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  • Can't wait to see Trump's tweets concerning the Smithsonian. I wonder if they become part of the Deep State / Fake News Conspiracy.

    The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History has inquired about obtaining disturbing drawings by migrant children that depict figures with sad faces behind bars.

    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • That's fair concerning the state of Dem affairs. Sensibility, however, is not a trump card (pun intended). There were sensible GOP candidates in 2016 but the biggest kook of them all wound up with the nomination (and Oval Office). It appears in this day and age that rationality no longer rules. Klobuchar and Bennett are the most moderate ones in the Dem field and they aren't even on the radar. Some of that blame falls onto the press as they want news with buzz not boring but valuable coverage. It's becoming more and more apparent that the primaries are the most important of elections since in national elections the tribal sheeple on either side will vote blindly. What a circus the dems are putting forth. Christ, Wiz could/would/should finish in the top three against that field.
      One could certainly argue that that the entire primary system is functioning very poorly. It's a battle for press coverage and the easiest way to get press coverage is being outlandish, extreme or a darling.

      I would gladly trade today's system for the good ol' days of backroom deals and multiple convention votes. In a heartbeat.

      And The Wizard's "kill them all" policy would play well in the R primary, but Woke Nation would reject him out of hand. So, you know, Woke Nation isn't entirely malevolent and stupid.

      But, if Biden actually figures this out and runs what passes for a centrist campaign (i.e., slightly left of Obama, lol), he can win. I'm watching one D candidate after another take preposterously bad general election positions in a race to prove Wokeness. Biden should push back against that, IMO. Perhaps that's just my wishful thinking.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Epstein apparently labeled and organized his child pornography collection. Burn this fucker


        • Apparently air conditioning is a tool of the patriarchy. I wish I could make this shit up.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • I have a kid from LA likely woke nation postergirl

            she made 250K last year and bitches that trump caused her to have to pay ,more taxes\

            trump is killing women rights

            trump is caging up infants

            we have to have free education, medical care for illegals, reparations, and destruction of every historical figure due to anti (fillinthe blank)

            I love my kid---hiked and bijked and golfed dove mountain i there with her but beginning to think that generation and beyond is going to be totally fokked

            it would be nice to see a central biden --he just looks frail and old to me. amy of the other three and I seel every stock I have and buy silver gold and bonds


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Epstein apparently labeled and organized his child pornography collection. Burn this fucker
              and all of his clients

              I have wanted to know why Clinton took 23 trips to Epstein's island on his private jet.


              • sorry, 26 trips to pedo island


                • In the past year or so I've learned more on just how shrouded in mystery Epstein's background is. Well, it is and it isn't. The mystery is more about how he really acquired his wealth. He's purported to be a billionaire, though that's possibly a front.

                  He was born strictly working class. His dad worked for the Parks Dept. Grew up on Coney Island. Went to public school. Tried college twice and dropped out twice.

                  Then he was suddenly hired to teach math at an elite private high school. Couple years later and he's working at Bear Stearns. Couple years after that he's made a partner. Couple years after that he's opening his own investment firm and is managing billions in other people's money. That's one of the things that's hard to someone i read recently put it, you don't become a billionaire by managing other people's money. A millionaire, sure, but it'd be an extremely rare case to get obscenely wealthy that way. His clientele was and is a closely kept secret. Les Wexner (the billionaire Ohio State donor) is one of his only known clients.

                  As Kapture says, he owned his own island in the Caribbean. He owned what's believed to be the largest private home in Manahattan. He travels constantly.

                  It's easy to see why people suspect he has far less legitimate sources of income. And provides a different sort of service for wealthy clients.


                  • Think tank says Congress may need to deal with the debt ceiling much sooner than expected because the government's taking in much less tax revenue than previously projected.

                    Instead of October/November, they're warning that this may need to be dealt with in the first couple weeks of September. Right after August recess.


                    • Occasional outbreaks of objective-sounding coverage are part of the scheme, Mr. President!


                      • The IG report on the origins of the Russia investigation was supposed to be out by the end of June. Second week of July and still nothing. Revealed here that the IG has actually interviewed Christopher Steele in the UK


                        • RIP Ross Perot


                          • Comment

                            • A story on crash course.
                              In the summer of 2016, Russian intelligence agents secretly planted a fake report claiming that Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was gunned down by a squad of assassins working for Hillary Clinton, giving rise to a notorious conspiracy theory that captivated conservative activists and


                              • Haven't we learned our lesson about putting billionaires into office? Is our national attention span that short?

                                Billionaire Tom Steyer officially entered the presidential race on Tuesday, saying he would seek the Democratic nomination for president despite having previously ruled out a run in January.
                                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx

