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  • Talent is probably correct on the testimony not establishing obstruction of justice in regards to trying to get Comey to drop the Flynn investigation as of justice. I do believe the firing of Comey because he wouldn't drop the investigation is obstruction of justice in the terms of an impeachment setting, maybe not in a criminal case.

    When people are viewing obstruction of justice charges, they are viewing it through the prism of impeachment and what has happened in the past, namely Nixon and Clinton. President Trump's actions seek like they are in the same ballpark.

    I'm not sure if the Democrats won the House that impeachment would be the best strategy, it certainly didn't help the GOP in the 90s.


    • You typically need to find a crime of some sort -- "high crimes and misdemeanors" -- before you proceed with impeachment. Obstruction of justice has a specific meaning in this context. I really don't think this is it and I haven't seen a persuasive argument that it is (i.e., applying facts to the statutory elements).

      That's all I'm saying. I have no desire or wish to defend DJT. I think the NRO quote I posted accurately sums up my feelings on him -- namely he's a total asshat -- he ran as a total asshat; was, inconceivably, elected as a total asshat; and is acting like an asshat in office.

      It takes a lot to separate one's feelings about DJT from his policy decisions and/or his crimes/not crimes. IMO, for most of D friends it's impossible. The Trumpkins I know are similarly inclined to pick so many wrong hills to die on -- like every one. It's awful, IMO.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • The only crime I see having to read all this nonsense from you asshammers...

        :::5 minutes I won't get back:::
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • My "The Wizard is a Total Asshat" stance remains unchanged -- going on 20 years, now.

          Holy fuck, 2 decades.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Hated you then...loathe you now...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              You typically need to find a crime of some sort -- "high crimes and misdemeanors" -- before you proceed with impeachment. Obstruction of justice has a specific meaning in this context. I really don't think this is it and I haven't seen a persuasive argument that it is (i.e., applying facts to the statutory elements).

              That's all I'm saying. I have no desire or wish to defend DJT. I think the NRO quote I posted accurately sums up my feelings on him -- namely he's a total asshat -- he ran as a total asshat; was, inconceivably, elected as a total asshat; and is acting like an asshat in office.

              It takes a lot to separate one's feelings about DJT from his policy decisions and/or his crimes/not crimes. IMO, for most of D friends it's impossible. The Trumpkins I know are similarly inclined to pick so many wrong hills to die on -- like every one. It's awful, IMO.
              I agree with this, it can't just be obstruction of justice for impeachment from what I know, there would have to be some other crimes. Special Counsel Mueller or AG Scheiderman would have to find something.

              I don't trust Pence anymore than Trump, he walks around with his chest puffed out like he's a peacock. If someone like that walked into a room 95 percent of the people in that room would instantly detect his as a poseur. The other 5 percent is Mother.


              • ...yet you trusted BHO...and his plagiarizing mate...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Damn straight


                  • whether you think of djt as an self serving grandiose egomaniacle asshole the reason he was elected is because he had no obvious ties that the PAH had.

                    the PAH was in indebted to every special interest group out there and seemed to operate with those at the front of the line who contributed the most . trump doesn't seem to give a damn about special interests lobbyis or how the game used to be played

                    DC bueracrats will spend the next 7 years doing a 100% obstruction job on anything he tries to do and hoping to find picture of prostitutes he is urinating on, or bank statements full of rubles, or tax returns that show he didn't pay a dime in taxes but by the dems blowing their wad now I think you taught DJT a lesson that will allow him to survive.

                    He's going to screw up more but he's also going to become untouchable because he knows how the game is played now. the entire trump army now knows how the game is played now. youre gonna be stuck with them for another 7 years


                    • Lol


                      • Same


                        • crash...did you eat paint chips as a young lad?
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • While everyone everyone was watching Comey, the GOP has begun the rollback of Dodd-Frank protections. At 600+ pages in length, here are some of the low lights.

                            1. Would emasculate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. No longer would it be able to pursue companies engaged in fraudulent marketing, discriminatory lending, or a whole litany of other financial wrong doing. This is the same agency that has returned (from corporate evildoers) $29 billion to 12 million victims.

                            2. Rolls back the rule that financial advisors must put YOUR best interest before their own when offering financial advice.

                            3. Repeal the rule that prevents banks from borrowing and investing FDIC insured money for their own profit.

                            4) Strip all authority from the Financial Stability Oversight Council. Run by the presidentially appointed Treasury Secretary, it is a financial early warning system to prevent future meltdowns. Conducts the 'stress tests' of bank stability.

                            5) Repeal the Volker Rule that prohibited banks making high risk bets that would endanger depositors funds.

                            6) Wants to raise stock ownership required for shareholder proposals to 1%. Not that this has much to do about banks (other than the 'say on pay' votes), but consolidates power to large shareholders, telling small investors to go fuck themselves.

                            The so-called 'onerous' regulations have reduced bank failures to 5 or 6 a year, down from the peak of 157 in 2010. The GOP spin is that the number of banks and credit unions are dwindling now. The FDIC reports that 97% of the quantitative reduction is due to mergers and aquisitions, a fact the GOP fails to report.
                            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                            • People had no idea what they were voting for when they voted this jackass into office.
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Good riddance to the CFPB. Hopefully.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

