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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
    And, yet, they're going to run the same campaign in 2022. Only this time they'll scream LOUDER. That's the D playbook. None of their ideas are ever wrong. You just didn't spend enough. Or say it enough. Or say it loud enough.
    Yes, and they will get absolutely obliterated without a boogeyman in Trump to rail against.


    • I've got a bit less jaundiced view of the legislative process in a Biden/Harris presidency. Look for progress to be made where there is common ground. If we don' t have one by January 20th, we'll get a well crafter stimulus package. The ground-work has been done. People say Trump liked chaos and purposefully created it. Businesses occasionally thrive and become innovative in that environment. Government doesn't do as well. There should be a lot less conflicting and distracting political messaging and maneuvering going on. An education package will be part of the stimulus bill. Testing protocols will emerge. Without Trump fucking things up there's probably bipartisan consensus on immigration reform. There won't be any massive tax bill but there will be regulatory reform and that will be muted by Rs on both the house and senate. There's room for improvement on the regulatory side - both parties know it. Again, without Trump, there may be more consensus on health care than meets the eye. Trump's efforts to cancel the ACA I don't think had a lot of support and he muscled plenty of people to support that action. Everyone's talking about gridlock. I think there's a possibility to break some of it where there are common interests and citizen pressure.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • ...
        Attached Files
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • There's going to be some pearl-clutching by the media over Trump's little speech, but it truly was pathetic and full of lies.

          Cocaine Mitch, maybe McCarthy, are going to have a talk with him if the election gets called for Biden.


          • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

            Yes, and they will get absolutely obliterated without a boogeyman in Trump to rail against.
            Tom, I'd love to see him go away into obscurity, but I'm not sure that's gonna happen. He and his moron sons think of the Republican Party as theirs now. They aren't going to give up control just because he lost. He will fully expect to remain the face of the party.


            • There didn't need to be any grand reason to be happy for Peters and Stevens winning other than they were against Trump. That was enough for me. Any candidate who was for that POS isn't fit to be elected dogcatcher.


              • Lol. Biden’s words about not treating opponents as enemies. LMAO. That is your D party. Every R is evil and unfit.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • There won't be much done for Biden's first term if he wins, but he will get basic shit like budgets done. There will be gridlock and there won't be Trump, that's a big improvement. Let's get the Philly vote in and hopefully get Biden over the line.


                  • I should say CRs not budgets.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      Trump's lead in PA dips below 100k for the first time.
                      Now it’s 65k.

                      and Georgia is down to 3.5k.
                      5.7k more votes coming from Clayton. Like I said earlier, think the final margin will be in the hundreds either way.
                      Going to throw this guess out there and say Biden leads Georgia by 600 before military votes. Military ballots for Georgia being a mystery...
                      AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                      • Yeah, I said 306 and think that’s what it’ll be. Georgia would be a mess if it actually mattered. Same with PA.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by Cody_Russell View Post

                          Now it’s 65k.

                          and Georgia is down to 3.5k.
                          5.7k more votes coming from Clayton. Like I said earlier, think the final margin will be in the hundreds either way.
                          Going to throw this guess out there and say Biden leads Georgia by 600 before military votes. Military ballots for Georgia being a mystery...
                          Military will go to predominately to Trump without a doubt. It will just be a matter of how many there are, but I would guess 90% Trump
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Military votes won’t be anywhere near that IMO. Significant number of active troops think Trump’s a buffoon


                            • In 2016 there were 5203 military absentee ballots. I would also guess that there are more this year
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

                                Military will go to predominately to Trump without a doubt. It will just be a matter of how many there are, but I would guess 90% Trump
                                8.8k military votes apparently. I agree, those should favor Trump. ... one would think.

                                Possible Georgia flips blue tonight and flips back tomorrow with the military votes. Granted, Pennsylvania or Arizona could go for Biden by the time that happens... so would it matter...

                                AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill

