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  • "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


    • This press conference is SNL worthy. He calls on guy in the back and it is Sean Spicer.


      • is this chink virus bad or something?
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
          This press conference is SNL worthy. He calls on guy in the back and it is Sean Spicer.
          "I call it the DEEP State Department"

          Got to watch Fauci's expression and reaction at that point

          But this is what Trump wants: fighting with the media. His base loves it and most other people don't care. It fills the airwaves with talk about how it's outrageous that he's rude to the media instead of talking about his general incompetence and repeated misinformation. Just minutes ago he was totally contradicted by Dr. Fauci with regards to that malaria drug being ready to treat COVID-19. Instead of talking about that we're talking about how he berated a reporter. He knows he can manipulate the media into these kinds of situations at almost any time he needs the heat off himself on a issue of substance.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Trump's gone from 43% approval to 55% on handling COVID-19 in a week's time (at least in the ABC poll). What changed? Well mainly that he stopped downplaying it

            Maybe some of the haters that were relishing the prospect of him failing have come to the sobering realization that if he fails, then the nation fails and that more people will die.


            • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

              Maybe some of the haters that were relishing the prospect of him failing have come to the sobering realization that if he fails, then the nation fails and that more people will die.
              There's probably an element of "rally round the chief" to it, sure. But it's kind of impossible to overlook that he dramatically changed the way he was talking about the crisis about a week ago.


              • Trump never stops demonstrating he is a clear and present danger to this nation. It will be the other 326,999,999 American citizens that will pull this country through. Putting corporate welfare above human concerns, the USA is about to become Very Stable Genius' seventh bankruptcy. But that's okay in Trump World, there will be less people around to criticize Dear Leader.
                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                • FWIW, my daughter's opinion piece was published at this morning

                  Last edited by CGVT; March 20, 2020, 02:51 PM.
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • The media IS behaving shamefully. The China virus shit is preposterous. They're also up and arms about the antiviral as if it's years away. The reality is that it's fucking already proven safe. The only question is efficacy. They act as if "off label" use is some sort of impossible mountain to surmount. Fucking idiots. I haven't a clue whether the drug has efficacy against the China virus, but what little we know on that front is encouraging.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • It would also appear that lots of other countries are apparently also suffering from "general incompetence" including the vast majority of the EU.

                      Meanwhile, the media continues to tout the Chinese, swallowing whole their story. Honestly -- FUCK. THEM. BOTH.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                        FWIW, my daoughter's opinion piece was published at this morning

                        Very good, I'm glad you got her home. The people who think this is an overreaction should read her piece.

                        My daughter is planning on going away in the fall, I told her it might not happen.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          The media IS behaving shamefully. The China virus shit is preposterous. They're also up and arms about the antiviral as if it's years away. The reality is that it's fucking already proven safe. The only question is efficacy. They act as if "off label" use is some sort of impossible mountain to surmount. Fucking idiots. I haven't a clue whether the drug has efficacy against the China virus, but what little we know on that front is encouraging.
                          I get that your point is generally "who cares what it's called?". But Trump is the one who decided to suddenly rebrand coronavirus/COVID-19 as "The Chinese virus". So the question is why? Because he knew he could provoke stupidity and banality out of the press and have THAT making headlines instead of substantial issues.

                          Trump would much rather answer questions like "Why were you so mean to that reporter?" and "How come you're so racist?" instead of "Why aren't more tests ready?"


                          • So the question is why? Because he knew he could provoke stupidity and banality out of the press and have THAT making headlines instead of substantial issues.
                            It's a blame game. PDJT wants to make sure that China is the villain. He wants to make sure people remember it's the fucking CHINA coronavirus. The media, of course, is sucking Xi's dick on this one because, TBH, the like Xi better than PDJT. Period.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Also, we really need to stop calling in "Russian" interference with our elections. That's just racist.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                                It's a blame game. PDJT wants to make sure that China is the villain. He wants to make sure people remember it's the fucking CHINA coronavirus. The media, of course, is sucking Xi's dick on this one because, TBH, the like Xi better than PDJT. Period.
                                No one praises our good friend President Xi more than President Trump. He just did it again today. Said he's a terrific guy, he really respects him.

                                Does President Trump want to suck Xi's dick? Is that what this all about? Trump's jealous Xi might fall in love with the media and dump him?

                                Seriously though, Trump changed what he's choosing to call it very deliberately. He never used the term "Chinese virus" up until maybe 10 days ago, check his twitter feed. He wants to antagonize the Chinese, emphasize that the disease is "foreign" (as if disease recognizes political boundaries), and to draw out dumb responses from the media. I really don't care much either way....I'm just saying he hasn't been calling it the same thing from the beginning. It's only recently that he stopped saying "coronavirus" or COVID-19.

                                The more these daily pressers turn into debates over PC Culture and fights with the media, the happier Trump will be.

