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  • The FDA is doing it's job. Rumors that they aren't are untrue and these falsehoods dangerously support the anti-vaxer arguments
    Correct. I think the fact that PDJT has driven Ds to become anti-vaxxers speaks volumes.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Pence's Chief of Staff has covid and supposedly three other Pence aides have it too

      Pence isn't making any changes to his campaign schedule.

      Meadows was trying to keep this quiet but an outside advisor to Pence (not a govt person) has it too and he couldn't control that part of it. They're worried there could now be another outbreak in the WH just days before the election.
      Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; October 25, 2020, 07:15 AM.


      • I don't know what your seeing on your state's COVID Dashboards but in FL, headlines reporting huge increases in new case numbers, a new viral surge don't comport at all with what appears on the state's COVID Dashboard. Saturday's report (Friday's data) showed 4300 new cases out of 110K tests with a 3.68 % positive. I suppose you could say new case numbers are rising but it's not because of community spread, it's because of increased testing that is finding more cases. Death rates are the same (about 2%), absolute numbers of deaths reported daily are declining and 7d rolling averages are downward trending. So are all the other metrics.

        I get the need for stressing that the virus is still present and actively infecting people. You want that message to come across loud and clear so as to reinforce the need for masking, distancing and not gathering in large groups when these measures are not in place. With more cases the math suggests more deaths but "suggests" or "could" is very different than what is actually happening on the ground, i.e, number of deaths being reported per day is declining.

        The way the states are collecting data and reporting it, all of them differently, makes the reliability of comparisons suspect. That is true both on a state and, when the data is collated for all states, at a national level. Water under the damn but the US desperately needed and still needs national reporting and a national response.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • Apparently the El Paso area is of major concern right now. Hospitalizations are up 300% over the past 3 weeks. A military hospital has agreed to take in civilian non-covid patients, two federal disaster teams have been sent, and the city's convention center is being turned into a makeshift hospital.


          • It will ebb and flow like this until we have a vaccine.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • My son reports that every day this week less than half the customers at his store wore masks, despite the 3 foot sign mandating masks posted on the front door. What's really telling (other than half the population are morons) is that the corporate office has instructed employees not to enforce the rule out of fear of violence against employees from the anti-mask crowd.
              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


              • Trump is planning to fire Christopher Wray, Gina Haspel, and Mark Esper almost immediately if he wins reelection. He would have fired several of them already if it wouldn't look bad near the election.


                • Nationwide we are now 42.8% of the way to matching the 2016 vote. The early vote has now equaled what the entire early vote was in the last election.

                  Here are some of the most individually critical states. PA is a bit weird. They have some rural counties reporting almost 70% of their absentee ballots have been returned and then some big suburban counties near Philadelphia are reporting much less than that.

                  Texas: 80.2%
                  Montana: 69.6%
                  NC: 65.0%
                  Georgia: 64.9%
                  Florida: 59.7%
                  Nevada: 57.3%
                  Colorado: 55.7%
                  Arizona: 47.1%
                  Wisconsin: 44.8%
                  Maine: 44.5%
                  Iowa: 43.3%
                  Michigan: 40.7%
                  Ohio: 35.4%
                  PA: 23.7%


                  • I'm in the 60% of FL voters to have voted early. Did it today in person. FL has reportedly broken all records for early voting with registered Ds outnumbering R's and Independents (me) by a 2-1 margin.

                    I requested a mail in ballot a month before the primaries. I received it two weeks before that, dropped my completed ballot off at one of the voting stations for my precinct as soon as they opened, done and expecting my General ballot to be received in the mail at least two weeks before that one. It didn't come.

                    We weren't in FL during the time frame I would have expected it. Apparently, the USPS is not allowed to leave the ballots in your mail-box and has to deliver them to the front door. Makes sense. My tenant received hers that way. Mine could be being held at my post office. It's a time consuming hassle to go get held mail so, I just went in today to my precincts polling station and voted. It took me about 10 minutes. No line and this polling station has always been well organized and run every time I've been in it to vote. You can go on line and look up the polling stations you are able to vote at and check wait times for each of them. Pretty cool.

                    I didn't go in blind though. The FL ballot is complicated and had 6 amendments to the FL constitution to vote on and 3 changes to the Broward County Commission rules to either accept or reject. I downloaded a sample ballot, studied all the candidates I was eligible to vote for and reviewed opinions on the amendments and rule changes. I wrote all my choices down on a piece of paper in order that they appeared on the ballot, checked in with my driver's license, the clerk confirmed my eligibility to vote and I signed what looked like a receipt saying I had voted and affirming I wouldn't try to vote again. Then I was given a paper ballot in a folder, directed to a voting station, pulled out my cheat sheet, quickly marked the ballot and submitted it. Easy.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • In Michigan, our mailman left our ballots in our mailbox. My wife got hers 3 weeks before I got mine which was weird. Mine came a few days ago on the day I was gonna go to the township office and pick one up. I delivered our ballots in person. They have a drop box outside and there were two police cars parked nearby. They were empty but I appreciated the demonstration of security. This was during normal business hours and I assume they empty the box at the end of every day.


                      • I voted in-person yesterday (Fairfield County). First of the only two Saturdays that'll have early voting. I got there close to 11 and it was only about a 10 minute wait. The guys working the polls said though at 8AM they had a huge line when they unlocked the doors. The Buckeye game probably played into that, ha


                        • Passionate 'Front Row Joe' Trump supporter dies in highway crash near St. Peter


                          "Evidence of recent alcohol use by Thom was detected at the scene, according to the patrol. Thom was not wearing a seat belt, the patrol added."

                          Looks as if supporting FDJT was not the only poor decision that this guy made...
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • HaHaHaHa! Hilarious! I mean HIL-arious!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • I hope he didn't vote early.
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • images.jpeg
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

