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  • I agree with what you call short-termism. In a rational world, the government would be selling long bonds at these historically low rates in order to lock them in. But that is not what is happening. I forget the exact numbers, but a 1% overall rise in the rate that the government pays for money is around $ 200 billion annually. So there is that very powerful incentive to keep the price of money low.

    Stan, Doc or Jeff may remember it differently, but, in 1980, both parties ran a campaign that basically said, "we are in trouble, and to cure inflation, we are going to have some pain." Carter had his "malaise" speech, and Reagan was no breath of sunshine. I had a CD in those years that had an 18% rate, and you could peel off the price stickers on canned goods and actually see how they had increased in price. My recollection is that the public in general accepted that the medicine was going to be unpleasant.

    ...the shortage of solid investments led to an overreliance on financial engineering to create returns. And then the crisis. Capital kicked out a leg of its own stool. Short-termism brought on by a lack of oversight...
    I don't understand the part about "kicking out a leg of it's own stool", and there was no "shortage of solid investments" (iconic companies started or took off in the period 2002-2007), but your underlying indictment is correct. There was a lot of money to be made on derivatives and other forms of "financial engineering". The government didn't lack oversight, in fact, it was promoting the process. What could be safer than a small percentage of a large pool of residential mortgages is an era when mortgages were at least at 8%. There was so much money to be made that the persons whose job it was to assess risk either didn't do it or were overruled by higher-ups. The rating agencies were certainly complicit, and real estate appraisers either over-appraised property or lost their clientele. And the ultimate backstop to it all was the ability of banks and other financial institutions to sell their mortgages at face value to Fanny or Freddy.

    Hack, you really have something when you say that folks were relying on home equity as their store of capital. That produced the "wealth effect" and folks overspent. Very low-interest rates are a way of taking money from savers and giving it to spenders. That should be good for the economy.

    If I were you young bucks, I'd be paying close attention to your 401(k)s and IRAs. Ultimately, correct economic theory has to result in predictions. The biggest pot of money I see out there is the tax-advantaged retirement plan. They are today what home equity was 10-20 years ago. And here the government already has a hook into them because they are "subsidized" by being tax-free.


    • Wow. This is really hard to believe.

      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


      • Good lord. I turned on CNN and they were all a-dither about Trump saying he wanted to grab a woman's pussy. What is that all about?


        • Whole. Lee. Shit.

          What a Friday.

          Trump's audio of "I grabbed her by the pussy" leaks, with him issuing (for the first time) an apology/non-apology. Wikileaks (in a total coincidence I'm sure) an hour later releases a bunch of Clinton campoaign emails.

          Though I'm willing to bet that nothing in those emails will be as damaging as Trump boasting about how he's groped women (against their will it's implied) and tried to fuck a married woman (while he was himself married to Melania).


          • Bragging about Sexually Assaulting women. It's really shocking that the GOP has fallen so far so fast.
            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


            • Won't move the needle. People already know where he stands re women. And they already knows he slept with married women and cheated...because it's in his f'n book.

              As for sexual assualt...yeah...implied is the right word for that.

              Meanwhile the GOP is set to dominate State government, hold the House and, amazingly, is actually pushing to keep the Senate. And even if they "lose" the Senate 50/50, they will clobber the Ds in 2018. So, indeed, they've fallen far.

              That said, F Trump the "R" primary voters who cost the Rs complete control of fuck never everything.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                Won't move the needle. People already know where he stands re women. And they already knows he slept with married women and cheated...because it's in his f'n book.

                As for sexual assualt...yeah...implied is the right word for that.

                Meanwhile the GOP is set to dominate State government, hold the House and, amazingly, is actually pushing to keep the Senate. And even if they "lose" the Senate 50/50, they will clobber the Ds in 2018. So, indeed, they've fallen far.

                That said, F Trump the "R" primary voters who cost the Rs complete control of fuck never everything.
                I think you are underestimating the impact this will have with women, JMO.

                Maybe it will not affect things beyond 2016 but I do think it'll hurt down ticket Republicans unless they come out and speak out against Trump NOW


                • It will move the needle, but it won't matter to the hard core Trumpanzees or Clintonistas.

                  I love the movie Slapshot.

                  In one scene after Reggie Dunlop (Paul Neuman) sleeps with Hanrahan's wife and she confessed that she like to munch carpet every know and then, Reggie goads Hanrahan into fight by saying

                  "Hey Hanrahan! Hanrahan! Hanrahan - Suzanne sucks pussy! Hey Hanrahan she's a dyke! I know, I know! She's a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian!"


                  I can just see the debate Sunday...

                  Hillary: "Hey Trump! Grab her by the pussy! They let you do that when you're a star! Move on her like a bitch!"

                  Trump goes nuts and his head explodes.

                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Heh heh. That'd be great.

                    Lemme put it this way -- people already know what Trump is. The incremental value of this is trivial in the long-term.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • It's not implied. He says that he sexually assaults women. He may be lying about grabbing pussies but does that make it better? Although, he has been accused of sexual assault twice in sworn testimony.

                      If it doesn't move the needle, I'm even more concerned about the populace than I thought possible.
                      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                      • Maybe it will not affect things beyond 2016 but I do think it'll hurt down ticket Republicans unless they come out and speak out against Trump NOW
                        Of course you do. I don't. We'll see what happens.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • It's not implied. He says that he sexually assaults women. He may be lying about grabbing pussies but does that make it better? Although, he has been accused of sexual assault twice in sworn testimony.
                          Did he say it was w/o consent? As I read it, he says "they let you do it." But, you knew that. You imply it because its you.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Jesus. Pot/kettle, and all that. But, you knew that.


                            • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                              It will move the needle, but it won't matter to the hard core Trumpanzees or Clintonistas.

                              I love the movie Slapshot.

                              In one scene after Reggie Dunlop (Paul Neuman) sleeps with Hanrahan's wife and she confessed that she like to munch carpet every know and then, Reggie goads Hanrahan into fight by saying

                              "Hey Hanrahan! Hanrahan! Hanrahan - Suzanne sucks pussy! Hey Hanrahan she's a dyke! I know, I know! She's a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian!"

                              I can just see the debate Sunday...

                              Hillary: "Hey Trump! Grab her by the pussy! They let you do that when you're a star! Move on her like a bitch!"

                              Trump goes nuts and his head explodes.

                              What a great reference!

