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  • Pompeo tells Russia (wink wink nudge nudge) "Don't interfere with our elections". Former KGB officer Putin replies (nudge nudge wink wink) "We never have."

    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • Inconsolable

      tim conway golf GIF


      • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
        What a shitty insult to men. you gotta be a real piece of shit to say this in public.
        Everyone with the ability to think for themselves knows Mike O'Traitor is a dick.
        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


        • A Swiftkey typo on my end is all you have in response to me calling you and your employer POS for dealing with China?

          We don't need to wait to see anything.

          I was right about Trump getting elected long before others caught on that that would be the case.

          I am right about China being America's biggest enemy from any angle.

          I will once again be on the right side of history when O'Traitor and Crooked Clinton get fingered for the Russian sideshow.

          The only thing that needs to be disproven is that you're NOT an absolute anti-American POS commie loving douche' nozzle.




          Last edited by Panoptes; May 14, 2019, 06:16 PM.
          19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


          • Trump lawyers in Congress were expected to argue for a enormously untouchable Presidency but they may have even beat the expectations.

            Essentially argued Congress, in any circumstance, can never investigate the President personally. Essentially said Watergate and Whitewater were BOTH illegal investigations that never should have taken place.

            The Judge noted that there hasn't been been a single ruling at the Supreme Court or Appellate level since 1880 that determined Congress had overstepped its subpoena power.



            • Hmmmm

              So Durham's "investigation" is really more of an inquiry. For Now, he has no subpoena power and can't compel witnesses to testify or for documents to be produced.

              He's also replacing John Huber who has (in theory) been looking at the FISA issues since way back in Nov. 2017.

              The federal prosecutor assigned to the review, John H. Durham, has no subpoena power and cannot compel witnesses to testify.


              • Kushner struggled to answer questions from GOP Senators about his immigration plan. Stephen Miller had to repeatedly jump in to answer because he couldn't.

                Oh, and this was a White House/GOP only event. And people came out of it and leaked to the press that Kushner seemed clueless.


                • The Alabama Senate passed a bill tonight that effectively bans abortion in all but the most extreme health cases. No exception for rape or incest. It would be the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country and critics say it was designed to be challenged in court with the hopes of eventually overturning Roe.



                  • It's a disgrace.
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      The Alabama Senate passed a bill tonight that effectively bans abortion in all but the most extreme health cases. No exception for rape or incest. It would be the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country and critics say it was designed to be challenged in court with the hopes of eventually overturning Roe.


                      I can't wait until Kavanaugh, the man that the left utterly ruined, is the one that is the deciding vote shooting that legislation down.

                      fuck the left.


                      • The China nonsense is a true case of ready, fire, aim. Jeff is always searching for something behind the curtain, there is nothing there. Trump truly thinks China pays the tariffs and the rubes fall in line. If you tell the rubes that a tariff is a tax on them, the head explodes. Macro economics is not their thing. A lot of bluster for no reward. What's the endgame? Nobody else in US politics is actually behind this line of thinking, the GOP is so scared ofTrump they fake it or if they are feeling real adventurous they furrow their brow. But mostly once Trump leaves in 1 to 5 years so does this weird infatuation with protectionism. China sees this and will wait it out.


                        • My wife pointed out that all future presidents now have political cover for any idiocy. They will be able to state, with probable complete accuracy, "Well, I'm not as bad as Trump."
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Opinions from the various media feeds I read are all over the place on China trade and what's going on in the ME. Still, I think there are trends .......

                            I've found hard information on the goings on in the Persian Gulf and Iran/Iraq as they pertain to tensions between the US and Iran scanty and potentially unreliable. What information that is available in the public domain is probably lacking and paints a wildly inaccurate picture - that's because interested parties are trying to shape the story to their advantage.

                            What makes sense is that armed groups from Yemen - the Houtis - probably carried out the operations against the four Saudi tankers that resulted in what appears to me from available pictures to be limited damage from explosive devices surreptitiously attached to the hulls of the ships. These same groups were probably also involved in sabotage operations of a Saudi pipeline.... results of which are not entirely clear. Not much from what I can gather.

                            There can be no doubt that the Iranians are behind all of these. State has ordered the return of all non-essential department employees from Iraq within an environment of dispute between US and European/Iraqi services whether a legitimate threat prompting such withdrawal actually exists. Given that, I see this move by the US as one that is intended to shape the story and/or provide groundwork for subsequent activities - military or economic - against the Iranians.

