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  • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

    why did the media force the issue down everyone's throats for 2 years? Why did top intelligence officials and Democrats lie to the American people about information they had the clearance to see that we don't implicated Trump in Russia collusion? Why are the Democrats so convinced that Barr lied in his summary to hide evidence of collusion?
    Absolutely, Republicans should make this their top campaign issue for 2020. Should talk about little else. Huge political winner.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      Absolutely, Republicans should make this their top campaign issue for 2020. Should talk about little else. Huge political winner.
      that the democrats made up an excuse that Hillary lost because they just couldn't admit Hillary was a shitty candidate, so they concocted a plot to take down the democratically elected president of the United States? Then refused to believe the results of the two year investigation into no actual crime?

      IOW, the Democrats are mentally ill, vote for me instead.


      • AOC just claimed that CBP officials are "deliberately" trying to "cage children and inject them with drugs" because "of their national origin"

        without evidence.


        but did you hear what Trump said about wind turbines? Why is Trump causing all this division???


        • One minute you're whining like a bitch that the media is too obsessed with AOC. The next minute you're whining like a bitch that the media isn't paying enough attention to what AOC's saying. Please restrict your whining like a bitch to one lane only please. Thank you.


          • Well, the mainstream media is certainly obsessed with Palin-Cortez, but they sure as fuck don't care about fact-checking her. In fact, Newsweek even tried to defend her preposterously wrong comments re the 22nd Amendment. So, you know -- it's actually both. And it's embarrassingly awful journalism. But that's the state of things.

            That's what happens when you're the do-no-wrong liberal media darling. That's how it works. You know, like Hannity pimping PDJT to the ends of the earth but never calling out his multitude of wrong statements.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              One minute you're whining like a bitch that the media is too obsessed with AOC. The next minute you're whining like a bitch that the media isn't paying enough attention to what AOC's saying. Please restrict your whining like a bitch to one lane only please. Thank you.
              I'm not "whining like a bitch"

              I am laughing that the left and media has promoted this dumbass to be the intellectual thought leader of all of the democrats. I am laughing at your leadership for letting AOC run the party's agenda.

              Just pointing out that the media is the mouth piece for the democrats and they will pick and choose which of the thought leader's statements to cover and which ones they wont. I am sorry that you get slapped in the face with the dumbass shit she says, again, not my fault she's your party's thought leader lol

              but please do whine like a bitch some more about something Trump says and how he's the one dividing the nation as apposed to your thought leader claiming with no evidence the our border protection agency is locking migrants in cages and injecting them with drugs because they are brown. go ahead.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                Well, the mainstream media is certainly obsessed with Palin-Cortez, but they sure as fuck don't care about fact-checking her. In fact, Newsweek even tried to defend her preposterously wrong comments re the 22nd Amendment. So, you know -- it's actually both. And it's embarrassingly awful journalism. But that's the state of things.

                That's what happens when you're the do-no-wrong liberal media darling. That's how it works. You know, like Hannity pimping PDJT to the ends of the earth but never calling out his multitude of wrong statements.
                I don't disagree with that. Either stop giving her maximum coverage or start treating her like you'd treat other pols. But it's better said that everyone is obsessed with AOC, including conservative media.


                • conservative media is reacting to the reality that the media promoted her the new fresh face of the Democrat party. if they would point out how fucking stupid she is, conservative media wouldn't have to. but they don't and won't.


                  • This is an interesting model created by those Larry Sabato/Crystal Ball people using economic growth/approval numbers to predict Trump's electoral votes in 2020.

                    Not at all intended to be definitive. Just set the ballpark for what you'd expect given those two things. For example, if growth in Q2 2020 is around 2% and Trump's approval is about 10 points underwater, the odds of him being reelected are better than not. Note that if there's really 3% growth into the middle of next year, he'd be predicted as a slight favorite to win reelection even if his approval numbers are terrible.



                    • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                      conservative media is reacting to the reality that the media promoted her the new fresh face of the Democrat party. if they would point out how fucking stupid she is, conservative media wouldn't have to. but they don't and won't.
                      LOL...well I've certainly learned over the past 24 hours that whether its conservatives or Nazis, neither is really responsible for the actions they take. Everything is just a reaction to outrageous acts commited by The International Left (funded by George Soros, naturally).

                      If The Left could behave itself, conservative media might cease to exist altogether! We should give it a try!


                      • But it's better said that everyone is obsessed with AOC, including conservative media.
                        There's no doubt. And the reasons don't really matter (e.g., whether it's a reaction by conservative media or not). Where we may part ways is whether you'd rather have the mainstream liberal media on your side or FOX. Personally, I'd rather get the red carpet treatment from every late night show, 60 Minutes, CNN, and then the obviously left news folks than run afoul of Tucker, Sean and Britt.

                        I've said this before -- she is a walking, talking parody. The fact that SNL hasn't lampooned the everliving fuck out of her speaks volumes about where the entertainment media is.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • DSL:

                          Thanks for the Sabato link. That's pretty interesting. I think it's really interesting as a general predictor without a defined choice. Once the choice is clear, the calculus has to change, obviously. The only question is who emerges from the Palin-Cortez primary as the choice.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                            LOL...well I've certainly learned over the past 24 hours that whether its conservatives or Nazis, neither is really responsible for the actions they take. Everything is just a reaction to outrageous acts commited by The International Left (funded by George Soros, naturally).

                            If The Left could behave itself, conservative media might cease to exist altogether! We should give it a try!
                            you are a fundamentally dishonest person, or if that is what your learned, a dumbass.

                            I will lean towards dishonest


                            • Conservatives: Um, your thought leader just said our border protection agency is caging migrant children, injecting them with drugs because they are brown
                              Leftists: CONSERVATIVES POUNCE! SO OBSESSED!! QUIT WHINING LIKE A BITCH!
                              Last edited by Kapture1; April 4, 2019, 09:44 AM.


                              • The thing with AOC is that for a moronic pol, she does get a pass by most of the mainstream media. She might catch some shade from Fox or NRO (etc), but most of her shit gets tossed back at her by nobodies on Twitter, it seems. Compare and contrast her treatment by the media and Palin's a few years back.

                                That said, I would pay real money to see AOC debate Palin. It would be a real life dumb and dumber. Put it on PPV. Half the money toward the wall and the other half for some project of the Left.
                                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln

