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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    Yeah, you won't find a post where I applauded the violence. I am pretty consistent on non-violent protest being the way to go in any situation.
    That's right, You weren't posting during the summer. Lucky for you.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • I'm in favor of impeaching Biden.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

        That's right, You weren't posting during the summer. Lucky for you.
        Yeah I was really lucky with my employment situation.


        • Well, Wiz-free is Wiz-free, dude.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • I don't remember much condemnation of the left's fave entertainer Madonna when she threatened to blow up the White House...funny what qualifies as protected speech by leftists...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              Well, Wiz-free is Wiz-free, dude.
              STFU...or I'll pull a triple reverse hex voodoo on TOSUC...
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                There's a stark difference in response to both protests and if you don't see it, I don't know what to say. Understanding the difference, exposing it and being passed off about it is to think and react critically. Advancing other notions, theories or attaching importance and meaning to singular events that occurred within the larger protest and the response to it simply obscures the most important one - the hypocrisy of the left - and encourages running down useless rabbit holes.
                That's the exact reason WHY we should be very careful in assuming that this is all of Trump's doing.

                Granted, the guy doesn't have the character or the personality to be an endearing politician- and he's done himself no favors along the way. But the Left, and their corporate/media sponsors, have given him exactly ZERO breaks, credit or respect in the last 4 years. The high road has always been there for the taking, yet all they've done is act like spoiled, self entitled immature brats by undermining everything that he tried to do. They don't even question their actions or intentions. That's beyond simple politics.

                WHY would they do that and why should we not think they are capable of pulling off some last ditch efforts?


                • Trump should have done what Al Gore did -- concede legal defeat but not electoral defeat, and tell his supporters to continue fighting for future elections on the issues that matter to them. Expecting anything other than a tiny amount of symbolic opposition to the electoral college result was both insane and stupid. There is a substantial faction of Trumpers who thought that Mike Pence might really discard the electoral votes from the disputed states and send the election to the House of Representatives. There was absolutely never any chance of this. As somebody who voted for Trump, I wouldn't even have wanted the President to be chosen that way. This was over the moment that the Supreme Court punted it. TBF, it was over the day after election day.

                  I'm still not buying the "coup" angle or the notion that this was somehow a different level of danger than the epidemic of Democrat violence that we saw last summer. The MAGA folks successfully broke into the Capitol building and then did nothing but relatively minor damage. People who storm a building with the intention of legitimately terrorizing the population don't just mug for the camera and break windows. They destroy shit and kill people. Lots of people. Barely anyone at the riot had weapons, and the ones who brought weapons didn't actually harm anyone with them. Apart from a few bullet hole pictures that I have seen, they didn't even discharge those weapons. No bombs. Nothing.

                  What would they have done if they had actually gotten to Nancy Pelosi? Good question. What would the guy who rushed Trump on stage at Ohio done if he had actually gotten to Trump? I wonder if CGVT and froot want to answer that one. What would a BernieBro do if he got to Rep Steve Scalise? Oh wait, we already know the answer to that one. Never mind.

                  Here are pictures of the aftermath of Minneapolis. This is a good reminder of what it looks like when people show up somewhere that actually have bad intentions. While you are looking at these pictures, remember that the Vice President that froot, CGVT, Jon, and all of the other Democrats voted for helped get the people responsible back onto the streets by publicizing a bail fund on her Twitter account.





                  The devastation really is incredible. So spare us your pearl clutching and fake outrage over the one riot in your lifetime that was perpetrated by people who don't vote like you. And just admit that the political divide the real reason that you are pissed off about it.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; January 11, 2021, 02:29 PM.


                  • Your false equivalencies are still bullshit.

                    US Capitol. Congress
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • I did nothing of the sort, I started no fund nor did I contibrute to any fund to bail out looters and violent actors.

                      again I am very consistent, you won't find one post saying violence is the answer. It solves nothing. You on the other hand do think violence is the answer, hence why you thought it disappointing they didn't have Molotov cocktails.


                      • I wish you would drink a Molotov cocktail...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Anyone thinking that someone in Metro Detroit that thinks riots and violence are helpful, you have a screw loose. The area is still paying for the outcomes of the 67 riots.


                          • I don't know what froot's opinion is on Democrat riots, since he was conveniently not posting last summer. But I know what DSL's opinion was. He was absolutely over the moon and giddy with joy. DSL could not contain his glee and he jeered and sneered repeatedly at people who raised objections to it. The only ounce of displeasure that DSL expressed over last summer's Democrat riots was when a 17 year old kid shot three violent rioters in what video evidence shows is a clear case of self defense. I wonder if he feels a little different about it today, now that he has seen the other side do it, albeit at just a tiny fraction. Of course, that would require introspection, humility, and empathy, which is lacking on the Left.


                            • CGVT you are right. The equivalency is total bullshit. The Left is way worse. I hope that I'm not giving anyone the impression that I think that they are the same.

                              Here is the rotunda after the Capitol riot


                              Here is Kenosha after BLM and Antifa show up



                              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                                I don't know what froot's opinion is on Democrat riots, since he was conveniently not posting last summer. But I know what DSL's opinion was. He was absolutely over the moon and giddy with joy. DSL could not contain his glee and he jeered and sneered repeatedly at people who raised objections to it. The only ounce of displeasure that DSL expressed over last summer's Democrat riots was when a 17 year old kid shot three violent rioters in what video evidence shows is a clear case of self defense. I wonder if he feels a little different about it today, now that he has seen the other side do it, albeit at just a tiny fraction. Of course, that would require introspection, humility, and empathy, which is lacking on the Left.
                                I'll say why I wasn't posting here in the summer and I won't repeat it again. I was unemployed prior to the start of COVID. So I was working Doordash and Uber and then 55 hours a week in an Amazon warehouse while working 10-20 hours a week trying to find job in my line of work. If you think I was ducking posting because politics or some dumbass shit like that, then fuck right off.

