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  • Breitbart, Infowars, world net daily, 4Chan Ok

    Guardian, never.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      There's some behind-the-scenes debate if he's really off the campaign or not. The networks all have partisan shills, but it's unusual to have someone be paid by both a network AND a campaign simultaneously.
      Maybe he is. Who knows. I see nothing untoward in it, though. Just as I don't care if Brazile is still getting checks from the DNC. It's not like a second job would change eithers' partisan bleating.
      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
        and that would be the carefully nuanced article entitled: Why Vladimir Putin's Russia is Backing Trump Really? But I don't blame you for not addressing the issue. The best you can say is that it might affect our alliances. I think that would be a good thing as it pertains to the Baltics.

        When Hillary is President, Putin will be in a position to blackmail her using the contents of her server. Of course, you still believe that the Russians hacked the DNC computer (as the article says, using advanced methods) but they were clearly unable to get into the totally unprotected Right!

        SLF, on another matter, have you ever seen a criminal investigation that granted immunities but had no grand jury? The guys I know in the Bureau say that the key part of Wiener's 650k is that it proves the existence of other emails that C Mills and H. Samuelson didn't turn over to the Bureau, which could void their immunity. The FBI still has the Mills and Samuelson computers that were supposed to have been destroyed. Those two computers would be a treasure trove of information.
        You ask why Putin would back Trump and complain about an article about why Putin would back Trump? Lol! Maybe if it was Breitbart. Lol!

        Destabilizing the NATO alliance is not a good thing. In what world is a destabilized Europe, to go along with a destabilized Middle East a good thing? And pish on being blackmailed by the server crap. Where's the first scintilla of evidence that is true?

        Re: the FBI investigation, I have little espoetenxe with criminal matters but I don't get the sense the immunity thing is rare. I do ok now that your Bureau buddies are full of shit I feel they say they know what are in the new emails. They hadn't even gotten a warrant as of last week.
        To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


        • [ame][/ame]


          • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post

            Re: the FBI investigation, I have little espoetenxe with criminal matters but I don't get the sense the immunity thing is rare. I do ok now that your Bureau buddies are full of shit I feel they say they know what are in the new emails. They hadn't even gotten a warrant as of last week.
            First, the concept of immunity is overrated as a prosecutor can drop charges in exchange for information. Happens daily.

            Second...if Geez knows somebody at The Bureau who is passing out classified info about ongoing investigations, he should turn that person in to the DOJ. We must have 1,000 posts of his in this forum related to the importance of info security, so we know he takes it very seriously. Talk the talk...


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              Well, ok. That doesn't change what the released ones say. Moreover, if HRC wants to release emails to provide a complete picture, then she can do it.
              This is absurd reasoning. But, that's 2016 for ya.


              • What's absurd is someone pretending people's own words and thoughts aren't real or authentic. But, that's 2016.

                The RUSSIANS!!!! THE RUSSIANS!!!! They MADE UP all these emails!!!!
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Of course, I agree with Talent.

                  Hoss, would you favor a dump of the 650,000 emails from the Wiener/Abedin computer this weekend? I certainly would. Oh, and BTW, why has State fought the release of any of the emails that Hillary did return to the department?

                  The "old fart" in me says that this could be mostly avoided by keeping Top Secret and up material in hard copy only. Of course, I liked the way the Iraqis did their election when they dipped each voter's thumb in ink.
                  Last edited by Da Geezer; November 5, 2016, 11:03 AM.


                  • This is the price of corruption. Is the FBI really Trumplandia? Was Comey's announcement politicized? Is there going to be a serious investigation into Trump's ties with Russia and how they might have impacted national security? By the letter of the law or perhaps by the spirit of it, he may have committed a criminal act. But if the FBI is Trumplandia that's not gonnna be a real investigation. Just like Cheney wasn't REALLY investigated for what he did.

                    These things may or may not be true, and we'll never know, but this is why we have to have clean candidates and clean cops. The legitimacy of the system is too challenged when we have people like Clinton and Trump running and when the state's law enforcement arms are prone to second-guessing based on political biases. Without a return of some sort of sense of what public service really and truly implies, we are going to eventually push our various law enforcement arms into various camps and they will become weapons of one side or the other, just like in banana republics. And people can selectively pay attention to just the instances they want to. I agree that Trump is such a mockery of the concept of democratic governance that it would be a threat to the system, but just avoiding Trump isn't a victory. Almost everything about this election's whos, whats, wheres, whys and hows are a loss for the country.
                    Last edited by hack; November 5, 2016, 12:03 PM.


                    • HRC is going to win by a landslide.. I said it weeks ago and I'm still holding firm to it. These emails and "allegations" are not going to change who people are voting for significantly. I'm still of the belief people are voting against someone more than they are voting for someone.
                      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                      • Today Trump called keeping polls open longer in Nevada voter fraud. He was upset "certain people" were able to vote. what a vile person.


                        • Some of his spokespeople were describing the protestor who got gang-tackled last night as an 'assassination attempt'


                          • I saw a clip of people in suits (assumed it was the Secret Service) ushering Trump off stage.
                            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                              I saw a clip of people in suits (assumed it was the Secret Service) ushering Trump off stage.
                              Yes, a never-Trump Republican started to hold up a sign and a bunch of people in the crowd started tackling him and tying to take the sign away. A still-unidentified person yelled out "Gun!". That's when the secret service rushed Trump off the stage. The secret service has since stated that the protestor had no weapon and no weapon was located at the scene.

                              Exclusive: Self-declared Republican who sparked Nevada security scare says he was attacked for silently showing a sign he printed from the web

                              The guy who introduced Trump in Colorado later last night called it an 'attempted murder'. Don Trump Jr. and Dan Scavino said something along same lines.


                              • Haha. Well, yeah. Politicians will lie. That's a thiing they do especially if it makes them look heroic.

                                Remember Hillary landing under sniper attacks in Bosnia?
                                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln

