I want at least partial in-school. We'll have the same options -- go entirely on-line or go with whatever in-school program they offer. Stuffing my kids in their respective corners to play on their devices all day isn't good. We already let my daughter interact socially with modest restrictions and my son is playing baseball. Socially, it's my feeling that kids need to be around kids -- even in middle school where they're mostly dicks.
And Hanni is right re quality of education -- I THINK. I'm not going to judge them on spring because that was throwing band-aid on an amputated leg. We'll see if they're better at it in the fall.
And Hanni is right re quality of education -- I THINK. I'm not going to judge them on spring because that was throwing band-aid on an amputated leg. We'll see if they're better at it in the fall.