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  • The Trump administration's problems with leaks will now benefit Congress.


    • When goons with torches were marching in Charlottesville screaming "Jews will not replace us", Trump said there were many fine people among their ranks and were just deeply concerned over the loss of a beloved statue.

      Today he says the Democrat Party is anti-Jew because one member trafficked in antisemitic tropes. And yes, he didn't just say anti-Israel, he said the Democrats are anti-Jew


      • The Founder of the spa where Robert Kraft got blowjobs was at a watch party with Trump the night of the Super Bowl

        NOTE: She was not charged with anything and she sold several locations years ago, including the ones where prostitution occurred.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          When goons with torches were marching in Charlottesville screaming "Jews will not replace us", Trump said there were many fine people among their ranks and were just deeply concerned over the loss of a beloved statue.

          Today he says the Democrat Party is anti-Jew because one member trafficked in antisemitic tropes. And yes, he didn't just say anti-Israel, he said the Democrats are anti-Jew
          fine people on both sides of the statue debate, yes.

          This is the lie that the progressives still push as evidence of Trump's antisemitism, even tho his daughter, son in law, and grand children are Jewish, and he is the most pro Isreal president we have ever had.

          worst Jew hater ever.

          The dems have now mainstreamed antisemitism in their party. Every single one of the candidates for the Dem nomination defended Omar.


          • Trump tweeted a picture of Hillary with a Star of David on it in front of a pile of money. His apologists later claimed he thought it was a Sheriff's Star, which would render the image utterly nonsensical. He told AIPAC that they might not like him much because he didn't need their money. He also told the same group that he'd always make sure America stood by 'your country", implying the same thing that Omar did, that Jews are loyal to Israel first, America second,

            Not a bigoted bone in his body. Right. That's off the top of my head. Guarnatee there's more I'm forgetting.

            Also, anyone who has nothing to say about the anti-Semitic tropes routinely employed against George Soros by the Far Right really shouldn't bitch about Omar.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              When goons with torches were marching in Charlottesville screaming "Jews will not replace us", Trump said there were many fine people among their ranks and were just deeply concerned over the loss of a beloved statue.

              Today he says the Democrat Party is anti-Jew because one member trafficked in antisemitic tropes. And yes, he didn't just say anti-Israel, he said the Democrats are anti-Jew
              He is, of course, wrong. The Democrats are predominantly anti-White, not anti-Jew (most specifically, anti White male). They will ignore anti-Semitism on their side when it comes from their fellow anti-White allies. Trump is attempting to employ the strategy known in Alt-Right circles as "The Democrats are the real racists".


              • I'd consider voting for Elizabeth Warren if she is serious about this.


                I can't believe that more Republicans haven't adopted this cause since these companies are so decidedly Left Wing and censoring Right Wing content with reckless abandon at this piont. It has even extended to banking as Right Wing activists (e.g. Laura Loomer) have had their bank accounts literally shut down. Wait a minute, who the fuck am I kidding? Of course the Republicans haven't adopted this cause. They are dumbasses with absolutely no self-preservation instincts.
                Last edited by Hannibal; March 8, 2019, 10:52 AM.


                • "You had some very bad people in that groupYou had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park, from Robert E. Lee to another name"

                  "I've condemned neo-Nazis. I've condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee."

                  he was talking about people that appose taking down statues and renaming landmarks and parks. He wasn't calling ANTIFA and white supremacists fine people lmao


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                    Trump tweeted a picture of Hillary with a Star of David on it in front of a pile of money. His apologists later claimed he thought it was a Sheriff's Star, which would render the image utterly nonsensical. He told AIPAC that they might not like him much because he didn't need their money. He also told the same group that he'd always make sure America stood by 'your country", implying the same thing that Omar did, that Jews are loyal to Israel first, America second,

                    Not a bigoted bone in his body. Right. That's off the top of my head. Guarnatee there's more I'm forgetting.

                    Also, anyone who has nothing to say about the anti-Semitic tropes routinely employed against George Soros by the Far Right really shouldn't bitch about Omar.
                    Omar has a LONG history of antisemitism. This is a well established pattern for her

                    here is a tweet around the same time in her life when she married her brother



                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                      Yeah its the FBI's fault
                      when its longer then a year for multiple people in an incoming administration including members of the presidents inner circle to get a security clearance yeah I'd say you look at the process. especially someone who is traveling frequently to the middle east trying to broker a deal between Lebanon and Israel


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                        He is, of course, wrong. The Democrats are predominantly anti-White, not anti-Jew (most specifically, anti White male). They will ignore anti-Semitism on their side when it comes from their fellow anti-White allies. Trump is attempting to employ the strategy known in Alt-Right circles as "The Democrats are the real racists".
                        the reality is that white men are at the bottom of the victim hood inter-sectional hierarchy. Right above them are the Jews. So it is correct to say the dems are more anti white male then they are anti Jew, but not by much.


                        • "crash touting Kushner as Trump's best asset"

                          why do you lie DSL?


                          • sjm48bdh4uk21.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=caccb50a4c8ad653a4d3ab9d6c78e83fca2d6187.jpg


                            • The Dems voted unanimously for a mealy-mouthed, generic "anti-hate" statement the called out antisemitism, among other things. Kim Strassel is a liar and not a particularly good one,

                              23 Republicans refused to vote for even a pathetic bland feel-good measure because, apparently, they didn't want to sign onto a statement against other forms of bigtory beyond antisemitism. Kevin McCarthy was clearly pissed at the nitwit R's who voted no. And they were the usual suspects: Steve King, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, etc.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                The Dems voted unanimously for a mealy-mouthed, generic "anti-hate" statement the called out antisemitism, among other things. Kim Strassel is a liar and not a particularly good one,

                                23 Republicans refused to vote for even a pathetic bland feel-good measure because, apparently, they didn't want to sign onto a statement against other forms of bigtory beyond antisemitism. Kevin McCarthy was clearly pissed at the nitwit R's who voted no. And they were the usual suspects: Steve King, Louie Gohmert, Paul Gosar, etc.

