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  • Well, no question the shooter had in his mind to target Hispanics. He spoke of getting to "soft targets" representing this particular group. It would be much harder to get through security in a corporate office and do a Charlie Hebdo sort of thing. A Walmart teeming with families doing back to school shopping is a definition of a soft target rich environment for increasing the lethality of a terrorist act.

    The shooter was clearly influenced by an anti-immigration ideology which isn't a problem until that ideology becomes imbued with violent methods to stop it. From there - and clearly violence has been advanced as a means of stopping the flow of immigrants from South America by the Alt Right - when one is sick enough to carry out a brutal assault with an easily available automatic weapon with the purpose of killing as many immigrants as possible, this happens.

    I think you can make an argument that the Senate should bring HR 8 to the floor for a vote. This bill establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties (i.e., unlicensed individuals). Specifically, it prohibits a firearm transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check. The NRA opposes it as an erosion of 2A rights. Mitch McConnell has blocked debate. He's under heavy pressure to back off.

    Texas has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the nation - that becomes a problem not just for gun control advocates in Texas who seek to curtail the availability of certain kinds of weapons that are used in mass shootings but also for those same people in neighboring states. That was the case in the recent shootings in CA where the shooter obtained his assault weapon in Nevada and carried it across state lines to carryout his attack.

    If voters want some measure of gun control that addresses private sales of assault weapons by unlicensed entities, it has to come from the Federal level and the Senate has the capacity to quickly pass HR 8 to achieve that goal. If the Senate even passes HR 8 - and the most recent studies indicate the probability of passage is low - will Trump veto that legislation? Probably although the political costs of not passing the bill in the Seantae and Trump vetoing would be high given the current circumstances and mood of the country.
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


    • HR 8 -

      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • plain fact is homicide rate in the Americas is quadruple what it is in Europe and Australia for one reason


        you have to start somewhere

        banning whatever definition of an assault might not make a dent in anything but I think most people would rather take their chances with a glock or barretta then an AR 15 or AK47

        all these people screaming for trump to call this a white supremist killing would stroke out if he did the same thing with the other races

        just saying black on black crime is responsible for 52% of gun homicides while only being 13 % of the population is a fact--if trump says it though he's a racist

        but we need to focus on that < 1%^ of homicides but those domestic white terrorists don't we.

        the one compelling stat is why do white younger males are almost exclusively the shooter in these mass shooting

        almost always they don't care who they are shooting when they do it. I can think of two instnaces where the shooter went for color--the vast majority they shoot indiscriminately

        but once again my race is being blamed


        • Credit to Trump for at least mentioning and condemning white supremacy

          Fire whoever put the speech in the teleprompter. Toledo?


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Do you believe that crap, Rocky? The guy also believes Sandy Hook was likely faked.
            I don't believe Sandy Hook was fake, but I strongly suspect that the timing of these shootings are not coincidental. The Deep State failed to get Trump on so-called Russia Collusion, and suddenly we have 3 shootings. The far left violent extremists like Antifa attack people, but it's excused by the media because their victims support Trump. I'm half Mexican, but I don't want America turned into Central America because the Democrats want power. Does that make me a white supremacist? Lots of black and brown people agree with Trump. Are they white supremacists? Trump has so far been a disappointment on his professed support of the 2nd amendment. If he caves in again, I may have to believe that he is actually an agent of the deep state and gun confiscation is in our future. Hello Venezuela! One of the first thing Hugo Sanchez did was ban guns.

            Venezuela brings in a new law banning the commercial sale of guns and ammunition, in an attempt to control worsening crime rates.
            I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


            • Trump tries to tie gun legislation with immigration reform. He'd get gun laws passed in a New York second if he tied it to his resignation instead.

              President Donald Trump on Monday suggested tying immigration legislation to strengthening background checks following a weekend in which the alleged shooter in El Paso, Texas, is believed to have authored a racist, anti-immigrant document targeting Hispanics.

              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                The Dayton shooter seems like a solid example of the mentally ill/psychopath type unless we get additional information. But the El Paso guy was killing for an agenda which should not just be ignored or, *ahem*, blamed on video games.
                We've gotten the additional information. Some quick thinking people found his Twitter account before it was memory-holed. He was a hardcore Socialist, registered Democrat, Elizabeth Warren fan and Trump hater.

                A small sampling:



                • Immigration reform needs to be done. Lets see how serious the Dems are about addressing real issues, instead of playing Charlie Brown trying to kick the ball by chasing impeachment.

                  If Trump deserves to be impeached, the American people will do it with the full support of the Constitution in November 2020. Until then, there are bigger fish to fry.

                  I have no problem with background checks. I don't own a gun, but if I wanted to, I'd go thru whatever lawful process that was in place to get one. I have nothing to hide.

                  And, .. in that same vein, .. those who wish to come to America and be part of us should have no problem with coming here legally and lawfully, and following the process of the law. And there should be enforced laws as to how that's done. Finally, you don't get the 'American freebies" or the right to vote, or have a drivers license, or free medical care, .. or free education, .. until you complete that lawful process.

                  I don't understand why its such a big deal. If I wanted to live in Canada, I would go thru whatever their law says I must do, to become a citizen. I wouldn't expect the benefits of Canadian citizenship until I completed that process..

                  ok .. I've said too much ... sorry ...
                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • More gems from the Dayton shooter that CNN and The New York Times will make sure most people never see:

                    Said that he would vote for Elizabeth Warren, but not Kamala Harris because she was once a cop.

                    The day before he went on his rampage, retweeted a tweet from a violent Communist that said "I could make a joke about our government, but I'd much rather you lot pick up arms". Par for the course for Twitter BTW. It's an open forum for violent Leftists (e.g. BLM, Antifa, etc) bragging about violence that they commit and egging each other on to commit more violence. On the other hand, if you say something like "there are only two genders", then you get banned. If you go a little further than that, then you get mass deplatformed from all social media and all crowd funding. In some cases, you get your bank account shut down.
                    Last edited by Hannibal; August 5, 2019, 12:22 PM.


                    • Wow. Just found this one.

                      He has a couple of retweets referring to ICE detention centers as "concentration camps". No word on when AOC will be classified as a domestic terrorist for radicalizing this killer.



                      • All that's overkill, Hannibal. As soon as Strangewoke said:

                        The Dayton shooter seems like a solid example of the mentally ill/psychopath type unless we get additional information. But the El Paso guy was killing for an agenda which should not just be ignored or, *ahem*, blamed on video games.
               knew the Dayton shooter was communist/progressive and the El Paso dude a right winger - or, well, at least with one right wing position amongst a bunch of communist positions.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • No word on when AOC will be classified as a domestic terrorist for radicalizing this killer.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Of course, all of this shooting stuff will be pushed to the side -- China devalued the Yuan and the stock markets have responded with a big drop. It's Christmas in August for Strangelove.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              All that's overkill, Hannibal. As soon as Strangewoke said:

                     knew the Dayton shooter was communist/progressive and the El Paso dude a right winger - or, well, at least with one right wing position amongst a bunch of communist positions.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                Of course, all of this shooting stuff will be pushed to the side -- China devalued the Yuan and the stock markets have responded with a big drop. It's Christmas in August for Strangelove.
                                This is just embarrassing . The PNN version of The Talent would run circles around the current version. This is Hacksaw level material.

