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  • again you have an isis threat to use laptops to blow up airlines and you share that information and your the bad guy

    you make a judgement as cinc and criminally you did nothing wrong--you make a judegement call--happened thousands of times where the cinc shares information with others that he considers a threat to others

    the judgement here is he did this to show off--no proof just opinions. the leaker obviously leaking this wants to put trump in as bad a light as he can of course is going to put a negative spin "showing Off " my ass

    my question again is you have a credible threat of isis doing something to disable airlines and the argument is what? withhold information that might help prevent something catrastropjic--its a judgement call the Commander in chief chose to share --the more brutal question is who is the leaker is undermining the CINC decision making process

    boggles my mind the entirety of media coverage makes it sound like trump should withhold the isis attempting to use laptops to sabotoge flights and ypou people continue to argue theis is proof of what--trump incompetence? collusion? lol


    • I don't think I'm spinning it --showing off by presenting intel that isis has specific means to try to disable aircraft

      do I really have to remind you of this?

      ISIS publishes image in latest online magazine that shows homemade device group says it put onto Russian airliner



        Again, the point is that if he wants to share specific information, there are means to do this...using official channels and procedures between professionals, who can do so without exposing the source information. But then the big orange ape doesn't get credit.
        Last edited by Wild Hoss; May 16, 2017, 10:56 AM.


        • Correction on crash course's post. Leaker shouldn't be singular, it should be plural as in multiple leakers. As in all of these stories there are multiple leakers from inside the White house. It's a cry for help as Erickson explained, he doesn't listen to advisers, he only responds to media criticism.

          The story last week on the Comey firing had 30 sources contradicting the silly Rod Rosenstein rationale.

          In this current scandal, the big problem with revealing classified info is that this specific info was given with the expressed instructions it was not to be shared or further info would not be shared with the US by this ally.


          • "you claimed the threat was one the Russians were already aware of"

            you'll have to show me that one

            but I'm sure Russia is aware that IS is a threat to them when they start attacking their flights

            way to may overgeneralizations--we have unnamed sources claiming unverified data that trumps administration chose to share info that threatened the source without permission and trump is crucified without anybody knowing a GD thing except what the leaker chooses to say



            • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
              "you claimed the threat was one the Russians were already aware of"

              you'll have to show me that one

              but I'm sure Russia is aware that IS is a threat to them when they start attacking their flights

              way to may overgeneralizations--we have unnamed sources claiming unverified data that trumps administration chose to share info that threatened the source without permission and trump is crucified without anybody knowing a GD thing except what the leaker chooses to say

              My bad crash; I read that elsewhere this morning and attributed it to you.


              • "the big problem with revealing classified info is that this specific info was given with the expressed instructions it was not to be shared or further info would not be shared with the US by this ally. "

                said who? the ally? who is it? what did they say? Please tell!


                • Heh


                  • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                    "the big problem with revealing classified info is that this specific info was given with the expressed instructions it was not to be shared or further info would not be shared with the US by this ally. "

                    said who? the ally? who is it? what did they say? Please tell!
                    People. People are saying it. Its being said. People are talking about it.


                    • As with most of these things regarding Trump, if it was no big deal or a correct action they would not try and obfuscate what happened. They send out these poor saps to say something and those poor saps have egg on their face a day later.

                      It is like the whole Russia thing in general, if this is all on the up and up why are they continually caught in lies?

                      Look at how they are handling it, if you are having a shouting match inside the White House and you have staff telling reporters that they know it looks bad, it looks bad.

                      Again, if this was something that needed to be shared, it certainly should be done by the intelligence agencies, not the president trying to impress anyone.


                      • Loose lips sink ships...or blow up planes...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • I didn't expect that "America First" means "compromise the integrity of our own intelligence-gathering abilities so as to save Russian citizens". C'mon, crash. You're proving Trump right when he said he could murder someone out in the open on Fifth Ave and not lose votes.

                          And, as pointed out, if there was intelligence to be shared that could save Russian lives, there are ways to do that.

                          The laptop thing doesn't really make sense. If it were real, it wouldn't be in the public domain. And the LION-battery fire issue seems to be a real danger. One thing I would like to know is, if you're going to use a laptop as a bomb, can you do it without the on switch for detonation? Because if not, then the suggestion that everybody turn their laptops on during security would be sufficient. I don't know enough to say but it seems possible you could arrange it to turn out without detonating.


                          • He wasn't lying about 5th Avenue, might have been the truest thing he said, unfortunately we may see him test that theory in the coming weeks the way this is escalating.


                            • I volunteer Dick Cheney.


                              • Now confirmed: Israel was the source of the intel Trump shared with the Russians. Russia is Iran's arms dealer. Israel would not be wild about this. They also had a couple of other spats with the Trump team yesterday that got buried by the day's big story

                                The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to an episode that has renewed questions about how the White House handles sensitive intelligence.

