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Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

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  • I love talent claiming Hannibal and geez as being the only conservatives on the board.

    I'd be too embarrassed too!


    • I don't know that anyone is demanding perfection. Maybe if the police showed a passing interest in not killing the people they are supposed to be protecting. A simple acknowledgment of the problem and real efforts to try to correct it, would be sufficient for 90% of people.

      But so long as the strawmen are flying, that won't happen.
      Golf clap for the intentional and hilarious irony. Just fantastic shit right there.

      That way we can have a productive exchange of ideas.
      I was trying to engage in that with entropy, who seemed legitimately interested. You came in and, in effect, "shouted it down." I say that because to my eye you haven't made a single serious post or point in 3 tries. Instead you ask a preposterous rhetorical question, accuse folks of being pussies, and set up several spectacular strawmen. The thing is that I know you're more than capable of a "productive exchange of ideas" as we've done so before. I respect your opinion and your take when you choose to give it in a serious way. I simply don't see anything to that end in this discussion. So, when you claim you want a productive exchange of ideas on the this topic, I have a hard time believing it, but you've certainly earned the benefit of the doubt.

      I've set forth -- at least on a couple occasions -- what I think are key questions to the issue of policing. If you aren't full of shit and actually want an exchange of ideas on the substantive issue then that's a good starting point -- of course, feel free to intelligently take issue with that as a starting point, too.

      If you wish to discuss campus stuff, then I'm happy to do that including the important why we should care predicate: how representative are these anecdotes?

      But, you just want to come in here and flame, I'm cool with that you, too. That's good fun as well. But, I respond in kind.

      I love talent claiming Hannibal and geez as being the only conservatives on the board.

      I'd be too embarrassed too!
      Strong contribution!!!!!!

      I'm fairly certain no one had a more split voting ticket in 2016 than I did, but whatever. On this board, I'm entirely conservative because it's a progressive echo chamber + Geezer. It's either push back against far left or join in the harumphing. However, when you push back against sacred cows, you'll get some sharp, cutting responses. Like yours.
      Last edited by iam416; April 13, 2017, 07:34 AM.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • North Carolina lawmaker who is trying to pass a bill that would force the state government to defy the Supreme Court's gay-marriage ruling also considers Abe Lincoln a tyrant who was 'not unlike Hitler'


        • The War to Suppress Southern Treason remains mankind's noblest endeavor.

          There's much to sass there, but the absence of any UNC presence here makes it a lost cause.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Burn Atlanta!
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Shrewd.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • "...the night they drove old Dixie down..."


                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I dare not question the judgment of William Tecumseh Sherman, but it is a unique tragedy that he could not swing west for a tour of Alabama on his way to the sea, to deliver unto that state the sweet taste of justice.


                  • A continuation of said campaign through to the Gulf shores of Texas, leaving a trail of neckties in his wake, would also have been a welcome decision of WTS in my humble estimation.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      Literally within the past 24 hours Trump has completely reversed his policies on:

                      * NATO: Obsolete yesterday, today 'not obsolete'
                      * The Export/Import Bank: Previously wanted it abolished, now says it's good
                      * China: Promised to label them a currency manipulator on Day One. Now says they aren't that at all.
                      * Federal Hiring Freeze: It's over

                      In the past week and a half Assad has also gone from remaining the leader of Syria to 'he's a monster' and there's no role for him in Syria's future.

                      For me, most of these are positive signs Trump's stumbling, albeit incoherent at times, to the center and that Bannon's influence may be about over. But I wonder how the base feels...
                      The interesting thing here is that of all the areas in which he might want to act like the big decisive winner he sells himself as, trade is the one where he can actually do it and Congress can't stop him or change the process. People here have gone from ``once he figures THAT out, he'll go on a tear of executive orders'' to wondering why the executive orders on trade in March were so meek, by Trump standards, and normal by normal standards -- it mandated a review of trade policy with the countries with which we have the biggest current-account deficits.

                      On the one hand, great -- the monkey holding history's biggest hand grenade is no longer running so fast that we can't keep up with him. On the other, weird. Hard to know what it means. Maybe he's just waiting for Lighthizer to be confirmed as USTR first. As usual with this administration, placing it on a spectrum between malice and incompetence is very difficult.


                      • harsh but lucid
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • The Wizard, Dr. Strangelove and Wild Hoss all make strong points.

                          dear god
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                            harsh but lucid

                            Referees are neither harsh nor lucid. Talk amongst yourselves.


                            • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

                              So I have the current political climate understood...

                              If someone says something I disagree with I need to call them evil, link them to evil and/or call them stupid. If they change their mind and now agree with me, they are evil, linked to evil and/or stupid. I shouldn't be happy with the change in stance.... I need to stay angry.

                              Just making sure I have this down. Thanks.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                              • For me, most of these are positive signs Trump's stumbling, albeit incoherent at times, to the center and that Bannon's influence may be about over. But I wonder how the base feels.
                                To offer my stupid opinion on this, as a citizen, this is all good. I've always viewed DJT as entirely unprincipled. It's what scares the bejesus out of true believer conservatives so much. That, and sheer ineptitude. I've always sort of felt he would end up more toward the middle on a lot of things. Now, granted, this could just be a whistle stop. Who the fuck knows. But, it's clear on most issues he's not particularly bound by principle.

                                As for Bannon, it's impossible to not be thrilled with his apparent minimization. Krauthammer made a good point about him, though -- DJT can't jettison him -- he probably needs to keep him in the administration because if he's not then he's back in the press and DJT runs the risk of Bannon becoming a huge critic.

                                The politics of it are interesting. Typically moving to the middle is good. But, with DJT, it seems like folks are absolutely decided on him one way or the other, so it's not like he has a ton of upside voter conversion chances by moving to the center. That said, at the end of the day it's the economy. If he's lucky enough to preside over good growth and job creation, he'll be ok and may even have a shot at re-election.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