                            The move could also be understood in the context of the EU's continued efforts to save the Iran nuke deal. IOW, the message to the EU is that the deal is weak, unenforceable and Iran is now and has been cheating since it was signed. Get with the program and support our efforts to squeeze the Mullahs into verifiable denuclearization. Even though Iran seems to be prepared to conduct operations in and around the Gulf to fuck with oil transport through it, by continuing these, they are asking for some level of symmetric confrontation involving a coalition of US, Israeli and Saudi forces that Iran isn't going to do well in ...... this, however, says nothing about Iran's capacity to conduct varying levels of asymmetric and cyber warfare both lethal and non-lethal. That's a new warfare ball game that I'm not entirely sure the US is prepared to defeat a determined foe.

                            At a higher level, what is going on in the ME as a matter of US global strategy is such a huge departure from the strategy that has been in place for the last 3 or 4 administrations it is worth taking note. If you have the time, the Summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy is worth a look. After you read it, you'll have a better understanding of global events, and how the US responds to them.

                            What is going on with China in the context of the US/Chinese trade war is clearly a component of a larger US strategy to prevent China (and Russia) from increasing their spheres of influence at the expense of US national and international interests. This again, is a significant departure from the accommodating policies of past administrations. The underlying strategy to preserve American values is also laid out in the summary above. I'm not a big fan of Victor Davis Hanson - an NRO contributor - but this piece does a good job in painting China as a significant threat to America.

                            I think the two links I've provided help to put into context the sometimes difficult to understand nuts and bolts of these two stories - Iran and the ME along with the China Trade issues - as they unfold. So, in the realm of evaluating the Trump presidency and, IMO, more relevantly his administration, policy matters to a greater extent than what PDJT more often than not poorly presents his actions and views of current events.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              The China nonsense is a true case of ready, fire, aim. Jeff is always searching for something behind the curtain, there is nothing there. Trump truly thinks China pays the tariffs and the rubes fall in line. If you tell the rubes that a tariff is a tax on them, the head explodes. Macro economics is not their thing. A lot of bluster for no reward. What's the endgame? Nobody else in US politics is actually behind this line of thinking, the GOP is so scared ofTrump they fake it or if they are feeling real adventurous they furrow their brow. But mostly once Trump leaves in 1 to 5 years so does this weird infatuation with protectionism. China sees this and will wait it out.
                              There are arguments on both sides of the debate on the Trump Administration's imposition of tariff's on China as a means of extracting Chinese concessions on trade. I'm not taking a position one way or the other on the nuts and bolts. The reason is that I lack the trade economics chops to know if this policy is a good thing or bad.... a risks/benefits calculation that I certainly can't make.

                              However, I've read assessments of Robert Lighthizer approach on China trade and the imbalances he states exist. He's a trade hawk, no question, so others might approach negotiations differently. But he's made his assessments of the negotiators at the table and thinks hard ball will work. I don't think Trump is that heavily involved; I don't think he understands this any better than we do. Still, he has a vision and he's acting on it through Lighthizer.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • US: You need to stop treating us unfairly.
                                China: You're buying 10x what we buy from you. You don't like the pricing?
                                US: We don't like you stealing our intellectual property and subsidizing business.
                                China: You agreed to technology transfer in order to do business here. The US doesn't subsidize any American sectors?
                                US: We have to agree or we won't make a shit ton of money off your low prices. The US doesn't subsidize EVERYTHING.
                                China: So what's the problem? We invest in our businesses and you make a shit ton of money.
                                US: But you're ignoring patents and knocking off our products.
                                China: You gave us the technology. If you don't like it, don't do business here.
                                US: Don't tell us how to run our business
                                China: Return the favor.
                                US: Theft is not a favor.
                                China: Neither is interference in our internal affairs..
                                US: We will hurt American business by inflicting a Trump Tax of 10%. That will discourage business from buying from China.
                                China: Yawn.
                                US: We will damage American business by inflicting a Trump Tax of 25%. That will discourage business from buying from China.
                                China: Yawn.
                                US: If you don't stop stealing our intellectual property we will severely injure American business with additional Trump Taxes.
                                China: You are willing to risk recession in a futile attempt to tell us how to run our gov't?
                                US: You will suffer from a recession as well.
                                China: Xi doesn't worry about re-election.
                                US: Neither does Trump. He has a 95% approval rating. Just ask him.
                                China: He also believes that Russia didn't meddle in your elections. And that we are paying the Trump Taxes.
                                US: Reality is what Trump says it is.
                                China: Really?
                                US: Just ask him.
                                China: When you're done ruining American business, then come back and talk to us. Even shithole countries like Viet Nam and Laos can not undercut us.
                                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx

