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  • Wiz, what's it like being the only Nebraskan member of Kansas?


    • Trump views success through TV ratings

      Remember Trump's meeting with Chuck & Nancy where he claimed he'd take total ownership of the shutdown and be proud to do it? He thought that meeting was a huge success for him because it had great ratings. And Lindsey Graham knows that to get Trump to do something you'd better convince some FoxNews personalities first.


      Taking ownership of a shutdown


      • 88xigyggigp21.jpg?width=823&auto=webp&s=dfeb4d2e355305c5226572a57625490b32872af7.jpg


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          Wiz, what's it like being the only Nebraskan member of Kansas?

          pretty damn cool

          do you dig the eye patch?
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • White House whistleblower says she's aware of 25 individuals who were denied security clearances only to have the agency responsible overruled by the White House.

            The whistleblower, Tricia Newbold, told Congress that security clearance applications for White House officials "were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security."


            • The President has the authority to grant security clearances regardless of process, procedure or recommendation. That's how Putin got his so what's the big deal about Kushner?
              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                White House whistleblower says she's aware of 25 individuals who were denied security clearances only to have the agency responsible overruled by the White House.

                clearly we need another special counsel lol

                Last edited by Kapture1; April 1, 2019, 01:13 PM.


                • Comment

                  • A Connecticut woman has come forward and accused then-Vice President Joe Biden of inappropriately touching her in 2009 at a political fundraising event.


                    • 4 more proposals for Brexit put forward by Theresa May all just failed to pass.

                      Customs union shot down...Revised Common Market shot down...holding a second referendum shot down...revoking Article 50 shot down

                      Holding a second vote on Brexit was both the most popular and most unpopular.

                      Theresa May will hold a crunch cabinet meeting on Tuesday to work out what to do next.


                      • Oh and the Conservative Party MP who serves as Whip, Nick Boles, just resigned and quit the Party altogether, saying too many members refused to compromise in any way. Quits in the video below.


                        • Highly recommend this article. It thoroughly deconstructs the myth, spread by Kapture here but Trumpworld at large, that Trump's 'very fine people' comments have been taken horribly out of context by the dishonest, evil media.

                          At the heart of this revisionism is the claim that the 'very fine people' Trump was referring to were people present in Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue. History lovers who had their rally taken over by Neo-Nazi hoodlums.

                          The problem with that argument, as this article demonstrates, is that there is zero evidence that any rally by a bunch of peaceful, history buffs ever existed. The only permit filed was by the organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally, organized by a bunch of Alt Right figures, many of whom fallen into irrelevance since 2017 but were still big at the time. And yes, several are admitted and proud white supremacists. Hell, the event posters reeks of Nazi imagery.

                          Several key passages from the piece:


                          And later in the press conference:


                          set me offone of themcourt battleposter for the event and notice that the headline speaker was prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer.

                          So this was not some kind of big-tent rally for supporters of the monuments that just happened to be hijacked by white nationalists. It was a rally organized specifically by, and for, white nationalists. Which is why the Virginia ACLU had to go to bat for their right to protest.


                          • Doth protest way the fuck too much. Unpersuasive and extremely poorly reasoned. That argument is literally that PDJT said the white supremacists were very fine people AND they were terrible people. He, of course, condemned the condemnable.

                            To avoid the clear fucking English words and clear distinction the argument imputes a level of knowledge about facts on the ground that PDJT rarely, if ever, possesses about any facts on any ground.

                            But, hey, when the Russia hoax is exposed might as well get back to how PDJT thinks neonazis are very fine people.

                            Last edited by iam416; April 1, 2019, 09:48 PM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              Doth protest way the fuck too much. Unpersuasive and extremely poorly reasoned. That argument is literally that PDJT said the white supremacists were very fine people AND they were terrible people. He, of course, condemned the condemnable.

                              To avoid the clear fucking English words and clear distinction the argument imputes a level of knowledge about facts on the ground that PDJT rarely, if ever, possesses about any facts on any ground.

                              But, hey, when the Russia hoax is exposed might as well get back to how PDJT thinks neonazis are very fine people.
                              Talent, his original statement:

                              As I took it the point of the article was to demonstrate that Trump's statements in the wake of that weekend were a jumbled mess, not to demonstrate he's an avid supporter of the KKK. There's been an attempt in recent weeks by Trump-supportive media to claim that the media has been woefully unfair to Trump's very "clear and definitive' statements.That original statement is anything but a clear resounding declaration against white nationalism. Even in his clean-up phase when he explicitly said white nationalism should be condemned, "totally", he made the point of insisting that there were plenty of people walking alongside them that were great folks. And the mean ol' media is being so unfair to THOSE people.

                              A point the author raised and I bring it up again is that this was not a rally taken over by Neo-Nazi and White Nationalist thugs. It was a rally organized by Neo-Nazi and White Nationalist thugs. If there's evidence that a bunch of peaceful history buffs were mixed in with the Nazis and walked alongside them while they screamed "Jews Will not replace us!", no one can seem to find it.

                              So bottom line, I don't think the point of the article was to categorically say Trump = Hitler. Instead it was to push back on an emerging storyline in conservative media that Trump was very clear and direct and any suggestion that his various statements over the course of several days were a mess is a lie perpetuated by the corrupt fake news media. But as we say, your mileage may vary.


                              • As I took it the point of the article was to demonstrate that Trump's statements in the wake of that weekend were a jumbled mess, not to demonstrate he's an avid supporter of the KKK.
                                I generally agree that his statements lacked the necessary clarity. But that's not at all what I took the point of the article to be. I took the point of the article as saying there no "very fine people" at the march (like the author). There were only KKK/Neo Nazi types. Thus, PDJT's "very fine people" comment could have only endorsed KKK/Neo Nazi types.

                                There's been an attempt in recent weeks by Trump-supportive media to claim that the media has been woefully unfair to Trump's very "clear and definitive' statements.That original statement is anything but a clear resounding declaration against white nationalism.
                                It can be both. If you think that the statements were a jumbled mess then you'd almost have to conclude the media were woefully unfair to PDJT contemporaneously. The media didn't much hedge its bets or try to figure out what he said. It was very clearly -- nazis are very fine people. Now, it may be wrong now to say that he was crystal fucking clear the other way. As I noted, his statements were [edit -- NOT] a model of clarity. As you're taking conservative media to task today I hope you were taking the mainstream liberal media to task then for their assertions of "clear and definitive" statements.

                                And look -- here's where the article falls apart. I think we have to start from the position that PDJT (1) is the least informed President in history; (2) shows almost no fealty to the truth; and (3) when speaking extemporaneously, as he almost always does at some point, isn't a model of clear thought. The notion of attributing to his understanding what specific people were and weren't there, which specific people got what specific permits and who started what and when is, IMO, unsupportable. IMO, he most likely did believe there were "very fine people" there who were merely non-racist, peaceful members of the Conquered People, like AA. That would make his "very fine people" line factually incorrect, but not supportive of racists (as the media claimed).

                                And that's exactly the basis or proof of the article. So, no. I mean look--the author RELIES on this:

                                Seriously. SERIOUSLY. If PDJT had said this about any other fucking topic you would have mocked and snarked the everlasting shit out of it. C'mon. But, hey, if this is your new approach to your Dear Leader -- one of omniscience and informed comments -- then proceed. It'll be fun to watch.
                                Last edited by iam416; April 2, 2019, 07:30 AM.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

