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  • For a "businessman", he doesn't seem to present much business sense. Again, holing up in the US and hiding behind outdated policies that aren't going to work. Trying to force the economy back to an outdated manufacturing based model from 30+ years ago isn't going to happen. Trump just seems perpetually stuck in the 70s/80s in everything he does, the way he acts, the way he thinks, his attitudes on race, etc.

    Thankfully you can already see companies are still committed to moving forward on things like renewables. Sadly, they could very well end up moving forward on those with other countries who are committed to the process.
    Last edited by Mainevent; June 2, 2017, 12:33 PM.


    • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
      .........The difference is that Putin is smart, and Russia (Through him of course) might well be successful in such a scenario, whereas Trump is a dumbass and risks an already wildly successful economy in such pursuits.
      Agree with this. We knew by the 2nd or 3rd year of the both the Clinton and the Bush younger and older presidencies who the insiders were driving foreign and domestic policy and what think tank entities these fellows were listening to.

      In Trump's case, I don't think it is Bannon and his crowd, I think Trump's been influenced by foreign service career professionals who have his ear right now. On the dark side he could be getting played by Putin and his cronies. I have less confidence that this is substantive though. I'm going to rely on my knowledge that there are some smart people in Washington. But I'm one of those glass half full sort of people.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Not so sure I'd clear Bannon...the course DJT follows at times seems logical only when viewed through the prism of Breitbart, Star Chamber-thinking. Its also reflected in the language this administration uses, daily.


        • I've been posting since CNN/SI days and punctuation and capitalization are more the result of shitty hurry up typing issues then anything else. the backspace key gets used more then anything

          concerning rich I really do hope it was a botched robbery and not something more sinister

          it certainly is getting to be a cold case now especially since the ballistics haven't even been released yet of what kind of weapon it was. also be interesting since he was supposedly conscious to know what he told the police--they have copcam footage from the cops who were on the scene first that should correlate the robbery theory but wont release it

          ftr I have never watched Hannity or oreilley a complete or even 15 minutes in a row of any fox show
          I watch morning joe more than any other news show

          binge watch a lot of Netflix/hbo/amazon series with the wife


          • I know some questioned why Putin would prefer Trump to Clinton. Here's one big reason.


            Megyn Kelly asks if "squabbles" in the West help Russia. Putin says that if the squabbles dismantle NATO, then yes.
            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


            • Trump said on May 18 that he was 'very close' to naming a new FBI Director. 2 weeks later and nothing. Now some candidates who were interviewed are starting to leak to Reuters.

              The interviews were brief, 10-20 minutes, and Trump seemed 'distracted', didn't talk much about the Agency, mainly talked about himself...


              • Max Boot on Trump's inability to understand global organizations. Boot nails it, even if he is a neo-con.

                Hint: retreating from these globalist alliances doesn't put American interests first.


                • IMO Paris is just a symbol. Ultimately the market can and will force reality on the politicans and their enabling citizenry.
                  Precisely. Jeff has failed to point out that the three major stock indexes have each reached new highs both today and yesterday, and the market, as Jeff says, is a pretty reliable measure of public opinion.

                  Hopefully, ordinary citizens will push for a cut in the massive subsidies for the green agenda, particularly wind and solar. Neither even sniffs at an actual market-based outcome for at least 50 years, if ever. These subsidies go to the global elites, including the large oil companies. Just follow the money for wind farms or solar arrays.

                  And as for Trump looking back 30 years, and being somehow "outdated", let's remember the three world wars fought in the 20th century WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. And let's remember that a strong and individualistic America won all three wars. The victory in the Cold War, in particular, was the product of one man's vision of the world that did not comply with either party's dogma. Reagan's attitude of "We win, they lose." was jeered by the French and the Germans. Lots of hand wringing when Reagan said "...tear down this wall..." but it happened. Why in the world would Trump not want to replicate what has worked?

                  The first two years of Reagan were rife with stories of how stupid he was, just like today. Just remember that the US economy grew at an 8% rate from January 1983-June 1984, starting about a year after the tax cuts were passed. And remember the victory in the Cold War. If Reagan had been a Democrat, the only debate would be about who was the second best President in US history.


