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  • enough with the memes


    • does he not know how this works?



      • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

        so you will not address the 70% federal income tax proposed by Occasional Cortex to address Climate change?

        not free college, not socialized health care, not paid maturity leave, not inner city investment, not education.... climate change. an issue that doesn't fall in the top 10 of issues people vote on.

        where the fuck does the socialist get the money for the rest of their schemes with 70% for climate change??
        I didn't address that because that's not what the topic was and I don't dispute those are socialistic programs as well.

        The debate was over tariffs and your stubborn refusal to admit their reality: they are a form of government control, manipulation, and regulation of the economy.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

          I didn't address that because that's not what the topic was and I don't dispute those are socialistic programs as well.

          The debate was over tariffs and your stubborn refusal to admit their reality: they are a form of government control, manipulation, and regulation of the economy.
          Manufacturing is growing 714% FASTER under Trump than under 0bama.


          • r3vq490ajx821.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=ed019bc0a4cc01eacb44828765efa2435ae40a00.jpg


            • I am not happy with the tariffs and I would argue that the manufacturing is growing in spite of them, thanks to the cut in taxes and regulations. That if there were no tariffs the increase in manufacturing jobs would be even more than they have been. I am on record here voicing my displeasure with them.



              • Look at it Chuck



                • just to pile on

                  we are energy independent with prices at the pump less then 2 bucks

                  wages rose 3% last month

                  most restraunts and stores you go to these days have help wanted signs out there -minimum wage is taking care of itself

                  eventually the market is going to figure out it doesn't need to panic everytime trade with china is brought up.

                  our economy is handling this tariff war a lot better then china is right now

                  now is the perfect time to take on china

                  the market is going to start to reflect how strong economy we really do have in the coming months --the smart one are buying not selling

                  it is amazing this whole budget thing is over 5 billion dollars

                  hell keeping troops in Afghanistan by itself is costing 20 billion a month


                  • The tariffs range from problematic to downright bad. There's no good in them. The impact will lag depending on the industry. Steel, e.g., IMO, will start to hit 12 months or so after he went protectionist. But, it's fucked up policy.

                    A 70% tax on any income level is fucked up as well.

                    Those are you answers. Move on to more memes.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • I'm sure if they ever got to a 70 percent marginal tax rate, there would be loads more loopholes than there are now. But it's not happening, just like the flat tax isn't happening and the postcard tax return isn't happening.

                      I have a friend in the fencing business and it screwed up peoples orders right away, once those tariffs went up signed orders previous to the announced tariffs made deals into money losers right away.

                      The people saying tariffs are not a big deal probably haven't taken economics course or slept through them. They should start reading up on comparative advantage and trade flows. But it is important to note that it is still rather small potatoes what Trump is doing.
                      Last edited by froot loops; January 7, 2019, 10:28 AM.


                      • I have a friend in the fencing business and it screwed up peoples orders right away, once those tariffs went up signed orders previous to the announced tariffs made deals into money losers right away.
                        Yeah, and imagine if you're in the, you know, building-building business. Business doesn't like uncertainty. I'd expect to see a drop-off in significant new construction -- buildings -- starting at the 12-18 month point.

                        Government's first, second and third rules should be do no fucking harm.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • 70% is a nice start, and, again, merely a return to policy in the era that many voters feel nostalgic about. However it's not going to be enough because the aggressive tax-planning options are far more plentiful today.


                          • Government's first, second and third rules should be do no fucking harm.

                            Provide a level playing field and leave it at that. I agree and have said it often. However I'm sure it would be very little effort at all for us to disagree on how to do that. It's demonstrably impossible, IMO, with the amount of money we have in politics today. Even a small fraction of this amount would be too much. Canada's proof that regulatory capture doesn't cost a lot.


                            • well the entire world first us second mentality wasn't real good either

                              by making things fair you get us back to working for ourselves instead of filling china and the rest of the worlds piggybanks at our expense


                              my guess is they reach a deal in the next 3 months though

                              It is the first formal meeting since the US and China agreed to a 90-day truce in their trade battle.


                              • Provide a level playing field and leave it at that.
                                We'll never even agree as to what a "level playing field" is or come remotely close. That's like saying everyone should pay their "fair share."
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

