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  • As we enter Week 5 of the GM strike, the UAW has now called a nationwide strike against Mack Truck (only about 3600 employees though)

    More than 3,600 hourly workers at Mack Trucks Inc., in Florida, Maryland and Pennsylvania went on strike at six plants at 11:59 p.m. Saturday.


    • Interesting. This guy just resigned last week.

      Michael McKinley, the former State Department adviser who resigned last week, is scheduled to testify Wednesday before the congressional committees leading the House impeachment investigation, according to two congressional sources.


      • Bolton also described Giuliani as a "hand grande" that would eventually blow everyone up.


        • Giuliani was paid $500,000 for "consulting services" by Fraud Guarantee, the shell Ukrainian company that apparently committed campaign finance fraud


          • Where Bolton is coming down on this, his firing and the complete idiocy of the skull - who I have no doubt was acting on Trump's orders - is interesting stuff.

            I'm thinking Bolton may very well bring Trump down by sealing the deal that Trump was behind the law-breaking that Giuliani and his cohorts committed. I also believe that Trump, like Nixon tried to enact and failed, will have plausible deniability that he ordered Giuliani to do anything illegal. That may indeed be provable but I see Mitch heading to the WH in the next few weeks to tell Trump he's going to face a Senate trial and that it won't go well.
            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • Comment

              • There's not much an upside to being loyal to Pompeo and Trump #ETTD.


                • ......... State, that has some very smart people working there that are career analysts and diplomats, is just sick and tired of what Trump has done to FP and how he has done it. They want him out and are falling in to see that happens.

                  Trump supporters will argue Trump is changing the paradigm of diplomacy. Fine, I can see some of his antics useful and maybe some of them working but my take is the downside globally of his act are much greater than any claims of success. Worse, it appears Trump may have acted illegally and/or unconstitutionally (those terms broadly applied) in his duties and responsibilities internationally as US President.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • I hope the CNN moderators give Tulsi time to talk tonight, but I doubt it.


                    • WSJ is reporting that former Rep. Pete Sessions has a received a subpoena, a CRIMINAL ONE (not from Congress), demanding he turn over everything he has or knows about Rudy, Ukraine, the Festrunk Brothers, etc.

                      Sessions got a $20,000 donation from Yortuk and Georg and soon began trashing Ambassador Yovanovitch to other Congressmen.


                      • Lev Parnas is the where's Waldo of GOP corruption.


                        • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • First <<DRINK>> of the night...Talent called it a clownshow


                            • Talent- Are you there? I'd say head to Temperance Row brewing afterwards for a nightcap but they'll prob be closed, these things last for-fucking-ever

