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  • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
    trumps skills in speeches and rallys will translate well if his list of accomplishments continues for the debates
    He's got a decreasing base and he's losing support from that base among voters that are fact checking his claims in his speeches and at these rallies you speak of. I think a good portion of his base is on to him and find it troubling. I'm not entirely sure that the diehards will give up on him but equally unsure if that will be enough for him to get re-elected.

    Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
    whichever dem is thrown at him they all are gonna be cornered into a socialistic moralistic corner that the center of their party has pushed them into
    I think you meant that the radical, socialist whackos in the Dem party will push their candidate into a "socialistic moralistic corner." not the center but I generally agree with you here. It is certainly a risk for them and gets right to my point that voters who may not care much for PDJT will vote for him anyway because a Dem WH and Congress will and should scare the shit out of them.

    Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
    if trump wasn't so much like Kristin wiigs Penelope character on SNL he'd win easily
    I'm glad to see you finally recognizing the liabilities your dip shit president brings upon himself.

    Kap ..... I recognize Trump might pull this out and, yeah, no way I'm going to not acknowledge that.

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • Jeff Bezos says the National Enquirer tried to blackmail him with nude selfies if he wouldn't drop his private investigation into how his phone data was stolen. Instead, he's published the emails his lawyer have received from them.


      • National Enquirer be like:


        • John Dingell has died


          • Chief Justice Roberts joins liberals to put a Louisiana abortion law on hold. In 2016 the Court also found a nearly identical law to be unconstitutional.


            • Most of the big-name D Senators running for President jump on board the preposterous Green New Deal and call out Palin-Cortez specifically as in "honored to co-sign with APC" and so forth.

              If only Rs would stop talking about her.

              Last edited by iam416; February 8, 2019, 08:10 AM.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • So, the Palin-Cortez-Markey Resolution for The Green New Deal...whoa. If it wasn't covered and pimped by every major news outlet then I wouldn't much care. I'd lean toward Pelosi's comments that were more or less, "so what?" But it's getting huge coverage and, like it or not, the Liberal Media has anointed Palin-Cortez. Here are some things she wants done:

                Here is one "crisis" that justifies The Green New Deal:

                Obviously, directly related to climate change.

                One of our greatest accomplishments is feeding the world. Really and truly. It embarrassed the shit out of Erhlich. But, it would appear we're doing it all wrong.

                (H) guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States
                Can't combat climate change without full employment.

                Can't fight climate change without universal healthcare AND housing.

                There's much more, including ample need for strengthened unions in order to combat climate change. Heh.

                This is the face of the Progressive Socialists.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • I think trump just got his Christmas miracle if 3/4 of the serious candidates are attached to that piece of drivel


                  • We do legitimately have Trump to thank for drawing the cockroaches, rats, and snakes out of their nests by instigating them into a reaction. The Left has advanced their cause for most of our lives via lies and subterfuge. They get "moderates" elected to Congress who then go on to caucus with the nut cases. They appoint ideological extremists to federal beauracracies. They appoint loony extremist judges to the courts who advance their Left Wing agenda via decisions that have no Constitutional basis. Nothing in the Green New Deal is a new agenda item or something that the Left hasn't been advancing the cause of. It's just more out in the open now. With that said, Republicans have had more chances than I can count to hammer the Left when they accidentally reveal their intentions and they pretty much ignore those chances out of fear of being called "mean-spirited" and "racist".

                    BTW, expect a barrage of "expert" studies to come out in the near future in the mainstream media showing how easy and costless the Green New Deal is going to be.
                    Last edited by Hannibal; February 8, 2019, 09:44 AM.


                    • Talent --

                      LMAO at those "crises". They are a compilation of every Left Wing canard about American capitalism.


                      • It's quite the connundrum for serious-minded Progressives. Palin-Cortez is a fucking rockstar with all the media adulation the goes with being a socialist rockstar. So, he has a ginormous microphone. The liberal media doesn't much care if this is the just the Markey Bill.

                        The problem is that Palin-Cortez is Palin-Cortez and the the Green New Deal is profoundly unserious about climate change. Rather, you get all the baggage and utter nonsense that goes along with Palin-Cortez laid bare. It's an astounding proposal. And I am well-inclined to ignore it but for the fact that (a) I do believe, as Hannibal, that this the new D party at least in boldness; and (b) 4 big-time D presidential hopefuls have hopped all-in on this proposal.

                        This is the MAINSTREAM D Party and it's being pimped by their poster girl.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • The Dems are gonna find a way to elect Trump again with this ridiculousness.

                          Gonna have to take the green, high speed train to Scotland and live out the remainder of my days there.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • Palin-Cortez is going to have a prominent speaking role at the Progressive Socialist Convention. Book it.

                            And Scotland's loss is our gain. U! S! A!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • That is my whole point from the past few days. There is no point is saying Trump wont win when at every available opportunity, the left is saying Hold my Beer

