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  • DSL -- what is your explanation for why thousands of votes were tabulated after poll watchers were told to leave because vote counting was done for the night? Do you still have faith in lying, dishonest "fact checkers" who state that the poll watchers weren't purposely sent home when outlets like ABC actually reported at the time that the vote tabulation was being put on hold? Are you still laughing at Republican affiants who swear that they were not allowed to witness votes being tabulated when video in Georgia now shows that they weren't present for votes being tabulated? What is your explanation for why the votes that were counted during this time all came from boxes that were, for some reason, stored out of sight underneath tables and not pulled out until the room was basically empty? Do you have any curiosity whatsoever about why votes were tabulated in this manner? Do you have any interest in finding out whether this tabulation went towards the huge mysterious overnight vote dump that went about 97% for Biden? Can you provide an answer to these questions that is consistent with vote tabulators following election laws and not cheating, or are you just going to declare the video "debunked" because your biased sources told you it's "debunked"?
    Last edited by Hannibal; December 8, 2020, 11:33 AM.


    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
      Studies have shown that bad news gets more clicks and page views which translates to more revenue for the content provider. That's good business practice but bad for the health and welfare of human beings.
      Both my bother and I were in Cub and Boy Scouts, My Mom was my Den Mother and my Dad my Scout leader. The Scouts had some relationship with a magazine. This magazine was always laying around the house. It was called "Grit." My brother was an avid Little Leaguer and he always had a bundle of them that he made me go out and sell. That's how I got my news from the time I could read until my brother went off to college and we moved to Detroit in 1963. The magazine, as far as I know, is still in circulation. It s decidedly up beat. We need more of this. Here's the owner's editorial policy......

      Always keep Grit from being pessimistic. Avoid printing those things which distort the minds of readers or make them feel at odds with the world. Avoid showing the wrong side of things, or making people feel discontented. Do nothing that will encourage fear, worry, or temptation... Wherever possible, suggest peace and good will toward men. Give our readers courage and strength for their daily tasks. Put happy thoughts, cheer, and contentment into their hearts.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
        Here is a hilarious example of a Georgia "debunk" video, literally admitting at the end that thousands of votes that went for Biden were counted without the Republicans in the room.

        Which doesn't mean that they were illegal votes either.


        • My son is a Cub Scout now. It's still a good thing. they learn about citizenship, nature and responsibilities. I even get to make Pinewood Derby cars. But the whole organization is in Financial trouble because of lawsuits and most of the dues end up going to cover them.

          I've never read Grit, but I doubt if they say anything about that.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
            DSL -- what is your explanation for why thousands of votes were tabulated after poll watchers were told to leave because vote counting was done for the night? Do you still have faith in lying, dishonest "fact checkers" who state that the poll watchers weren't purposely sent home when outlets like ABC actually reported at the time that the vote tabulation was being put on hold? Are you still laughing at Republican affiants who swear that they were not allowed to witness votes being tabulated when video in Georgia now shows that they weren't present for votes being tabulated? What is your explanation for why the votes that were counted during this time all came from boxes that were, for some reason, stored out of sight underneath tables and not pulled out until the room was basically empty? Do you have any curiosity whatsoever about why votes were tabulated in this manner? Do you have any interest in finding out whether this tabulation went towards the huge mysterious overnight vote dump that went about 97% for Biden? Can you provide an answer to these questions that is consistent with vote tabulators following election laws and not cheating, or are you just going to declare the video "debunked" because your biased sources told you it's "debunked"?
            The link and video I posted addresses all your questions.


            • Originally posted by Mike View Post

              Which doesn't mean that they were illegal votes either.
              So poll workers purposely sent home both the press and partisan observers to count legal votes?

              And then this happened...


              Do you hate Donald Trump so much that you are unwilling to even entertain the notion that other people who hate him were in position to cheat in the election and did so?
              Last edited by Hannibal; December 8, 2020, 11:47 AM.


              • So you think this conspiracy involves the Georgia Republican party at the highest levels? That data dump is 6:34 am. The observers were sent home at roughly 10:30 pm the night before and were back an hour later. But sure, whatever. Suitcases full of fake ballots!


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                  The link and video I posted addresses all your questions.
                  No it doesn't. It repeats the same bullshit explanations that claim to "debunk" the video without actually debunking the video.


                  • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                    So you think this conspiracy involves the Georgia Republican party at the highest levels? That data dump is 6:34 am. The observers were sent home at roughly 10:30 pm the night before and were back an hour later. But sure, whatever. Suitcases full of fake ballots!
                    It wasn't the Georgia Republican Party who was counting ballots in an empty room.

