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  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
    If the State of the Union is permanently delivered by letter as result of the shutdown, then it will be an absolute and unqualified success.
    lol...was of a similar mind


    • Pelosi is sneakily good at roasting people. You don't want her making speeches or anything, but she is artist with the dig.


      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
        Pelosi is sneakily good at roasting people. You don't want her making speeches or anything, but she is artist with the dig.
        Yep, taking away a tv opportunity from Trump will get his attention. Maybe he'd try to do it from the Oval office instead? With his staffers applauding after every line?


        • I'm not sure the move is productive, Trump will dig in his heels more. But it is good fan service.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Pelosi to Trump: If you won't reopen the government, then I think you should delay the State of the Union or just deliver us a letter instead of a speech. Thanks.

            It’s day 29 of the government shutdown, and hundreds of thousands of government workers have been furloughed for four weeks. Follow here for the latest.
            lmao, yeah like that will happen.

            Typical dems trying to obstruct everything Trump.


            • fast food bacchanalia in the White House yesterday. The exact dimensions of the triggering are still unknown, but certain to be vast. Deadspin offices have closed down, and all of us organic vegan bloggers are crying big wet liberal tears as the troops sternly unplug our computers, possibly forever. We know deep down we deserve it.


              • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                lmao, yeah like that will happen.

                Typical dems trying to obstruct everything Trump.
                Trump will be furious and probably do something stupid or ridiculous. She understands how to provoke him much more than vice versa


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  Trump will be furious and probably do something stupid or ridiculous. She understands how to provoke him much more than vice versa
                  She already sent her formal invitation to President Trump.

                  Trump can now tell Nancy to get bent.


                  • Nancy Pelosi has invited President Donald Trump to give his upcoming State of the Union speech before a joint session of Congress.


                    • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                      She already sent her formal invitation to President Trump.

                      Trump can now tell Nancy to get bent.
                      lol, he has zero control over how the House Chamber is used. This wasn't a request, today. She was telling him to make other plans for the speech.


                      • Good Lord, same day that multiple military members are killed in an ISIS attack, Pence gives a speech bragging that ISIS has been defeated. Did no one brief him in time?

                        ISIS has claimed responsibility for a deadly explosion that killed four Americans and at least 10 other people in the Syrian city of Manbij on Wednesday.


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          lol, he has zero control over how the House Chamber is used. This wasn't a request, today. She was telling him to make other plans for the speech.
                          she already gave him a formal invite while the government was shut down. I would love for her to have these optics.


                          • Today, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of workers or labor or whatever --

                            It's an excruciatingly technical opinion by Gorsuch focused on what "employment" meant in 1920. Some progressive commentators are apparently astonished that Justice Gorsuch is, well, a textualist. In any event, the opinion was unanimous. What I find most interesting is that Ginsburg, in addition to joining the opinion, wrote her own concurrence that basically said, "yeah, the words as they were used by Congress should have their ordinary meaning at the time of enactment, but sometimes we have to make exceptions." That, in and of itself, isn't interesting -- she clearly has the Civil Right Act and "because of sex" in mind. Ain't no way in hell she's relying on the ordinary meaning at the time when that comes up. BUT, no one else joined her concurrence. So, hooray on most counts. Gorsuch uses his brand of hypertechical textualism to reach a very progressive outcome and no one hops on board the daft RBG concurrence that says "yeah, I like rule in this case, but not all cases -- I'll let you know."

                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              lol, he has zero control over how the House Chamber is used. This wasn't a request, today. She was telling him to make other plans for the speech.
                              Are you saying she can deny him access to the physical space to hold the SOTU? Seriously? If so, I can't wait for the video spoof as if he's in an office and there's a squabble over who booked the boardroom at that time.


                              • Turkey has filed papers with Interpol to extradite Enes Kanter:

                                Hopefully this case will draw some much needed attention to efforts by the likes of Turkey and Russia and others to file these horseshit "red notices" to get dissident living abroad extradited back to the appropriate Thug Regime for their torture and murder. It's fucking appalling.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

