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  • DSL:

    To what we were discussing about up/down ticket.

    From a Washington Post-ABC poll, 57% of voters thing Trump does NOT represent core R values. Amongst independents, it's a huge 62/27 split in favor of the GOP.

    From an NBC/WSJ poll, 53% said they'd vote for an R that would check Clinton vs. 40% voting for a D that would help her pass her agenda.

    It's but a snapshot, but it certainly suggests that down ticket Rs have a real chance to weather the Trump disaster. First, Trump is so fucking unfit that electorate is voting against HIM, not the party or, IMO, his policies -- whatever those may be on any given day. Second, the electorate isn't embracing PAH.

    Finally, I haven't seen any real movements in down ticket polls now that the "Access Hollywood" stuff has settled with the exception of Nevada. The Ds are back down to a 3-4 points on a generic congressional ballot, which is where they were before the tape came out. It just could be that the tape spelled doom for Trump, but is not overly problematic for down ticket Rs.

    The Senate polls are still in the 50-50 range which is where they've been forever. Though, heh, RCP just moved PA to the Rs, but I really don't see that happening. I'm fair more in line with 538 which has the Ds as 74% favorites to at least get to 50.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Is Paul Ryan speaker next year?


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        I gotta say, with the way the Ds have governed urban areas and provided tons of good government for minorities, I think the Rs should pretty much right them off.
        Poor is poor, regardless of who governs. Take a drive through east Texas sometime, and view the wonders of progress that decades of pure, unfettered Republican governance have brought. Or pretty much anywhere in Kansas, outside of Johnson County.

        Rs should be grateful that Ds govern so many urban allows them to, at least nominally, engage in this fantasy.


        • What talent brings up is a different subject, in terms if Presidential elections to succeed you need to try and get minority votes. There is no way around it, if Trump loses maybe they learn that and not that you just need a cleaner version of Trump.

          As an aside, PBS has a documentary series called 16 for 16 and it covers a lot of old candidates and their campaigns. One of the guy's they covered is Pat Buchanan, it is amazing how much Trump cribbed from Pitchfork Pat on his speeches. Of course Pat was a much superior version.


          • There's a name I haven't heard for a Buchanan still alive?


            • Yep


              • I've come to like Buchanan. I'd still never vote for him, but he's really sharp and insightful. His free trade bashing and social conservativism can gfi, but I like to hear his take. Lots of Ds like that, too.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Donald Trump is proving opposition researchers for the GOP were guilty of dereliction of duty. DJT was for open borders in 2013 Op Ed

                  Donald Trump, who has championed anti-free-trade rhetoric on the campaign trial, took a different tone toward globalization in a 2013 op-ed published online.


                  • Tuned in a little late to the debate...watching Arrow with my son is appointment TV. But I got watch one presidential candidate call the other "a nasty woman". I just wonder if this is real life sometimes.


                    • Believe me. Nobody respects women more than me. As a matter of fact I loves me some bitches!
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • I just apologized to my children for this deplorable display, and told them they shouldn't think this is normal. Its not always great, but we typically have vibrant, civilized discussions in these debates in lieu of this Morton Downey-esque shitshow.


                        • Donald Trump Jr: Running for the Presidency is a step down for my dad.

                          Donald Trump’s eldest son said Wednesday night that his father’s unlikely pursuit of the presidency represented a “step down” from the Republican nominee’s business career.


                          • Trump is just such an awful candidate. And so awful in the debates. I mean, when he has an actual substantive advantage, he can't drive it home -- (PAH saying Heller was only about protecting toddlers from playing with He did ok on partial birth, I guess, but I doubt he believes it. But, holy fuck, when he's out of his comfort zone it's just a nightmare of ineptitude. PAH is pretty shameless, but relatively speaking, she's the goddamn Sister Mahatma Theresa of Nazarene, the singular human paragon of virtue and honesty.

                            Jonah Goldberg hates Trump...and PAH...but I'm fairly certain he hates Trump more...
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • He was actually doing pretty well for the first half hour. Very subdued. Then he slowly started letting out his Inner Trump.

                              For the next week his surrogates will have to spend an inordinate amount of time walking back his "I'm gonna keep you in suspense" comment.


                              • Meh. I know it will dominate the news cycles, but does anyone really think there won't be a smooth transition of power? Trump may cry like a bitch, but whatever. The press will obviously it's a huge gaffe in that sense, but it's also a totally fanciful statement.

                                I thought he did well enough until the "fit for the office" segment came up with obvious results. But -- you know -- Wallace asks PAH a really devastating question on open borders and she turns anything from Wikileaks into RUSSIANS EBIL!!!! while providing what is entirely a bullshit answer. And what does Trump do? Spend the rest of the immigration segment talking about the Russians and Putin...instead of ramrodding her with her own clear words.

                                PAH is far more focused. I mean, she'll get out her pretty awful defense of herself, but she quickly pivots to the land of milk and honey .. Trump's many, many large weaknesses.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

