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  • White House is planning to assert executive privilege and forbid Don McGahn to comply with the congressional subpoena. Additionally it looks like the White House may seek to block the testimony of pretty much anyone who was a witness in the Mueller Report.


    • What the average layperson doesn't know is that measles is more virulent than chicken pox; in adults it can be deadly and it's very, very contagious.
      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
        What the average layperson doesn't know is that measles is more virulent than chicken pox; in adults it can be deadly and it's very, very contagious.
        Yep. the one downside of eradicating it from living memory is that more people are apt to chalk it up as a minor threat. No one needs to worry about it anymore. And you're right, I think a lot of people think it's basically the chicken pox.


        • Not a good time to be a Christian Scientist either.
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • 58580495_2696463450368931_4383303791047344128_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=a91516cf2b569e9be1a38788781be41a&oe=5D2FEB91.jpg


            • RE: Trump asserting executive privilege to prevent McGahn's testifying before the Oversight Committee.

              Reading up more on this Trump's case is shakier than it appears at first glance. The courts generally side with the President in fights between Congress vs. Executive Privilege. They give judicial subpoenas more weight (go figure, the Supreme Court is friendlier to the President ignoring congressional subpoenas than ignoring judicial branch ones)

              However, the point I didn't consider earlier today, and what Democrats will raise, is that Trump already allowed Mueller unfettered access to McGahn for his report. That's arguably (maybe even definitely) a waiver of privilege. Trump then had the opportunity to redact McGahn's statements in the Report (his lawyers read the entire thing before anyone in Congress or the public). Even Barr stressed that the President had every right to redact any part of the Report if he so chose. He didn't redact McGhan's testimony. That's arguably (maybe definitely) waiving privilege a second time. The Report is now public

              McGahn's testimony is cited over 100 times in the Report.

              Does the President have the right to assert privilege on a topic that he's already allowed to be made public?


              • And speaking of McGahn, wow, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, which is the friendliest to Trump among all the nation's most read papers, just published an op-ed praising McGahn for saving Trump from himself. Trump will hate it when he sees it if he hasn't already. Someone at the Journal is getting a call


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                  RE: Trump asserting executive privilege to prevent McGahn's testifying before the Oversight Committee.

                  Reading up more on this Trump's case is shakier than it appears at first glance. The courts generally side with the President in fights between Congress vs. Executive Privilege. They give judicial subpoenas more weight (go figure, the Supreme Court is friendlier to the President ignoring congressional subpoenas than ignoring judicial branch ones)

                  However, the point I didn't consider earlier today, and what Democrats will raise, is that Trump already allowed Mueller unfettered access to McGahn for his report. That's arguably (maybe even definitely) a waiver of privilege. Trump then had the opportunity to redact McGahn's statements in the Report (his lawyers read the entire thing before anyone in Congress or the public). Even Barr stressed that the President had every right to redact any part of the Report if he so chose. He didn't redact McGhan's testimony. That's arguably (maybe definitely) waiving privilege a second time. The Report is now public

                  McGahn's testimony is cited over 100 times in the Report.

                  Does the President have the right to assert privilege on a topic that he's already allowed to be made public?
                  why do the dems want him to appear if they can just read the report, by your logic?


                  • Wa-wa-waaaaa

                    Iowa's longest serving Repub has bailed to the Dems because of Trump.

                    "He sets, in my opinion, a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children by personally insulting -- often in a crude and juvenile fashion -- those who disagree with him, being a bully at a time when we we are attempting to discourage bullying, his frequent disregard for the truth and his willingness to ridicule or marginalize people for their appearance, ethnicity or disability," McKean said.

                    Iowa’s longest-serving Republican state lawmaker is ditching the party in a protest of what he called President Donald Trump’s “unacceptable behavior” and is joining the Democrats.
                    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                    • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                      why do the dems want him to appear if they can just read the report, by your logic?
                      And by your argument the Republicans had Diamond & Silk testify in hearings even though anyone could find out their opinions by watching their videos. Irrelevant. They can have McGahn elaborate. There is value in having the public see it come directly from his mouth.

                      Trump can assert privilege on new topics if he chooses but doesn't appear he can issue a blanket order to answer no questions on any topic, particularly it would seem if the subject is already in the public domain.

                      I think I said on Monday that Trump's argument in his tax return case calls into question the constitutional ability of Congress to even conduct investigations, which is almost certain to lose in Court.

                      All about stalling, delaying. If these weak argument buy Trump even a month his lawyers will be happy.


                      • Before she was forced out, Kirstjen Nielsen made it one of her top priorities to prepare for Russian cyber-intrusions and interference in the 2020 election.

                        Mick Mulvaney told her: Never discuss this in front of Trump

                        Mulvaney went on to tell her that Trump views any discussions of Russian spying, Russian intrusions, Russian hacking, etc. as attacks on himself personally and his legitimacy and so only gets pissed off when anyone. ANYONE, brings the topic up.


                        As homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen became increasingly worried about Russian attempts to influence the 2020 election. But she couldn’t discuss it at high-level White House meetings.


                        • Just days after announcing Trump would get a state visit in the UK this summer, he accuses British intelligence of helping Obama spy on him. I'm sure the Queen will be thrilled.

                          When Sean Spicer made this accusation at a presser back in 2017 the White House got angry calls from the UK and Fox News eventually disavowed the story.

                          Oh and the 'expert' Trump is quoting here has been caught making dubious claims in the past, among them that John Kerry committed war crimes in Vietnam and raped a woman, that Michelle Obama was on tape using racial slurs against white people (he never produced the tape), and that the CIA and not Russia hacked the DNC.


                          • FVEY, Canada, US, UK, New Zealand and Australia.

                            add Israel

                            all of a sudden Dems love foreign interference.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              And by your argument the Republicans had Diamond & Silk testify in hearings even though anyone could find out their opinions by watching their videos. Irrelevant. They can have McGahn elaborate. There is value in having the public see it come directly from his mouth.

                              Trump can assert privilege on new topics if he chooses but doesn't appear he can issue a blanket order to answer no questions on any topic, particularly it would seem if the subject is already in the public domain.

                              I think I said on Monday that Trump's argument in his tax return case calls into question the constitutional ability of Congress to even conduct investigations, which is almost certain to lose in Court.

                              All about stalling, delaying. If these weak argument buy Trump even a month his lawyers will be happy.
                              all about stalling, delaying yes. he let the dems spend 2 years investigating a god damn hoax made up as an excuse because your candidate lost an election. Swallowed up two years of his presidency. He should fight the dems on EVERYTHING every step of the way. You failed to beat him in an election, you failed to get him on a made up hoax charge that we spent two years on, 30,000,000 tax payer dollars for dem oppo research......


                              • Senior Trump 2020 advisers are headed to Harrisburg on Wednesday to meet with Pennsylvania GOP officials

                                Trump's campaign is moving to shore up the state after 2018 midterm elections that saw Republicans get blown out in races up and down the ballot. Compounding the situation is a state party organization riven by turmoil and infighting.

