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  • It still may be a good political play. It's running against the inevitable PAH presidency in the starkest terms.

    And, of course, it IS just political campaigning.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Campaigning or not, wow we are just so far away from the McCain we once had. Always worth reading David Foster Wallace's essay on the '00 campaign, which, of course, I have posted before but why not again? Incredible force and clarity from the last subhead to the end.

      It’s worth thinking hard about why, when John McCain says he wants to be president in order to inspire a generation of young Americans to devote themselves to causes greater than their own self-interest (which means he’s saying he wants to be a real leader), a great many of those young Americans will yawn or roll their eyes or make some ironic joke instead of feeling inspired the way they did with Kennedy. True, JFK’s audience was in some ways more innocent than we are: Vietnam hadn’t happened yet, or Watergate, or the S&L scandals, etc. But there’s also something else. The science of sales and marketing was still in its drooling infancy in 1961 when Kennedy was saying “Ask not …” The young people he inspired had not been skillfully marketed to all their lives. They knew nothing of spin. They were not totally, terribly familiar with salesmen.


      • McCain is 10-13 ahead over Kirkpatrick last I saw. In AZ, that's a fairly big deal...his conservative credentials are suffering. (By AZ standards)

        But, it was "McCain Crazy" as I initially expected...he walked his comments back yesterday.


        • It wasn't much of a walk back. If the Democrats don't take the Senate, there is a good chance there's 8 or fewer justices for the next 4 years.


          • There's zero chance of that.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • In hopes of angering/confounding/confusing Geezer:

              Nigel Gould-Davies @Nigelgd1
              @anders_aslund Russian state controls 70% of economy, up from 35% in 2005, says Federal Antimonopoly Service:
              12:18 PM - 16 Oct 2016


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                There's zero chance of that.
                I'd say it's more than zero. The sitting Senators can't even speak out about Trump and his accusations of voter fraud because they are terrified of the base. If you allow hearings on one of Hillary's candidates, that is a quick way to get primaried.

                I would have thought their was zero chance they would do what they are doing with Garland. But they are, anything is possible with these courageous patriots.


                • Well, win or lose the Senate, the Rs can still filibuster any Supreme Court nominee. I'll bet any amount that there will be 9 justices on the Supreme Court by the end of PAH's first year of the Presidency (probably in time to hear first term 2017 cases).

                  There's zero chance of there being 8 justices for 4 years. Zero. But, to be fair, I'm rounding at the thousandths.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • I still think she should float nominating Obama for the open spot. Garland would be confirmed in 29 minutes.
                    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                    • I'm disappointed Obama didn't force the issue on this. Overall I'm with Froot. One never knows these days. Can't completely rule it out, as impossible as it all seems.


                      • Hey I hope you are right, maybe this election season has unfairly tainted my view of the GOP and come November 9th, sober leadership will re-emerge. Maybe you can put the toothpaste back in the tube.


                        • Coach Curry 2020! He's a GOP kinda guy.


                          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                            Hey I hope you are right, maybe this election season has unfairly tainted my view of the GOP and come November 9th, sober leadership will re-emerge. Maybe you can put the toothpaste back in the tube.
                            No, you are correct...the old rules are out the window.

                            But we'll see vacancies filled eventually, because the Ds will horsetrade in exchange for landing some moderate Lefty justices. Maybe offer up the ACA. Then they can campaign against the Rs in 2018 for taking away people's health insurance.


                            • Pretty hilarious that there are actually people who think the Rs won't allow the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy for 4 years.

                              Then they can campaign against the Rs in 2018 for taking away people's health insurance.
                              They're going to need something because 2018 will be an asswhipping, but there's no way they every give up the ACA.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                They're going to need something because 2018 will be an asswhipping, but there's no way they every give up the ACA.
                                They can sell off pieces of it...Hillary has already laid the groundwork for this in fact, for those paying attention.

                                Some Ds will be more dug-in on it than others of course, but in the end its going to be altered. Might as well benefit from it.

