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  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
    Recounts catch vote tabulation errors but not ballot box stuffing. At any rate, I have not given two thoughts to the Dominion voting machine stuff. I think that abuse of the mail-in voting system to stuff the ballot box is a lot more likely.

    If the mail-in ballot process is squeaky clean then you shouldn't have any problem with:
    1. An audit of signature matching.
    2. Forensic analysis of the ink on the ballots to confirm that the ballots were not mass marked/mass produced.

    Doesn't change the information that was presented.

    Michigan today is a legit hearing BTW.

    I have yet to see any debunking of a vote dump than went 99.4% for Joe Biden.
    Things can be presented at a hotel banquet that might not stand up to scrutiny in a courtroom or a real congressional hearing where being 'under oath' actually means something.

    As has been repeatedly stressed by Georgia and Arizona Republican officials, you can't match up signatures (from absentee envelopes) to ballots once they are removed from the second envelope inside. The point is to protect the secrecy of the vote. The envelopes get separated from the ballots once the signatures are verified.

    I might point out too that the PA law that allowed for all the mail-in voting was passed with better than 2/3 majorities in both houses of the state legislature. A bunch of Republicans voted for it; now want to claim it's corrupt and unconstitutional just because the election didn't go Trump's way. Very mysterious how no other Republicans seemed to have been harmed by all this Democrat cheating.


    • The Michigan and Wisconsin vote spkes got a lot of attention, but there was a massive vote spike in Georgia too. This one went something like 97% for Biden.

      In a state that Biden won by a fraction of a percentage point.

      Last edited by Hannibal; December 1, 2020, 02:11 PM.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        I might point out too that the PA law that allowed for all the mail-in voting was passed with better than 2/3 majorities in both houses of the state legislature. A bunch of Republicans voted for it; now want to claim it's corrupt and unconstitutional just because the election didn't go Trump's way. Very mysterious how no other Republicans seemed to have been harmed by all this Democrat cheating.
        1. It's a lot easier to mass-mark 50,000 phony ballots when you only check one box. This year had something like six times the average number of ballots that did not have any down ticket votes.
        2. It's a lot easier to screw over one guy than a whole party. Lots of Republicans are ready to throw Trump under the bus and see him go away, and most others are scared to be associated with voter fraud accusations because the optics are incredibly risky.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          As has been repeatedly stressed by Georgia and Arizona Republican officials, you can't match up signatures (from absentee envelopes) to ballots once they are removed from the second envelope inside. The point is to protect the secrecy of the vote. The envelopes get separated from the ballots once the signatures are verified.
          You can't direct match voters to votes, but you can tell at least if there were a significant amount of fraudulent votes cast. You can't prove who they were for, although if you find 100,000 fraudulent ballots from Wayne County, it's pretty obvious who they were for.

          If the mail-in votes are on the up-and-up, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about with an audit.


          • Ah yes, the running theory here is that Dems had a bunch of computers switching votes and they had prepared a bunch of fake paper ballots too just in case Trump's awesome popularity defeated their algorithm, but no one thought to check more than one box to avoid Sherlocks like Sydney Powell figuring it all out.


            • This is just one good example. Most if not all of the VERY SUSPICIOUS AND INCRIMINATING vote "dumps" can be explained in similar ways


              • I don't think that computers switched votes.

                I think that there is very credible evidence that significant ballot box stuffing took place in a handful of important, Democrat-controlled areas that altered the election outcome in a handful of key swing states. The remarks that the media keeps making about how there is "no evidence" is a complete lie. A one-in-a-million statistical anomaly is a bit of evidence. Four or five of those is pretty strong evidence.

                More evidence -- bellwether counties mysteriously and suddenly stopped being accurate in 2020.

                Last edited by Hannibal; December 1, 2020, 02:24 PM.


                • So because Calhoun County, South Carolina, a place none of us could point to on a map, didn't correctly predict the Presidential race (they went 50-47 for Trump), that's compelling supporting evidence that Dems in Detroit stuffed ballot boxes?

                  Obviously that's ridiculous.


                  • And that's the 3rd or 4th time I've seen that chart of 'bellwether' counties. I imagine it's not actually a complete list of all bellwether counties nationwide, just the ones certain people think supports the narrative of ELECTION STOLEN

                    Demographics and politics change. Ohio was once THE bellwether state. By every indication we've seen recently, it's going more the way of Missouri (which also used to be America's "swing state")


                    • William Barr, who the most deranged Trumpists have recently added to the list of conspirators, just said in the last hour that the Dept. of Justice has seen zero evidence of widespread fraud that would change the outcome of the election

                      EDIT: Removed link and replaced it with a better one

                      Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; December 1, 2020, 02:43 PM.


                      • I'm sure if all of these strange election malfeasances had happened the other way...the Dems would be very gracious in defeat...they are mostly peaceful after all...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                          I'm sure if all of these strange election malfeasances had happened the other way...the Dems would be very gracious in defeat...they are mostly peaceful after all...
                          At least two of Trump's "lawyers" have called for him to impose martial law and install military tribunals. And a third called for the public execution of the nation's cybersecurity chief. So they're handling defeat well.


                          • We will see if it lasts 4 years like the Dems temper tantrum did...
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • I'm expecting the first I WUZ ROBBED rally to be held Inauguration Day. And at least one a week after that. I imagine he might have to start charging admission, but it being the greatest show to come to Ogallala since Buffalo Bill's day, you probably won't mind.


                              • That chart is clearly a screen shot of what looks like an Excel spreadsheet. Like DSL said, how many counties are on it? 100? 200? You can sort it to make it look however you want.

