Originally posted by iam416
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The other factor bearing on these official reductions in time spent isolating or quarantining is that it's believed infected people won't comply with 2 weeks of being locked down and start venturing out right away when they are still infectious, shedding virus but feeling nothing more than cold symptoms. The prospect of less time spent locked up would probably precipitate better initial compliance with isolating - that being the most important time to do it.
WRT 14d or even 10d of quarantine, that entire approach is being questioned. Initially, it was thought that it can take up to 14d for symptoms to appear after infection and meanwhile, a mildly infected and asymptomatic person is unknowingly shedding virus. Now it is commonly believed by virologists that regardless of the degree of infection (viral load), symptoms appear within 3d and at most 5d. Outliers are rare.