                  • I've been posting since CNN/SI days and punctuation and capitalization are more the result of shitty hurry up typing issues then anything else. the backspace key gets used more then anything

                    concerning rich I really do hope it was a botched robbery and not something more sinister
                    Hey crash, don't worry about what CGVT or froot say about punctuation. Neither can write a cogent paragraph without multiple errors, and I laughed out loud when CGVT bitched about your punctuation.

                    But I am not nearly as good a person as you are. I hope Seth Rich did indeed leak the Podesta files (or access to them) to Wikileaks, and I hope the DNC is found to have hired his murderer. But, for now, at least the Rich tale has a crime involved. All the Trump/Russian bullshit has no crime attached, and the progs here (smartly) refuse to name any crime. Alan Dershowitz, a hard left Harvard Law professor, has stated that if everything the Dems dream up is all true, there is still not any crime.


                    • It's weird that Da Geezer is quick to point to the stock market during Trump but failed to mention it during the Obama years. The Dow only went up 150 percent during those glorious 8 years.

                      Regarding Trump and how smart he is, people are talking about how stupid he is, because he is stupid. But he's your boy, I know that, he became your boy when the Access Hollywood tape came out, that was a feature not a bug for you.
                      Last edited by froot loops; June 2, 2017, 11:01 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                        Precisely. Jeff has failed to point out that the three major stock indexes have each reached new highs both today and yesterday, and the market, as Jeff says, is a pretty reliable measure of public opinion.

                        Hopefully, ordinary citizens will push for a cut in the massive subsidies for the green agenda, particularly wind and solar. Neither even sniffs at an actual market-based outcome for at least 50 years, if ever. These subsidies go to the global elites, including the large oil companies. Just follow the money for wind farms or solar arrays.

                        And as for Trump looking back 30 years, and being somehow "outdated", let's remember the three world wars fought in the 20th century WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. And let's remember that a strong and individualistic America won all three wars. The victory in the Cold War, in particular, was the product of one man's vision of the world that did not comply with either party's dogma. Reagan's attitude of "We win, they lose." was jeered by the French and the Germans. Lots of hand wringing when Reagan said "...tear down this wall..." but it happened. Why in the world would Trump not want to replicate what has worked?

                        The first two years of Reagan were rife with stories of how stupid he was, just like today. Just remember that the US economy grew at an 8% rate from January 1983-June 1984, starting about a year after the tax cuts were passed. And remember the victory in the Cold War. If Reagan had been a Democrat, the only debate would be about who was the second best President in US history.
                        If we take this post to its logical conclusion Team America can win the next World War because Donny Boy knew to say screw Globalism. I can't wait.


                        • The US currently has the lowest GDP growth rate in the G7.


                          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                            Hey crash, don't worry about what CGVT or froot say about punctuation. Neither can write a cogent paragraph without multiple errors, and I laughed out loud when CGVT bitched about your punctuation.
                            Gee. I thought I do a pretty good job, considering my public school education, of course.

                            Oh, and...

                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Devin Nunes' Committee approved five or six 'unmaskings' in the second half of 2016 to reveal names of people on Clinton or Trump's campaigns.

                              Trump and Geezer desperately want everyone to consider unmasking a horrible, horrible crime. So I guess Nunes is in deep trouble here...right?


                              • Just watched last night's Phil Mayer show. He and his cast of visitors that included Elliott Spitzer tore Trump a new ass hole. That's not to be unexpected on that show. There was some focus on his decision to withdraw from the Paris Accords. What was missing in that discussion was some balance. The withdrawal is not without basis.

                                What was particularly interesting to me in McCarthy's POV was how BO skilfully avoided steps that would have required the Senate to step up and consent on the Accords. That act would have forced Senators to vote the interests of their constuents. Its not likely that the treaty would have enough votes to consent under those circumstances and there is no way Obama would have ratified it with his signature. Instead he dropped a mostly symbolic, arguably a steaming pile of shit, at the feet of the incoming administration. At the same time he claimed the Accords as the gleaming cornerstone of his leadership on global environmental action.

                                IMO he goes a little overboard in the piece in some ways but there are important points here, not the least of which is that the US signed up to nothing of substance. When one realizes how symbolic and pretty useless the Paris Accords actually are, that they were nothing past political posturing on reducing green house emissions, that sort of renders all the hand wringing by the left over the US withdrawl moot.

                                Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement was good policy, but even better as a statement of the Constitution’s supremacy.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

