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  • IG coming out next week with their Hillary report supposedly hundreds of pages

    mcabe looking for a deal before he spills the beans on comey

    brannen will be next

    far as the trade goes have to give the man a pass

    whatever he's doing the American worker and the economy and your IRA and your GDP and your minority work force and your full time workers all seem to be doing just fine

    shaking up the trade agreements might be detrimental short term but long term its needs to be shaken up. too many years of getting screwed


    • The problem the NFL has is that PDJT voters -- whom The Atlantic now says we should call racists -- are a large part of the NFL audience. #GentryProgs aren't so much into sports and certainly not football. And so while we'll keep seeing the artsy world of entertainment produce musicals and movies and shows that go hard after normal Americans, normal Americans get their say when it comes to the NFL. It'd be an even bigger say if this was a CFB issue.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • The NFL will survive Trump's totally pathetic feud.


        • Of course it will. And PDJT will continue to capitalize on idiot NFL players.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
            The NFL will survive Trump's totally pathetic feud.
            progressivism will destroy the NFL, and the players don't give a shit. neither do some of the owners.

            yes progressivism, they are disrespecting our flag, trashing the country and rubbing American's faces in it. there you have it, progressivism in a nutshell.


            • seriously what was trump supposed to do

              guess no more major champions will be going to the white house

              time for people to remember the old adage you don't have to respect the man but you do respect the rank.


              • In election news, Senator Menendez unsurprisingly wins the D primary, though his opponent ran way better than expected. I rather doubt the Ds will abandon an overtly corrupt Senator with the battle for the Senate so close.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                  progressivism will destroy the NFL, and the players don't give a shit. neither do some of the owners.

                  yes progressivism, they are disrespecting our flag, trashing the country and rubbing American's faces in it. there you have it, progressivism in a nutshell.
                  Lol, jeezus Christ.


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    Of course it will. And PDJT will continue to capitalize on idiot NFL players.
                    Maybe, but what's it gaining him other than humiliation like yesterday. He really wants to be liked and his feud with the players cost him a photo op. crash course is right on one thing, if only Nick Foley and the Philly Phanatic shows up, cancelling it and mangling God Bless America with 1000 "Philly fans" was the better option.

                    The key part for crash and you to know is even if all NFL players stood for the national anthem, crash and you now know they hate America and are disrepecting the troops. Your whole team stayed in the locker room, they are humiliating you and Trump. Now you know and you can never get the toothpaste back into the tube.


                    • Thank goodness guys like this are looking out for our freedom. True Patriots!

                      Fatty3.jpg MAGA!
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post

                        seriously what was trump supposed to do

                        guess no more major champions will be going to the white house

                        time for people to remember the old adage you don't have to respect the man but you do respect the rank.

                        LOL. Maybe quit being a clueless asshat?

                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • cool airsoft guns


                          • 1. Protests ARE patriotic. I find nothing about the 'taking a knee movement' that qualifies as "trashing our country." That said, a business has a right to demand compliance with certain reasonable employee behaviors that they find important while said employee is "on the clock" and I think that inculdes mandating that they stand or sit or whatever as directed while dressed out at the venue. I cannot imagine, though, some fan so ridiculous that they would only watch the NFL if players stand or would refuse to watch if they did not - especially since most fans have traditionally not even seen this part of the game until it became an issue (fuck you Kaep). It's a stupid argument getting stupid people stupidly worked up. I do not like the NFL product nearly as much as the college game, but not because of standing or kneeling players before the goddamned game even starts. Trump HAS played this well, though. Making this an issue has gotten all of the Natty Light-drinking, flag bandana-wearing "America! Fuck yeah!" morons in his camp and believing that the anthem is some kind of sacrosanct oath of fidelity to the US that should be revered whenever it heard (who among us stands at home when we hear it on TV or pulls our car over and gets out when it is played on our car radio before a game we are listening to? Identify yourselves so I can mock you).

                            2. I cannot believe the MSU dogfucker hasn't gotten more play here. I am disappointed in ALL of you.

                            3. The Braves are still in 1st and we're into June! Surely, this is a sign of the End Times.

                            4. The baker case was correctly ruled, imo. I still hate both sides. We have become a nation of idiots and assholes. That a baker would turn away business because their imaginary bearded sky-dad said that homos shouldn't be allowed to enjoy personalized confections is fucking ridiculous. Likewise, the aggrieved couple making a State and Federal case out of it when there are eleventy billion other bakers who would make them a cake and instead having the state government issue a "thou shall bake a homo cake" is ridiculous.

                            5. Alabama will be VERY good again this year. We get some good experience with some of the secondary without incurring too many injuries and we will be going to the playoff. Again.
                            Last edited by AlabamAlum; June 6, 2018, 10:22 AM.
                            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              The problem the NFL has is that PDJT voters -- whom The Atlantic now says we should call racists -- are a large part of the NFL audience. #GentryProgs aren't so much into sports and certainly not football. And so while we'll keep seeing the artsy world of entertainment produce musicals and movies and shows that go hard after normal Americans, normal Americans get their say when it comes to the NFL. It'd be an even bigger say if this was a CFB issue.
                              If ever there were a Federal anti-discrimination lawsuit waiting for adjudication, the "disparate impact" of black players in the NFL and NBA (80% and 90% respectively) is clear evidence of racial bias. Blacks are 12% of the population, but 85% of the two leagues. Cannot possibly be that they are better players because all men are created equal.

                              I believe the GentryProgs really try to like soccer, but it is so boring that they cannot bring themselves to support it. No problem though, illegal immigration will expand the fan base.


                              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post

                                2. I cannot believe the MSU dogfucker hasn't gotten more play here. I am disappointed in ALL of you.
                                Hey, man, changing from small, thin girls to dogs (or whatever) takes time.

