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  • Here is what Johnson said:

    [ame=""]"What Is Aleppo?" Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Stumped By Syria Question - YouTube[/ame]

    When you consider the Libertarian position on foreign affairs is some form of isolation, an error like this is magnified. You don't need to answer, but does anyone on this forum NOT know what Aleppo is? OK. He had a brain-fart. So have Trump and Hillary. I remember when Gerald Ford said that Poland was not part of the Soviet block. Same deal. But Ford never lived that down.


    • 1st off, he should have just said we need to fix it and we need to bring in experts who have delt with situations like this to fix it and moved on... a very Hillary answer.

      I also think answering the same way to Syria is different than a specific town... jmo, but people know about Syria. I doubt until this morning most people complaining or laughing even knew what Aleppo was..
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • I can't remember if I said this here berfore, but many people (including myself) have been comparing today's Conservatism to counterculture/Punk Rock movements. It's a great comparison.

        Everything about liberalism is stodgy, everything is old, everything is about control. My new book, Conservative Insurgency, a speculative future history of the struggle to retake our culture, shows how the conservatives have the all of the energy and creativity. We want the freedom the punks demanded. The liberals want the opposite. The quintessential liberal isn’t a free-spirited manic pixie dream girl but a grim, bitter nightmare crone enraged because having gender-specific bathrooms in her dorm is history’s greatest hate crime.

        In the old days, it was sex or drug references that made old church ladies clutch their pearls and faint on the couch. Now it's sugggesting that we minimize the influx of third world immigrants, connecting terrorism to Islam, or making a statement like "there are only two genders".


        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
          Here is what Johnson said:

          "What Is Aleppo?" Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Stumped By Syria Question - YouTube

          When you consider the Libertarian position on foreign affairs is some form of isolation, an error like this is magnified. You don't need to answer, but does anyone on this forum NOT know what Aleppo is? OK. He had a brain-fart. So have Trump and Hillary. I remember when Gerald Ford said that Poland was not part of the Soviet block. Same deal. But Ford never lived that down.
          Its not so much what happened as an event itself as how it it appears to reinforce perception. With Ford, it was an air of...foolishness? Unseriousness? IDK, I was just a kid. In this case, it dovetails with the feeling many people have that Libertarians are detached from reality. In that sense, this may have been Johnson's seminal moment.


          • Damn. Poor Gary Johnson failed a Trivial Pusuit question whose actual answer is irrelevant to the ultimate solution.

            The media has finally noticed that the four-way polls appear to hurt Hillary vs. the two-way polls, so they are aiming the cannons at Johnson now.
            Last edited by Hannibal; September 8, 2016, 11:49 AM.


            • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
              I can't remember if I said this here berfore, but many people (including myself) have been comparing today's Conservatism to counterculture/Punk Rock movements. It's a great comparison.

              I'm sorry, but if you are trying to compare yourself to Johnny Rotten, I'm going to have to stop you right there. :-D


              • They asked Trump the same question:

                "Aleppo? Loooove their dog food. I am a yuuuuuuge supporter of Aleppo."
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                  We simply disagree on this. No investigative entity has had or currently has any ability to compel Billary to tell the truth. Both have been compulsive liars about issues both large and small, and their lies have been subject to a virtual blackout in the media. Again, lying has no downside for them (other than Bill losing his law license). That is the core of what I am saying. Only negative political repercussions (a "cost") from their lying has any likelihood of eliciting the truth from either. And only the political media has any ability to impose a political cost.

                  Has Billary lied under oath?
                  If so, what actual repercussions has lying under oath had to either?
                  Ha. Ridiculous.
                  To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    Damn. Poor Gary Johnson failed a Trivial Pusuit question whose actual answer is irrelevant to the ultimate solution.

                    The media has finally noticed that the four-way polls appear to hurt Hillary vs. the two-way polls, so they are aiming the cannons at Johnson now.
                    Media jsut can't win with some of you. If they don't put him on they are accused of shutting him out of the process and supporting the two-party system. Yet if they put him on that's aiming the cannons.

                    In the end, you may disagree on the significance of trickily-worded questions and brainfarts - I for one think it is a stupid way to evaluate - but Johnson knew the deal coming into it. The rules didn't suddenly change. It is a stupid test but he did fail it.
                    Last edited by hack; September 8, 2016, 12:57 PM.


                    • Ha. Ridiculous.
                      Spoken as one who has no rational response to facts that don't comport with his preconceived notions.

                      And in other news (just kidding on this one)


                      • A nod to the best news of the day:


                        • Hoss said
                          Its not so much what happened as an event itself as how it it appears to reinforce perception. With Ford, it was an air of...foolishness? Unseriousness? IDK, I was just a kid. In this case, it dovetails with the feeling many people have that Libertarians are detached from reality. In that sense, this may have been Johnson's seminal moment.
                          I agree.


                          • IMO the takeaway here is the willingness to ask "What is ___?" if you're running for president you should probably have noticed by now how that plays in such a setting.


                            • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                              Spoken as one who has no rational response to facts that don't comport with his preconceived notions.

                              And in other news (just kidding on this one)

                              When the "facts" I'm supposed to respond to is that there is no way to put "Billary" under oath, there's no more appropriate response. It's a ridiculous assertion without any basis in reality.
                              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                              • When the "facts" I'm supposed to respond to is that there is no way to put "Billary" under oath, there's no more appropriate response. It's a ridiculous assertion without any basis in reality.
                                Maybe I wasn't clear, but the lies I am talking about were under oath. I'm not talking about stuff on the campaign trail. I'm talking about testimony. Remember, this discussion came about when Hack said that Billary had been extensively investigated.

                                Let me give you an example. The day Hillary testified before the Benghazi Committee, she was confronted with an email she sent on the evening of September 11, 2012, to Chelsea in which she told Chelsea that an Islamic terrorist group similar to Al Quida did the attack. Hillary had previously testified that a video had been the proximate cause of the "spontaneous" attack (in the hearing when she said "... what difference at this point does it make.....", I forget which committee)

                                That email was a direct contradiction to her previous statement, but the media (and that is what I am talking about here) saw the 2015 hearing as an exoneration of Hillary, and most headlines that day were about how the committee had not laid a glove on her. I believe the media should have at least pointed out this black-and-white contradiction.

                                My point is that, if it is a given that Billary can lie under oath with no repercussions, what is to stop them from continuing to lie? Hack posited that there had been many investigations of Billary back to the 1980's by people with subpoena power and the power to take sworn testimony, and my reply was that the value of these investigations was limited in that Billary (and all the sycophants aligned with Billary) had no risk of being prosecuted for perjury. I said that only the media could do a worthwhile investigation because they alone have the power to compel truthful testimony because they alone could make it politically more painful to lie than to tell the truth.
                                Last edited by Da Geezer; September 8, 2016, 02:01 PM.

