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  • Antifa's activists say they're battling burgeoning authoritarianism on the American right. Are they fueling it instead?

    Some history of antifa I was unaware of as well as clashes between this group and the nazi right.

    I tend to side on the thought that violence will increase as certain elements in this country want a fight.

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    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • Trump should just face a firing squad...and Obama/Clinton should be sworn in immediately...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Entropy:

        I linked that article yesterday. There's no doubt antifa is spoiling for a fight and there's no doubt the neo nazis are, too. That's unfortunate, mostly because they are such absolute fringe groups, though I do think antifa has some open sympathy from those generally in the #resist type movement. I'm sure there's not open sympathy for the alt-right from more mainstream conservatives.

        Also, antifa is sort of anarchist/communist. They are, ironically enough, fascist in nature -- acting as the sole arbiter of what is appropriate speech.

        Anyway, Froot is absolutely correct -- at least based on what little I know -- in that BLM is certainly not antifa. I'm sure they're sympathetic and I'm sure they have and will find themselves linked at the same protest, but BLM, at least as I understand them from their webpage and stated principles, is set on working through the system. They are squarely in the marketplace of ideas making their case.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • 4th person resigns from Trump's Manufacturing Council in 2 days

          GRANDSTANDERS! Trump has no use for you! JOBS!


          • Progs trying to erase more history!!!


            • In much more serious news, there are reports neo-nazis are attempting to pull a Westboro Baptist church and show up at Heather Heyer's funeral


              • Trump is possibly incapable of understanding why these CEOs are grandstanding. Also, I can't see many replacements rushing to take their spots on that committee from a major corporation. He'll find some Breitbart approved CEOs.


                • The Trump Presidency astounds me every day, I knew he would be bad if he was elected but my imagination was not big enough to imagine how bad. That's a failure on my part. I thought eventually shit would grow normal, nope, not even close and it will never grow normal.


                  • I wonder if Trump will invite the neo-Nazi white nationalists to the White House like Obama did with BLM.

                    I know, there is no need to with "the Steves" present.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      4th person resigns from Trump's Manufacturing Council in 2 days

                      GRANDSTANDERS! Trump has no use for you! JOBS!
                      Ironic that that bullshit council was made up totally for optics, now it's just making him look like the piece of shit he is.


                      • This is scary and certainly Chump (or one of his ass licking minions) is ultimately behind it. The DOJ is requesting info on people who protested the Cheeto last January.

                        A web hosting provider is fighting back against a search warrant that it claims would require them to turn over information on visitors to a website used to organize protests against President Donald Trump, according to court filings first published on the company’s blog Monday.

                        From beginner guides to advanced strategies, our experts share insider tips to supercharge your web presence.

                        Why would a hosting service retain logs in the first place? Isn't that begging for a search warrant?
                        “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                        • Yeah, good luck with that.


                          • Anyone want to handle that one? Painting the kkk as victims? Fucking Christ


                            • Nazis. Fucking Nazis

                              Christ, Trump is a dumbass.
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • This is a disgrace.

                                Geezer, you're still willing to defend this shit?

