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  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

    I used to be that way, made fun of the issue, but between 60,000 and 200,000 illegals are crossing the border each month. Each month. Just staggering. Under the Obama admin, the estimate (in 2015) was 12 million illegals living in the US. When you add a million a year more every year, well, I think even the most left wing amongst us has to consider it a potential disaster in the making.
    The 12 million is the official estimate -- from people who don't want anything done about the problem. You can't trust an estimate of people who, by definition, don't want to be counted, and that is especially true if that estimate isn't a good faith attempt to find the truth. And that number is critical because the real number is the amount of new citizens that will be created when the inevitable amnesty comes.


    • don't forget your ira if Bernie wins

      you think people will keep money in stocks?

      put it bank into bonds and stocks and wait for the wealth tax to kick in


      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

        Wiz! How is the paper mache hip doing?
        They are titanium ya jackass...I got slightly more metal in my hips than my head now...


        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • That's known as primary desperation in the face of insurmountable odds. Free shit for everyone!

          And Hanni, sorry to break the news to you, but we've been a right wing banana republic since Jan 2017. Swinging to the left will suck just as much. With the right, we give up all our rights, and on the left we give up all our money.
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post

            They are titanium ya jackass...I got slightly more metal in my hips than my head now...


            just like you have slightly more y and a lot less x in your genes now


            • The border crossings go back decades. They ebb and flow. The numbers, however, are tending down since the early 2000's .

              I think the reason so many come over is that parts of Mexico and most of Central America are impoverished and corrupt. And parents would try anything to get themselves and their kids away from that. I know I would.

              But even though it's trending down, right now, the US illegal immigrant population is roughly 12 million - or 3 times the total population of Honduras. And in 2018 we apprehended 400,000 illegals with an estimated 280,000 who got through without being detained. That's roughly the population of the city of Cincinnati getting through every single year, while we manage to detain a population of illegals the size of Cleveland. Just staggering.
              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                The border crossings go back decades. They ebb and flow. The numbers, however, are tending down since the early 2000's .

                I think the reason so many come over is that parts of Mexico and most of Central America are impoverished and corrupt. And parents would try anything to get themselves and their kids away from that. I know I would.

                But even though it's trending down, right now, the US illegal immigrant population is roughly 12 million - or 3 times the total population of Honduras. And in 2018 we apprehended 400,000 illegals with an estimated 280,000 who got through without being detained. That's roughly the population of the city of Cincinnati getting through every single year, while we manage to detain a population of illegals the size of Cleveland. Just staggering.


                • I think it's social media (impoverished or not, over 90% of Hondurans, for example, have cell phones). Knowing where to go, the route, who to contact along the way, how to sneak through the cracks at the border and how to apply for aid once here is much easier info to gather that it ever has been before. Plus, they are able to read the stories of those who have done it and feel emboldened. You no longer have to use a coyote. The DIY illegal caravan crossing is a very real thing.

                  Information and communication is the answer, imo.
                  Last edited by AlabamAlum; June 25, 2019, 01:15 PM.
                  "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                  • The Europeans are in a tough spot with Iran. They have a deal they are satisfied with (the JCPOA) and the US and Israel, as only a bystander, is not.

                    France warned Iran on Tuesday that a violation of its nuclear commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal would be a serious mistake and that France, Britain and Germany were making it clear to Tehran that it was not in its interest to do so.


                    Some background first:

                    General Anthony Zinny the former CENTCOM CG and just routinely replaced Commandant of the Marine Corps around the time that the debate was going on concerning whether or not the US should sign the JCPOA was asked if he were to be in line to sign the thing, would he sign it. He said, "I don't know. First because I am not among the people who received the classified intelligence briefings regarding Iran's current nuclear posture or, second, the classified components of the JCPOA." He added:

                    In the same time frame, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu called the deal "an historic mistake:"


                    Views like these about the JCPOA are coming from multiple and credible sources. Most of them are based on a concern of verifiability. Apparently, the public does not know the classified details of the agreements on site visits. We know some of them most specifically that Iran was granted a waiver on the inspection of certain areas within military installations. What that means is beyond me but use your imagination.

                    So, here is the EU wanting to keep in place an agreement with Iran that the Trump administration, allegedly at the urging of the Israelis (Netanyahu), refused to sign the re-certification for JCPOA.

                    What do the opponents of JCPOA know that the advocates of it don't know or dismiss as irrelevant? It's a question central to the other question of what happens next? For the Israeli's the thought of facing a nuclear armed Iran is intolerable. We ought to take what they have to say about Iran's ability to cheat within the deal or already have cheated with some degree of seriousness. However, I don't here much about this. What we hear plenty of is how bad it is for the US to be acting as it is.

                    The bottom line is that the EU has made it clear if Iran does violate the terms of the JCPOA as they have announced they will starting July 7th, their position vis-a-vis the support the Iranians have asked for from the EU intended to alleviate the stress on Iran's economy due to US sanctions will likely harden. The EU support then of the US position on Iran - renegotiate the JCPOA to close loop holes and end support for proxy military units in the region - will increase.

                    There's a two way vice gripping Iran here with one side coming from the EU and the other from the US, both distinctly different in character but not in tone or intent. No nukes. I don't see how Iran isn't going to blink first if it comes to that. I think the wisest course for the US is to secretly offer concessions conditionally using the EU as interlocutors.
                    Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; June 25, 2019, 03:31 PM.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • I see the Iranians trying to play the Europeans against the US. "We want to abide by the agreement. We have been abiding by the agreement. We signed in good faith and everyone knows we are sticking to it. You need to rein in the honorless nut job across the Atlantic." If the "US is to secretly offer concessions conditionally using the EU as interlocutors", then there will have to be some face saving provision for Dear Leader. But that probably is the best course of action as there is no reining in the Orange Menace.
                      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                      • Jerry Falwell Jr, ladies and gents

                        Not sure what's better...Jerry being offended by actual Christianity or that he apparently considers himself a self-made man


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                          • More details on Duncan Hunter. Prosecutors say he used campaign funds to book hotel rooms and go on trips with at least five different mistresses. Three were lobbyists, one was a staffer in his own office, and a 5th worked for the congressional GOP leadership.


                            • Update on a case that went viral a few years back...Happened last week but hadn't heard about it till now...A large autistic man got outside and started wandering the streets with a toy truck and yelling. Someone thought it was a gun and called the cops. His therapist laid down in the street next to him and begged police not to shoot him. One cop suddenly fired three times because, he'd later claim, he thought the therapist was a hostage. Two of his shot hit no one but the third hit the therapist, not the target he claimed he was aiming for.

                              Anyways the cop who shot the therapist was convicted on a "culpable negligence" charge, a misdemeanor, and nothing else. He potentially can remain a cop.


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