhouse acquittal is the voice of the creeping success of's propagandist's efforts to infiltrate and formulate a message, uttered by their dupes, to inflame tensions both racial and political inside America. The ultimate goal is to divide America as it goes up in smoke on the streets and weaken the US's global influence on building and supporting human rights and American style democratic governance - forces that are capable of unseating authoritarians. Scary shit when it is recognized for what it is - a subtle new kind of state sponsored warfare that is fundamentally unrecognized as a legitimate threat to this county and other democratically, at the moment, governed nations. Accordingly we're getting our asses kicked.
                        Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 20, 2021, 05:05 AM.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                        • That crown jewel of American society? Impartial justice. Rule of Law. Presumption of innocence.

                          that's gotta go. It needs to be replaced with some sort of racist, unconstitutional, bigoted "equitable" justice system.
                          Last edited by Kapture1; November 20, 2021, 01:08 PM.


                          • There's a more direct conspiracy theory, Buchanan -- the "elites" or "technocrats" or college-educated white folks -- however you want to describe them -- have slowly accumlated power. And they are doing so outside and inside the government. In particular, COVID is a specactular excuse for technocratic control. Anyway, the point is that they can't stay in power without convincing enough working class folks to vote for them. BUT, they don't really want to run on issues for all working class folks. So there's a concerted effort to divide the working class vote by race. This, I believe, is actually a Bernie Sanders-supporter wacko type theory. But, there's some loose sense to it. There was a really interesting piece the other day about the shift in the NYT (and other media) from general miessaging (i.e., pretty much fair and objective) to messaging and stories tailored to their audience -- honestly, elites -- highly educated, wealthy folks. That's who reads, e.g., the NYT and that's who they cater to. As a result, the news coverage may incidentally push the shit those folks want to hear. (

                            I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I do simply follow basic tenets -- occam's razor and figure out any given actor's self-interest. To that end, I don't dismiss the notion that foreign countries support the use of Race as the Trojan Horse to Marxism (and, FTR, that is exactly what critical studies advocates). Nor would I dismiss the notion that the "elites" prefer a divided working class. But, at the end of the day, there is a group of people who have found that they can claim power through "wokeness" -- that there is large segment of the US population willing to suspend most rational thought at the mere mention of race. It took this cabal years and years and years of working through academia then into corporate American then into schools.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • VP Kamala Harris on the verdict:

                              As many of you know, I’ve spent a majority of my career working to make the criminal-justice system more equitable, and clearly, there’s a lot more work to do.
                              I wish Kapture was just making his shit up about getting read of fairness and impartiality in favor of "equitable" outcomes -- but that's the fucking VP of the US.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • I have no idea how the system would have been 'more equitable' had Rittenhouse been found guilty.
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

