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  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

    The only person here mentioning that George Soros is a Jew is you.

    LOL Nice try. You're going to need to develop some new debating strategies. Linking everybody on the right with "Nazi" worked wonders on the Baby Boomer generation of Republicans like Mitt Romney but it's quickly losing its effectiveness.
    Why would you feel the need to mention he is Jewish. You're aware he is Jewish, you know everyone here knows he is Jewish, and you choose to throw every simple-minded stereotype from Mein Kampf at him anyways.

    Next you'll be attempting to claim Robert Bowers was an Ilhan Omar sympathizer who believed in intersectionalism and genderless bathrooms and not someone whose views are 99% your own.


    • Study published by Iowa State believes there's a direct correlation between the drop in soybean prices and support for Republicans in Iowa. Iowa counties most dependent on the soybean crop saw a shift away from the Republicans as much as 50% greater than might otherwise have been expected between 2016 and 2018

      How do trade wars affect presidential support? President Trump's aggressive tariffs on China despite his largely rural electoral support base provide a unique opportunity to analyze the relationship between international trade policy and domestic support. If trade-related considerations were ever decisive to American voters, the stark decrease in soy prices, a direct effect of Trump-initiated tariffs immediately preceding the 2018 midterm election, serves as a critical test for studying their effect. This letter shows a robust inverse relationship between county-level soybean production and the change in Republican vote share between the 2016 and 2018 congressional elections.


      • LMAO


        • so ur saying spying did occur? that's some Alex Jones shit right there man, didn't you hear Trey Gowdy?


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Study published by Iowa State believes there's a direct correlation between the drop in soybean prices and support for Republicans in Iowa. Iowa counties most dependent on the soybean crop saw a shift away from the Republicans as much as 50% greater than might otherwise have been expected between 2016 and 2018

            stronger dollar is bad news for all farmers. I personally know a lot of farmers and many would be democrats if not for the left's insane gun control proposals.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              Why would you feel the need to mention he is Jewish. You're aware he is Jewish, you know everyone here knows he is Jewish, and you choose to throw every simple-minded stereotype from Mein Kampf at him anyways.

              Next you'll be attempting to claim Robert Bowers was an Ilhan Omar sympathizer who believed in intersectionalism and genderless bathrooms and not someone whose views are 99% your own.
              I didn't mention it. You did.

              It's almost as if you are attempting to use the ages old smear tactic of tying every form of Right Wing criticism back to the Nazis -- who, by the way, agree with you guys 100% on the cause of the 2008 recession. Funny I don't remember Republicans invoking the Hitler boogeyman back when the Liberals were demanding that the Goldman Sachs executives be drawn and quartered.


              • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                so ur saying spying did occur? that's some Alex Jones shit right there man, didn't you hear Trey Gowdy?
                Well I'm not sure what the truth is but saying there was 'spying' (or "surveillance") is not the same thing as saying they did anything illegal or improper (Gowdy claimed nothing illegal or improper).

                And since the bar has been set by your side at "one must be indicted to have done anything bad" I'll expect you will hold to that standard as we examine the conduct of the FBI, CIA, or whoever else.


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  Well I'm not sure what the truth is but saying there was 'spying' (or "surveillance") is not the same thing as saying they did anything illegal or improper (Gowdy claimed nothing illegal or improper).

                  And since the bar has been set by your side at "one must be indicted to have done anything bad" I'll expect you will hold to that standard as we examine the conduct of the FBI, CIA, or whoever else.
                  also, Stephen Miller and PapaD were never recruited by Russia to be a Russian spy...

                  why was an FBI informant contacting them before the official start of the investigation? that is why there needs to be a special council investigation, two years and 30 million dollars and rabid partisan republican prosecutors and investigators on their team only. lets go, I'm stoked.

                  ya know, since your side set that bar.
                  Last edited by Kapture1; April 11, 2019, 03:42 PM.


                  • Crash ...... I'm familiar with the history of the IRGC. No question that Iran uses it proxies in their many forms to achieve their political objectives - most of them inconsistent with the strategic interests of the US in the ME and as far as it goes, world wide. So, yeah, they are a country to be reckoned with. I don't deny the need to confront them. I question the method of the Trump administration.

                    Trump supporters in the matter at the center of this discussion offer that it's good thing that the President isn't a lawyer treading softly and worrying about international law as it applies to ROE but is instead taking affirmative action to confront the Iranians without concern for those things. Designating the IRCG as a terrorist organization and being very public about it (and IMO to that end nothing but pandering to his base) heightens regional tensions and risks an accidental military engagement between Iran and US or Israeli armed forces that is bound to escalate.

                    To me, there is a shit ton of reasonable things to do to contain Iran's regional and world wide aspirations. One of them is to support the kinds of disruptions within that country directed against Iranian symbols of power, the IRGC, for example, that took place a few months ago when a group shot up a parade they were a big part of. Good work ..... and I have no doubt the Israel and the US were clandestinely involved in that. None. Let them rail publicly or privately about foreign instigators being behind that shoot up. That stuff stirs up the anit-Islamic Persians within Iran creates pressure on the government allowing public criticism from the West when they crack down on protests.

                    Instead Trump elects to make a big splash. I can't see through it that Trump wouldn't have been given multiple options to achieve what he might have told his COS, Mulvanney, what he wanted re the Iranians, who then would have normally passed this down to State, Sec Def and the NSC. Options and risks/benefits of them would have ensued. Did that happen? Maybe. But, from what we know about this loose cannon that PDJT probably is, it's not out of the question that he made the decision to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization without a lot of advice or discussions about options and attendant risks and benefits. JMO, your guess is as good as mine.
                    Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 11, 2019, 03:46 PM.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • I used to have an IRGC Z back in college.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                        I used to have an IRGC Z back in college.
                        I used to use ICQ. That was the shit


                        • Today's a perfect example of the crazy differences in weather between central ohio and near Lake Erie.

                          Right now it's 45 in Cleveland. It's in the low 80's in Columbus.


                          • qx9d41maonr21.jpg


                            • This is so fucking embarrassing, it almost makes you want to cry. Here's Fed Reserve nominee Stephen Moore DENYING he's ever called for a return to the gold standard and tight money followed by clips of three separate clips of Stephen Moore advocating a return to the gold standard, one as recent as 2016.

                              So the question is whether Stephen Moore actually believes in anything at all or does he simply say whatever will please whoever is currently in the room because he's got child support to pay?


                              • Wow. Twice in the past six months the White House has pressured DHS to simply take migrants from the border and dump them on the streets of sanctuary cities. Trump views it as proper punishment for those who defy him. Washington Post has emails from Trump White House people proposing this. ICE rejected the proposal as illegal and brushed the White House off.

