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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    I don't mean to be snippy, but I truly have no idea who this person is. If you search enough you'll find something.

    I actually laughed.. I laughed because my last sentence was I'm right and you said good for you. I thought it was funny... a jab that probably was deserved.

    no issues
    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • This!

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Got Kneecaps?




        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
          God bless 2016. God bless this election.
          2016 has truly been the year which keeps giving.
          Monkeys don't sell bananas.


          • And froot, did you even watch the video the about middle schooler? This is so classic. Take a chance and watch the video of the Trump voter being punched. Then watch the middle-school video. Then you and hack go to your "healing zone" and he can tell you how you provide balance here.

            The video talent posted of the Trump voter pulled from his car in Chicago?


            • Michael Moore disputed the notion that all the people who voted for Donald Trump are racist Friday, reiterating the fact that millions of them voted for Obama.

              well.. not a Michael moore fan, but he's saying that many trump voters were Obama voters 4 or 8 yrs ago. So were others according to this article based upon the "data".

              Hoss told me it will take yrs to dig through all this and it will be studied by our kids. He's right. The books on this will be interesting from a "what really happened" perspective.
              Last edited by entropy; November 11, 2016, 02:59 PM.
              Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


              • I think most of us here have a pretty good idea of what happened.

                Besides the obvious, Donald Trump won, he prevailed because of the vagaries of the Electoral College but more importantly, his message resonated with a large number of voters who actually got off the couch to vote.

                It seems as if HRC's rather laid back and overconfident approach over the last couple of months, carried over to her supporters and ended up biting her in the ass.

                Not that complicated I would think.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • Entropy:
                  1. What is Hoss' occupation? Always follow the money.
                  2. Could you please ask Hoss why he took down his utterly bigoted posts from election eve and night. What he has done is destroy the evidence of what he is (boy, does that sound like something we have heard lately!) In my experience, most bigots are proud of what they say. He's anonymous here. Why the fear? Nobody is going to cut his pay.

                  And maybe our moderator should not take down his hate-filled screeds against the now President-elect. Jeff, when you say something disgusting, just apologize to the person or group involved and move on. That's what I do when I figure I've made a mistake. In fact, why don't we just leave our posts up? I think that might moderate our discussions here We should shame those who are ashamed of their own words.


                  • jeff.. I think there will be layers to it, but maybe you're right. Maybe it's as simple as Bush made it.. rally your base and don't worry about anything else. The last 3 presidents did that..
                    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                    • Michael Moore -- I have to give the fat fuck credit. He predicted it and he gets it. He understands.


                      • Yes, IMO. It's that simple. Not even about a base, I think. You find a problem, tag a villain and rant away. Brief interludes to offer vague solutions, then back to ranting.


                        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                          1. What is Hoss' occupation? Always follow the money.
                          2. Could you please ask Hoss why he took down his utterly bigoted posts from election eve and night. What he has done is destroy the evidence of what he is (boy, does that sound like something we have heard lately!) In my experience, most bigots are proud of what they say. He's anonymous here. Why the fear? Nobody is going to cut his pay.

                          And maybe our moderator should not take down his hate-filled screeds against the now President-elect. Jeff, when you say something disgusting, just apologize to the person or group involved and move on. That's what I do when I figure I've made a mistake. In fact, why don't we just leave our posts up? I think that might moderate our discussions here We should shame those who are ashamed of their own words.
                          Knives are out, apparently. Do you care to comment on the Chicago video? You have Portland now, so you don't need the faked Chicago video.


                          • geezer...

                            if you're looking to convince me, it's not going to work. I've known Hoss for years.

                            Further, sometimes it's ok just to move on. you're welcome to your opinion, I just think it's wrong. And that's ok too.
                            Last edited by entropy; November 11, 2016, 03:31 PM.
                            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                            • Da geezer (and others):

                              Oh, I think we're taking message boards way too seriously. You are posting as 'Da geezer' and wanting the occupation of 'Wild Hoss' to "follow the money" as well as trying to reconstruct or find missing election night posts. To what end? If you must proceed, can we wait and get the opine of 'SkaterBoy1993' or 'Coo-Coo-4-Coco-Crisp's' take on the electoral college and their feelings re: Trump?

                              We all need to settle down and realize that this is just idle eBar chatter and not to take anything seriously. Well, except for SkaterBoy1993's take on the 1991 World Seties. I mean, really. Fuck that dude.
                              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                              • The video talent posted of the Trump voter pulled from his car in Chicago?
                                I don't know. But I do know you are going to attack the source. Who smashed the windows in Portland last night, the Russians?

                                And do you really think that froot provides balance here? One thing he does provide is evidence that the lefties have no sense of humor.
                                Last edited by Da Geezer; November 11, 2016, 03:33 PM.