                    Why were poll watchers, who are legally entitled to watch votes being tabulated, sent home to count legal votes that were being stored in bins out of sight, underneath the tables?
                    Last edited by Hannibal; December 8, 2020, 01:52 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                      DSL -- what is your explanation for why thousands of votes were tabulated after poll watchers were told to leave because vote counting was done for the night? Do you still have faith in lying, dishonest "fact checkers" who state that the poll watchers weren't purposely sent home when outlets like ABC actually reported at the time that the vote tabulation was being put on hold? Are you still laughing at Republican affiants who swear that they were not allowed to witness votes being tabulated when video in Georgia now shows that they weren't present for votes being tabulated? What is your explanation for why the votes that were counted during this time all came from boxes that were, for some reason, stored out of sight underneath tables and not pulled out until the room was basically empty? Do you have any curiosity whatsoever about why votes were tabulated in this manner? Do you have any interest in finding out whether this tabulation went towards the huge mysterious overnight vote dump that went about 97% for Biden? Can you provide an answer to these questions that is consistent with vote tabulators following election laws and not cheating, or are you just going to declare the video "debunked" because your biased sources told you it's "debunked"?
                      I can't respond to this all day but the affidavits from the Republican observers do not actually say they were told to leave.

                      Most of the poll workers got told to leave around 10:30 but a few remained behind. The Republican observers left on their own after they assumed nothing more was happening. I'll admit, no one jumped out of a chair and told them to hang on and stick around.

                      I don't know off the top of my head but I suspect the law in Georgia, like probably all states, does not require partisan observers to be present before any votes can be counted. The Secretary of State and his Investigator have gone on the record to say a neutral observer was present in the room at all times.

                      Nothing in the video proves "fraud". Period. The Sec of State has investigated everything you're talking about. But you don't like his conclusions, so you insist no one's really looked into it. That's not true. There's way more counter-evidence to this Rudy Giuliani horseshit than rightwing media is telling you about.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                        It wasn't the Georgia Republican Party who was counting ballots in an empty room. You know this, yes?

                        Why were poll watchers, who are legally entitled to watch votes being tabulated, sent home to count legal votes that were being stored in bins out of sight, underneath the tables?
                        I'm referring to their Governor, SoS, head of elections guy, etc. They have recounted, audited, certified. In some cases multiple times. Do you really think if there was ANY shred of credible evidence that there were boxes full of illegal ballots counted in secret that they would certify that election? I don't. You seem to operate under the assumption that any ballot that wasn't personally inspected by a Republican poll watcher is automatically an illegal vote. I prefer to see evidence of illegal ballots without needing to jump through hoops to ASSUME they are fraudulent. I don't think any minds will be changed on this matter so I'm happy to agree to disagree.


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          The Republican observers left on their own after they assumed nothing more was happening.
                          They did not just "assume" nothing more was happening. They were told that nothing more was happening. Period, case closed, end of story. Multiple media outlets reported at that time that the vote tabulation was done for the night. I remember that happening distinctly myself right before I went to bed.


                          They were told counting was done. This is not even remotely debatable. And it was a complete lie.


                          • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                            Do you really think if there was ANY shred of credible evidence that there were boxes full of illegal ballots counted in secret that they would certify that election? .
                            Mike. JFC.

                            The video literally shows boxes full of ballots being counted in secret. They were counted in secret because the partisan observers and the media weren't there. The partisan observers and the media weren't there because they were lied to about the vote counting being stopped.

                            Stop asking me irrelevant questions about why Republican X and Republican Y don't agree that this is election fraud, especially when election fraud would make Republican X look like an incompetent buffoon. Look at the video yourself and the timeline of events, and draw reasonable conclusions about what's happening when poll workers in a heavily Democrat area lie to get rid of the crowd and then count the votes in secret. If they were going to count legal votes, why would they lie to get rid of the media and the Republican observers?

                            After weeks of laughing at the idea that Republicans weren't allowed to observe every single vote being counted, the "debunkers" are now admitting that Republican observers did not observe thousands upon thousands of votes being counted in heavily Democrat Fulton County. Of course, they weren't willing to admit that until the video evidence came out.
                            Last edited by Hannibal; December 8, 2020, 12:22 PM.


                            • lol there's video of the whole thing AND a neutral observer was there the entire time (per the Sec of State) yet Hanni keeps insisting these votes were counted "in secret"?

                              I'll try to look up the law. I'm pretty sure there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that requires the presence of highly partisan observers in Georgia or any state for votes to be considered 'legal'. Putting observers in place anywhere has always been optional, in my understanding, not a requirement. Sometimes parties don't have the resources to send someone to every polling place or county BOE.


                              • So you're admitting that thousands of votes were counted without Republican observers, after laughing for weeks at people who said otherwise, and insisting that Republican observers were allowed to observe every single vote in every single contested area.

                                "There can't possibly be any fraud because Republicans are involved in every step and allowed to observe every polling place and every vote tabulation. Anyone who says otherwise is lying."

                                I'm glad that you are admitting that you are completely full of shit on that point.

                                In this case, the Republican observers weren't there because the poll workers in the overwhelmingly Democrat area lied to them and told them that the vote counting was going to stop.

                                Oh but there was one "neutral" observer there, so it's all on the up-and-up, amirite?
                                Last edited by Hannibal; December 8, 2020, 12:31 PM.

