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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
    Hannibal will enjoy this anonymous letter from a Berkley History professor:

    It's obvious why it has to be anonymous. And, heh, it's been flagged as "dangerous content" or something.
    Everyone should read this letter. It will undoubtedly be removed soon


    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
      I had just watched the Columbus video, Hannibal. Glad you found a still photo that clearly shows the knife. Or as apologists would say: A photo that appears to show her holding some type of object in her hand.

      Did you happen to notice the male run up and kick a woman in the head after she had been knocked to the ground by the knife-wielding assailant? You know what made him do that? Redlining in the 1950s.
      Agreed. Everything that you saw in that video is white people's fault.


      • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
        So, let me get this straight. Examples of good police shootings justifies bad police shootings and exonerates murderers like Chauvin and vigilantes like the racist rednecks in Georgia that have no business "enforcing" laws ?

        They have every business making a citizens arrest so that the cops can enforce the laws. This is precisely what they attempted to do. They were on the phone with the police when Arbury "jogged" by the house. They drove out to detain him and he reacted like he had reacted in previous incidents where he had been confronted by somebody -- violently and impulsively. In a sane society, we would call that "Darwin at work".


        • Originally posted by Mike View Post

          Any opinion on Ben Crump's continual lies and race-baiting?
          It's not just Ben Crump. It's the entire mainstream media and the families of the perpetrators too. Every black criminal who gets rightfully shot in the line of duty by a cop is portrayed as some sort of saint. The media just parrots what their mothers say and then they find the most flattering 8 year old picture that they can to try and stir up the hate mob. The media is complicit in all of the rioting. They have openly encouraged it.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

            They have every business making a citizens arrest so that the cops can enforce the laws. This is precisely what they attempted to do. They were on the phone with the police when Arbury "jogged" by the house. They drove out to detain him and he reacted like he had reacted in previous incidents where he had been confronted by somebody -- violently and impulsively. In a sane society, we would call that "Darwin at work".
            That is absolute bullshit. They had no business "detaining" him. Jesus.

            Three jackasses with guns try to "detain" me and I would react the same way. So would you.

            Lilly white denial
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • Citizens arrests are legal. Period. And they are perfectly justified, because the police cannot be everywhere 24/7 to catch criminals in the act.

              Originally posted by CGVT View Post

              Three jackasses with guns try to "detain" me and I would react the same way.
              You would rush a guy with a shotgun and try to grab the business end? Is this your way of admitting that you have a room temperature IQ?


              • They had no justification to stop him.

                They were only right in the minds of posters on white wing (see what I did there?) message boards and in the minds of "He was thug and got what he deserved" crowd.

                The fuckers should rot in jail.
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Hanni...get right with your "lily white denial"...bend over and take it up the yammer from intellectuals like CGVT...

                  C'mon man.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Well, well. The gangs all here.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                      They have every business making a citizens arrest so that the cops can enforce the laws. This is precisely what they attempted to do. They were on the phone with the police when Arbury "jogged" by the house. They drove out to detain him and he reacted like he had reacted in previous incidents where he had been confronted by somebody -- violently and impulsively. In a sane society, we would call that "Darwin at work".
                      They'll probably be convicted and it'll be another miserable day for you in a lifetime full of miserable days.

                      Everyone should realize that in hanni's dream society, anyone can hold another person at gunpoint on the suspicion that they've committed a crime, and if they resist (because you're a fat, ugly redneck instead of a cop) you have the right to use any force on them that you choose.


                      • ANARCHY RULES!!
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • BTW, Georgia has significantly changed its "Citizen's Arrest" statute (signed by Gov Kemp) as a direct result of the Arberry case.

                          I presume the Citizen's Arrest law also conflicts with the Stand Your Ground law which more or less allows you to use lethal force against anyone who threatens you. Like a non-cop pointing a gun at you and telling you to halt, that kind of threat.

                          Georgia's citizen’s arrest law came under renewed scrutiny in 2020 after it was cited by a prosecutor to justify not charging three white men involved in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man. The Georgia Legislature largely repealed the law in 2021.


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                            Everyone should realize that in hanni's dream society, anyone can hold another person at gunpoint on the suspicion that they've committed a crime, and if they resist (because you're a fat, ugly redneck instead of a cop) you have the right to use any force on them that you choose.
                            If you know of a crime being committed, you may make a citizen's arrest. It's hilarious watching you make this out to be some sort of Judge Dredd vigilante fantasy, and not a fundamental part of our society dating back to at least the Middle Ages.

                            In any case, the man who shot Arbury was clearly defending himself because Arbury rushed him and tried to grab his weapon. I'm pretty sure that you knew that, but intellectual honesty and critical thinking aren't your strong points.


                            • LOL


                              • WELL?? How DID he fight it?

